Dangerous Products
The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide guidance in the use and storage of dangerous goods, to provide a healthy and safe environment for children and reduces the risk of poisoning to children.
Stonnington Childcare Services believes that the safety and well being of children, staff, educators, parents/guardians and visitors to services is of the highest priority.
This policy applies to children enrolled within the service and their parents/guardians and all educators within Childcare Services, including agency relief educators and students/volunteers engaged by the City of Stonnington.
Childcare Services Co-ordinator
Team Leaders
Children’s Resources and Equipment
- All children's resources and equipment used in childcare services must be checked prior to purchase to ensure they do not contain any toxic ingredients e.g. art materials.
Cleaning products and storage
- All items must be clearly labeled identifying its chemical contents and compounds, how it should be safely used and stored.
- For childcare centre based services, team leaders and/or responsible educators must ensure adequate information regarding chemical stored on the site are updated and recorded in the Chemwatch database in accordance with the City of Stonnington OH&S requirements.
- For family day care educators all cleaning products must be stored in their original container and must be clearly labeled identifying its chemical contents and compounds, how it should be safely used and stored.
- Ensure all cleaning products are used as per instructions. If items are to be diluted ensure correct procedures are followed.
- Storage areas must be clearly identified as housing cleaning products or chemicals.
- Ensure large chemical containers are not stored on high shelves and shelves are strong enough to hold the weight of the product.
- All empty containers need to be disposed of appropriately and immediately following the guidelines indicated on the container.
Dangerous Plants
- Childcare services educators will liaise with Council’s Environment and Public SpaceUnitwhen landscaping or planting is occurring at the service to ensure that all plants are safe and not poisonous.
- a current listing of poisonous plants best not to grow in places where children may have access to them. The list is not a complete guide to poisonous plants. It is a list of plants that could cause serious illness in children who eat them.
- If a child is exposed to dangerous plants, ring the Victorian Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 for advice and follow any first aid procedures advised.
- ChildcareServices educators will safely remove or cover any plant they consider may be dangerous to child/ren and inform their Team Leader or the Childcare Services Co-ordinator.
- All Childcare services are provided with a sharps container for disposing of discarded needles/syringes.
- If a needle/syringe is found at the service ensure the area is secure to prevent anyone from coming into contact with the disposed needle/syringe until it is safely removed.
- Staff/Educators must bring the sharps container to the area where the disposed needle/syringe is situated. Wearing gloves staff/educators must carefully pick the needle/syringe up by the barrel using tongs and transfer it into the sharps container.
- The sharps container should be sealed and Team Leader should notify the Rapid Response Unit to collect the container and its contents.
- In situations where a person is apprehensive about removing a syringe or it is difficult to remove the syringe, the Rapid Response Unit is to be contacted and a suitable officer will arrive and remove the syringe.
- If a child swallows a poison do not try to make them vomit. Pick up the container and take it with you to the phone.
- Ring the POISONS INFORMATION CENTRE on 13 11 26 for instructions.
- Follow the accident incident processfor Childcare Services.
Austin Health Victoria Poison Information Centre
Child Accident Prevention Foundation: Kid Safe Fact Sheet – Safety in the Home.
City of Stonnington Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
Educational and Care Services National Regulations 2011
Raising Children Network
Victorian Poisons Information Centre (ph 13 11 26)
Version Control: 2 / Date Issued; 5 December 2011 / Date Reviewed: 19 February 2016G:\Child Family Serv\Childcare\Policies & Procedures Manual\Policies and Procedures\CCS PP - Dangerous Products.doc