COP 4813 HW 3 (50 points)
DangerZoneinc. has obtained some beta customers which would like to try out the application. You’ve have now been asked to persist the changes in a local database and add some other last minute features. All your pages must have complete validation and be ready for beta testing.
Complete the following:
Home Page:
Create an underlined label named “Show Prospective Clients”. Use JQuery to add an onclick event that calls a javascript function to show the following list of clients. Hide the list when the page loads in JQuery by default.
Prospective Clients:
- SpaceX
- Arianespace
- Blue Origin
Part Entry:
The Part Entry screen will have to save to a local Part Entry table. You will have to enable required validation controls in here as well. Use an ADO.NET SqlCommand to insert data to the table.
The Part Table should have the following columns:
- Client: Set up another table that has codes of “NAVY”,”AIR”, “ARMY”, ‘”MARI” and the descriptions “Navy”, “Air Force”, “Army and Marines” respectively and load your dropdown from the data in this table. Save the codes only in this field from the dropdown.
- Request Order No.: varchar(5)
- Date Entered: datetime
- Description: varchar(8)
- Part No: char(5)
- Serial: varchar(5)
- Manufacturer: Set up another table that has codes of “HON”, “BOE”, “LOCK” and the descriptions “Honeywell”, “Boeing”, and “Lockheed” respectively and load your dropdown from the data in this table. Save the codes only in this field from the dropdown.
- Model: varchar(25)
New Field on PartEntry.aspx
- MechanicCallsign: This will be a dropdown list that shows the registered mechanic callsigns(query the Mechanic table) on the PartEntry.aspx. Save the value on the PartEntry table under this column that with data type varchar(50).
- Instructions: varchar(100)
- Troubled Reported: varchar(100)
- Master Contract: bit (0 for false and 1 for true).
Part NO should be setup as the primary key. You should wrap your SQL insert in a try/catch and if there is an error, you should return falseand show the message on the page, otherwise return true for the method.
Create a Gridview on this page which will show the exiting parts in the table. Disable the commands to edit/select but allow deletes by the primary key (PartNo).
Client Registration and Vendor Registration:
These pages which use the usercontrol you created for them, will now save the information to the appropriate tables.
The methods will be updated as following:
SaveClient: This will save all the fields to the Client Table.
SaveVendor: This will save all the fields to the Vendor Table.
Use an ADO.NET SqlCommand to insert data to the tables. Since they are 2 separate tables, create a stored procedure that your ADO.NET code will call. The procedure should insert to either the client table or the vendor table based on an additional parameter that you pass from your code behind call (besides all the other parameters).
Example you can have the following:
Cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(“@ClientOrVendor” , “C”));
Cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(“@ClientOrVendor” , “V”));
The Client Table should have the following columns and they are all required (not null):
- Federal Tax Id: varchar(15)
- Business Name: varchar(50)
- Address Line: varchar(100)
- City: varchar(50)
- State: char(2)
- Zip Code: char(5)
The Vendor Table should have the following columns and they are all required (not null):
- Federal Tax Id: varchar(15)
- Business Name: varchar(50)
- Address Line: varchar(100)
- City: varchar(50)
- State: char(2)
- Zip Code: char(5)
You should wrap your SQL insert in a try/catch and if there is an error, you should return false and show the message on the page, otherwise return true for the method.
Mechanic Registration:
In addition, save the entered fields to the Mechanic table. Use an ADO.NET SqlCommand to insert data to the table.
The mechanic table should have the following fields:
- MechanicId: This will be an identity Primary Key.
- Mechanic Call Sign: varchar(10)
- First Name: varchar(25)
- Last Name: varchar(25)
- Specialty: varchar(15) These can be hardcoded on the page and do not need to be loaded from a table.
You should wrap your SQL insert in a try/catch and if there is an error, you should return falseand show the message on the page, otherwise return true for the method.
Word Order Inspections:
You need to create a new screen to allow mechanics to enter Work Orders Inspections (WorkOrders.aspx) for the parts. You will have to add this page to the menu.
Thepage will contain a Gridview to show the list items and will also have a DetailView to show the single items when clicked in the Gridview. You can implement the DetailView in the same page as the Gridview or in a separate page.
The GridView should allow you to perform all the C.R.U.D operations.
The following are the Work Order fields for the page and the table:
- Work Order Number: A six digit number which will be stored as char(6). Validate that only numbers can be entered.The format should be XXXXXX where X is a number. This will be a primary key.
- Mechanic Call Sign: this should be a drop down that shows the existing Mechanics Call Signs. The table will hold the Mechanic Id (int).
- Part No: This will be textbox that allows the user to enter the part no. Will be stored in the table as char(5).
- Inspection Comments: This will be a multiline textbox of type varchar(500) on the database.
- Expires: Use a calendar control to allow the user to enter an expiration date.
- DateTime Inspected: Default this to today’s date but it can be changed if needed. This would be saved to the table as datetime.
All of these fields are required on the page.
Extra Credit (11pts):
- Create a Gridview on this page which will show the exiting mechanics in the table. Disable the commands to edit/select but allow deletes by the primary key (MechanicId). (2 points)
- Create 2 Gridviews on this page which will show the existing clients and mechanics in the table. Disable the commands to edit/select but allow deletes by the primary key (MechanicId). (2 points)
- In the Work Order Inspection, Automatically Default the next Work Order in the sequence. For example, If the last record in the database is 000008m then this field would default to 000009. (2 points)
- In the Work Order Inspection, enable validation of the Part No. to make sure it is a valid part number. Do as soon as the user tabs out of the textbox and display a message if the number is invalid. (5 points)
Add any additional styling that you’ll like to do to DangerZone.css.
-For the SQL Tables and Stored Procedure, please include the create scripts.
-You will put the following header on all your files.
* Name: [FirstNameLastName]
* Panther Id: [Id]
* Assignment: [Assignment Number]
* Class: COP 4813
* Semester: [Semester]
* I attest that this is my original work
* - [Name]
-Please compress your website solution an email it to me when done.
-This is an individual project but feel free to use all the web sites available to you (W3Schools, StackOverflow, etc).
-Collaboration takes place between developers all the time. It is ok to collaborate with your classmates when facing a challenging issue. For example, asking the question “I’m trying to center the logo but I’m not successful, what techniques can be used?” is a fair question. However, asking “Can you send me the code to center the logo?” is NOT a fair question and thus not allowed.