Dance Medium Term Plans
Year 4
QCA Guidelines – Unit 4 – Creating characters and narrative through movement and gesture inspired by various subjects, in pairs and small groups. Using movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues and own feelings and thoughts. Using movement to explore and communicate ideas, issues and own feelings and thoughts. Vocab – narrative; characters; communication; describe, analyse, interpret, evaluate; gesture; choreographic devices; myth and legend; safety in dance.
ThemeCreate Tudor characters based upon the rich and poor.
LinksHistory,Literacy, Music
ResourcesCD, CD Player.
ICTUse photography to picture actions and gestures and Flip cameras to evaluate performance. Internet resources.
Learning Objectives / Possible Teaching Activities / Assessment Indicators / Vocabulary - Dance / Vocabulary – Cross curricularWeek 1
To recap the rules in dance lessons.
To explore simple body actions. / Question and answer session for reminder of rules.
Create a short dance to explore different actions, levels and directions / Can the children remember the different actions? Can they show the different actions and directions and levels? / Step, turn, roll, still, slide, jump.
Week 2
To create 2 characters, one rich, one poor from Tudor times. / Discuss Tudor living conditions.
Discuss the difference between rich and poor.
Draw 2 characters and give them each a name – one rich, one poor. / Do they understand the conditions of living in Tudor Times?
Can they talk about the differences between rich and poor? / Tudor
Living conditions
Weeks 3 and 4
To explore, copy and repeat action phrases related to the poor and rich Tudor characters. / Discuss the gestures made by the poor children, working in Tudor times.
Copy the teacher led phrase.
Explore other ideas.
In pairs, create a dance sequence about poor children in Tudor times.
Repeat for rich children in week 4.
Photograph each character in a typical pose.
Video each short performance. / Do they understand the term gesture? Can they show gestures in their movements? Can they link and copy the teacher led phrase?
Do they co-operate in pairs? / Gesture, actions, link, sequence / Tudors
Living conditions
Week 5 & 6
Evaluate videoed performances through IWB.
To Create a Tudor Feast. What would be going on at a Tudor Feast?(Eating, Drinking Dancing Court Jesters Etc.) / Split Class into Two. Half to be Courtiers (Eating Pouring Wine Throwing it over shoulder etc.)
Half to Jesters (Leaping sideways spinning on bottom Jumping in different Shapes) / Can they work in a large Group? Can they create a short dance phrase from a simple motif? / Leap spin jump, roll, gesture. / Courtier