Dana Allen’s Fall Semester 2014
Honor’s Anatomy Physiology Lesson Plan
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Monday, October 27, 2014
Objective: Ch.5 Skeletal system: Identify the subdivisions of the skeleton as axial or appendicular. Identify the bones of the shoulder & pelvic girdles & their attached limbs. Describe important differences b/w male & female pelvis.
Procedure: Boney Torso Quiz, Review bone locations @ start of class then use class time to work on paper skeleton.
Assignment: Complete paper skeleton, Mr. bones, due test grade Thurs. 10/30
Evaluation: Teacher input; class participation; independent practice
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Objective: Identify the subdivisions of the skeleton as axial or appendicular. Identify the bones of the shoulder & pelvic girdles & their attached limbs. Describe important differences b/w male & female pelvis.
Procedure: Lower Extremity Quiz, Review bone locations @ start of class then use class time to work on paper skeleton.
Evaluation: Teacher input; class participation; independent practice
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Objective: Describe the process of bone formation in the fetus & summarize bone remodeling. Name the types of fractures. Identify the bones of the skull. Describe the differences b/w the adult & the new born infant’s skull. Explain the function of the fontanel.
Procedure: W/R Qz.# 8; Upper Extremity Quiz, Review bone locations @ start of class then use class time to work on paper skeleton.
Assignment: Complete paper skeleton, Mr. bones, due test grade Thurs. 10/30
Evaluation: Teacher input; independent practice; class participation.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Objective: Describe the process of bone formation in the fetus & summarize bone remodeling. Name the types of fractures. Identify the bones of the skull. Describe the differences b/w the adult & the new born infant’s skull. Explain the function of the fontanel.
Procedure: Turn in Mr. Bones Skeleton; Lecture on joint structure & functions.
Evaluation: Independent practice; teacher input ;
Friday, October 31, 2014
Objective: Describe the process of bone formation in the fetus & summarize bone remodeling. Name the types of fractures. Identify the bones of the skull. Describe the differences b/w the adult & the new born infant’s skull. Explain the function of the fontanel.
Procedure: Play w/disarticulated skeletons
Assignment: Complete ch.5 review quiz in wkbk on ppg78-81 due Tue, 11/4
Evaluation: Independent practice; class participation;