Dallam Community Primary School Sport’s Funding 2015/16


Educational outcomes:

·  The purchases of new team kit and goal and hockey/ netball/ basketball posts have and will enable to continue to build our presence in interschool competitions. Our subscription to the Football League WASSP, PE and School Sports Membership has enabled us to become part of many exciting events, including Road to Rio and Road to Goodison.

·  New resources for designated provision classes and for whole school PE stock have been used in the continued delivery of REAL PE and with our sport’s coach, Tom Mellor. They have enabled greater access to the PE curriculum for all children.

·  All new starters and Reception children receive one school PE top which they are asked to return when they grow out of them. By doing this, school hope to encourage an ethos wherein children take pride in their uniform and dress appropriately for their lessons. Whilst partaking in a charitable activity with Jess Taylor, Commonwealth Heptathlete, all children were required to have a school PE kit. From my observations, I could see the majority of the school’s pupils were dressed in school kit.

·  2015/16 saw a new PE co-ordinator. So as to develop her role, she worked closely with Vikki Roberts (WASSP). This has proven effective and has enabled the co-ordinator to co-ordinate PE with a clearer vision.

·  So as to continue to develop staff skills, the teachers are now working alongside Tom Mellor to deliver Wednesday PE lessons.

·  We continue to have children who emerge as strong ‘sports leaders’ and are helping deliver the lunchtime sports. They have helped the activities to run smoothly and enable greater numbers to access them as well as being great role models for other children. At the same time they have been developing their own leadership skills via settings such as Sports Leadership camps. Recently, four of our children attended camp and achieved great success. As a result of this entire process, the Sports Crew is stronger and more efficient.

·  We have begun to widen after school provision for sports as well as increasing the number of competitions that we enter. Parents have begun to attend some events and I will continue to encourage this.

·  As part of our aim to increase participation in sporting activities, we have begun to deliver FUNS for Families. This is currently being run for the first time. Once this cycle is complete, the PE co-ordinator will evaluate its impact.