Dance 110 (802) Tuesdays 9:00-10:15 Mitchell 341

INTRODUCTION TO THE ART OF DANCE Thursdays 9:00-10:15 Kenilworth 660

Instructor: Diana LeMense E-mail:


This course meets twice each week. We generally meet in a classroom on Tuesdays for discussion, lecture and video, and in a dance studio on Thursdays to physically explore/experience the dance forms we are studying. A variety of dance forms are introduced during the semester. See sample calendar at the end of the syllabus.


1. Students will develop and expand their understanding of Dance, both physically and intellectually.

2. Students will explore the functions of dance in society and how these functions evolve as cultures change.

3. Students will develop their ability to experience, interpret and analyze dance.

4. Students will study the impact of dance on culture and of cultures on dance at various points in human history and will form ideas regarding the relationship of dance and culture today.

5. Students will work together with their classmates to learn and execute a variety of dances in various styles.


I.  Attendance and Punctuality. You are expected to attend all classes, to be on time and to remain for the entire class period. We will meet as a class 30 times during the course of the semester. No one can earn an “A” who accumulates more than 3 absences for any reason unless extra credit is completed. (Extra credit option exists only where good cause for absences is documented.) 3 late arrivals will count as 1 absence. Students are responsible for any and all materials covered in class during their absence. Assigned readings and due dates for readings and associated questions can be found on the calendar distributed on the first day of class and posted on D2L.

II.  Assigned readings and questions. There is no single text book for this class. You will regularly be assigned readings which are available on electronic reserve through the university library and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. Take good notes from lectures, discussions, readings and movement classes. Keep copies of (or access to) all readings so that you can refer to them while studying for tests.

While reading the assigned articles, take note of what you believe to be the most important or most emphasized points made by the author. When you are finished reading, write down what you believe to be either 1) the central theme(s) of the article/chapter or 2) the most important ideas discussed. I will regularly call on students to share their understanding of the reading in class as a starting point for class discussion.

In addition, you will be given a question or questions to answer to demonstrate your completion and understanding of each assigned reading. These questions will be posted under “Questions for Assigned Readings” on the Content page of this course’s D2L site. Submit your answers to the D2L Dropbox and be prepared to discuss your answers in class. Questions submitted after the due date will be subject to a ½ grade reduction for every class period that they are overdue.

III.  Tests. There will be a test at midterm (take-home) and at the end of the semester (closed book, end-of-term test during class time on the last day of class, May 12th).

IV.  Attendance at Two Live Dance Performances and Written Responses:

Each student is required to attend two dance performances during the semester. You will be given a Dance Performance Calendar for the semester at the beginning of the term. From the list, choose two performances to attend. Student discounts are often available and you should inquire into discounts when purchasing your tickets. Keep your ticket stub and program as proof that you attended the concert.

I urge you to arrive a few minutes early and to read the program before the performance and during breaks between sections. The program often provides information that will help you to interpret what you are about to see.

I ask that you also take something to write with and on to the concert and that you jot down notes between the pieces or between acts in order to jog your memory later as you try to recall and reflect on what you’ve just seen. In your notes you may want to record things such as: the number of dancers on stage (or the progression from solo to ensemble), something descriptive about the quality of the movement (slow, heavy, spinning, etc.), the costumes, the music, the lighting, the mood, how you felt watching it…

a.  Informal Review: You are required to hand in your notes on one of the performances you attend. Please type them and submit them to the D2L Dropbox within 1 week of the performance. You do not need to use complete sentences or organize your notes into proper paper format. The notes will help you to reflect on what you’ve just seen and will help me to make sure that you attended the show and stayed receptive and thoughtful throughout the performance.

b.  Formal Review: You are assigned to submit a formal, written Descriptive Review of one of the performances you see this semester.

Your descriptive analysis of the performance must be (no less than) 2 complete double-spaced, typewritten pages (font size 10-12) with a separate cover page including your name, the date and the dance event attended. Additional instructions for the formal descriptive review paper will be given during the first week of class.

It is assumed that all papers will be carefully written and thoroughly proofread before they are handed in. Grammar and spelling errors are unacceptable in a final draft. Papers containing more than two spelling and/or grammar errors will be returned to their author for rewriting, as will be papers without a cover page. An incomplete will be entered until a corrected paper is received.

V.  Attire for (Monday) Movement Classes. You must wear clothes that you can move freely in to all studio classes. Tight non-stretch pants, skirts, hats or clothes or jewelry that restrict your ability to move are inappropriate and unacceptable class attire. In order to fully participate in class, you must be able to move freely and fully. You are encouraged to wear layers so that you will be comfortable during movement and rest. You do not need any special shoes for class; however you cannot wear street shoes into the studio. We will usually dance barefoot or in socks.

VI.  Participation in class discussion and movement. Students will be evaluated on their attentiveness during class and on their willingness to participate in discussion and movement exploration. You will not be judged based on how much you knew about dance before coming to this class, but on how much attention and effort you give to learning during this semester.

VII.  Extra credit. If circumstances beyond your control cause you to miss more than 3 classes (or the equivalent in late arrivals) during the course of the semester, and if these circumstances are documented, you may be allowed to complete extra credit assignments to make up for missed classes. For extra credit you must attend a dance performance or view a full length dance performance or documentary on video/DVD and write a 2-3 page paper on the performance or documentary. See me for details. I will not accept extra credit papers written on performances or documentaries that did not receive my prior approval.


10% Test #1

10% Test #2

10% Attendance at Performance #1 (and Notes)

15% Attendance at Performance #2 and Formal Paper

20% Attendance and Participation/Effort/Growth in Movement Class

20% Attendance and Participation in class discussion, including demonstrated attentiveness during videos, performances, lectures and discussions and timely completion of weekly reading and questions.

15% Questions from assigned readings

NOTE: Failure to complete any required aspect of the course, including mid-term, end-of-term test, attendance at dance performances and Descriptive Review paper is unsatisfactory and will result in a D grade or lower.


Class #1 Introduction to the Course. Go over syllabus. Discussion “What is Dance?” Assigned e-reserve reading: Jonas, Dancing: Chapter 1: The Power of Dance

Class #2 What functions does dance serve? Why do we dance? Discuss Jonas Ch.1. Video excerpts: Dancing: The Power of Dance. Assigned e-reserve reading: Ambrosio, Ch 2. The Choreographer

Class #3 Movement class: The Basic Elements of Dance (Moving to music. Locomotor and Nonlocomotor movements.)

Class #4 Watching, describing and discussing dance. Discuss Ambrosio Ch. 2. Video: Performance excerpts. Assigned e-reserve: Ambrosio, Dance as an Art Form, pages 3-8.

Class #5 Movement class: The Elements of Dance, Part II (Space, Time and Energy)

Class #6 Dance as religious expression. Dance as a Classical Art form. Discuss “Dance as an Art Form”. Video: Dancing: Lord of the Dance. Assigned readings: Doolittle & Elton: “Medicine of the Brave”

Class #7 Movement class: Classical Indian dance: BharataNatyam. Guest artist, Kripa Baskaran, Natyarpana Dance Company*

Class #8 Sacred and Secular Dance. Native American dances. Discuss “Medicine of the Brave”.

Class #9 Movement class: West African movement. Guest artists from Ko-Thi *

Class #10 Dance as a form of cultural fusion: the origins of Flamenco. Video: excerpts from Flamenco

Class #11 Movement class: Flamenco

Class #12 Dance as an expression of cultural mores and an emblem of cultural identity. Folk dance & Aboriginal dance. Video: Excerpts from The Stomping Ground. Assigned e-reserve: Jonas, Dancing: Ch 3: “Dance of the Realm” (excerpt).

Class #13 Movement class: European and Middle eastern folk dances.

Class #14 Dance as an expression of political power and control : Court dance and the beginnings of ballet. Discuss Jonas, Ch 3. Video excerpts: Baroque dance & classical ballets. Assigned e-reserve: Ambrosio, Chapter 6 “Modern Dance”

Class #15 Movement class: An introduction to baroque dance, the origins of ballet.

Class #16 Dance as the Expression of an Individual Artist: Modern dance. Discuss Ambrosio, Chapter 6. Video excerpt: Dancing. The Individual and Tradition

**Handout: Midterm take home test.

Class #17 Mid term due. Movement class: An introduction to aspects of Modern dance.

Class #18 Experiencing, describing and discussing concert dance. Video excerpts and discussion. Assigned e-reserve: Katz “The Egalitarian Waltz” and Faulkner, I See America Dancing: “From the Ballroom to Hell” (Answer due 4/7.)

Class #19 Movement class: Social Dance: Waltz and Polka.

Class #20 Social Dance: The Couple dance revolution. Discuss Katz essay. Assigned e-reserve: Jonas, Ch. 6 (excerpt) “New Worlds of Dance”.

Class #21 Movement class: Swing Dance as a form of Cultural Fusion: New American Forms

Class #22 New American Forms Discuss Jonas, Ch. 6. Video: Dance in America: Free to Dance (Part One).

Class #23 Movement class: New American Forms: Salsa

Class #24 Video: Dance in America: Free to Dance (Part Two). Assigned e-reserve Cohen Bull “Looking at Movement as Culture”.

Class #25 Movement class: New American Forms: Hip Hop

Class #26 Discussion: Looking at Movement as Culture. Video: Rize.

Class #27 Movement class: Capoiera

Class #28 Review for Final Test.

Class #29 Movement class: Review of Social Dance forms.

Class #30 Last Day of Class. Final Test.

*Guest artist schedule subject to change based on availability.

** Please note that this listing of assignments and dates is intended to clarify expectations. It may be added to or amended by the instructor during the semester.