Daniel – God’s man serving in Babylon

Daniel 1-9

“The book begins in 605 BC when Babylon conquered Jerusalem and exiled Daniel, his three friends, and others. As a teenager, possibly about fifteen years old, Daniel was kidnapped from his noble family in Judah and deported to Babylon to be brainwashed into Babylonian culture for the task of assisting the imported Jews. There he spent the remainder of a long life (eighty-five years or more).” “The MacArthur Bible Commentary” p.947

I Daniel’s Preparation 1:1-5; 17-20

“An attempt was made to assimilate them into the culture of the court for they were compelled to learn both the language and the literature of the people among whom they now dwelt. They were to undergo a rigorous three-year course of training after which they were to enter the king’s service. . . .Because all four bore names that honored the God of Israel, their names were changed. . .the chief court official seemed determined to obliterate any testimony to the God of Israel from the Babylonian court. The names he gave the four men signified that they were to subject to Babylon’s gods.”

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” Walvoord and Zuck p. 1330

II Daniel’s Challenges - How is he tested?

Will he keep Jewish dietary laws? 1:1-16

Will God be merciful and answer prayer? 2:17-23

If he tells the king the truth, what then?4:19-27; 5:18-28

Will God protect him if he continues to pray to Him? 6:10

III His Ministry – How does God make Himself known?

To Nebuchadnezzar? In dreams:2:46,47; 3:29; 4:34,35

To Belshazzar? Handwriting on the wall:5:22-28

To Darius? Daniel’s deliverance from lions: 6:25-27

“God blessed Daniel and gave him important places of service. . .you meet a man who was faithful to the Lord and glorified Him in the enemy’s land.´ “ With the Word” Warren W. Wiersbe p.558

IV How does Daniel see himself? 9:1-11,16-19

What is his source of power? 2:17; 6:10,11

“Daniel’s prayer was first a prayer of thanksgiving as he acknowledged God’s goodness to him. His prayer was also a prayer for guidance and help (v.11) . . .made no attempt to hide his devotion to or his dependence on God.”

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” Walvoord and Zuck p. 1348

V How does God see Daniel?

Like Noah & Job Ezekiel 14:14,20

Wise Ezekiel 28:3

Highly Esteemed Daniel 9:23; 10:10;19; 12:13

A Prophet Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14

“The emphasis in Daniel is on the sovereign will of God in the affairs of nations. In a series of dreams and visions, God showed Daniel the course of gentile history until the establishing of the promised kingdom on earth. With Babylon’s taking of Jerusalem, the “times of the Gentiles” began (Luke 21:24) and will continue until Christ returns to set up His glorious Kingdom. God is in control of history and will work out His perfect plan. God also wants to have control in your life, as He did in Daniel’s life; and He will if, like Daniel, you determine in your heart to serve Him faithfully.”

“ With the Word” Warren W. Wiersbe p.558