Dalhousie Undergraduate Engineering Society


Revised: May 11, 2016
Approved: September 28th, 2016

Constituent Society



By-Law I – Name and Purpose of the Society

By-Law II – Membership

By-Law III – Executive

By-Law IV – The Council

By-Law V – Standing Committees

By-Law VI – Constituent Societies

By-Law VII – Student Groups

By-Law VIII – Regular and General Meetings

By-Law IX – Impeachment

By-Law X – Policy Manual

By-Law XI- Summer Commission





Election Timetable

Administration of the Elections

Appeals of Election Results


Candidates Eligibility








By-Law I – Name and Purpose of the Society

The objective of the Dalhousie Undergraduate Engineering Society (hereafterreferred to as the DUES) is to coordinate, promote and direct the campus life,recreational, social and charitable activities of all students in the Faculty of Engineering at Dalhousie University.

By-Law II – Membership

  1. Any student enrolled within the Faculty of Engineering as a Diploma or Bachelor studentwho pays the prescribed society fee at any point during the academic year is considered a Regular Member.
  2. Any student enrolled within the Faculty of Engineering as a Diploma or Bachelor student who pays the prescribed society fee shall be referred to as an Active Member during the term in which the member’s fee was collected.
  3. Membership will not be limited by age, gender, race, or religion
  4. Only Regular Members of the DUES shall be entitled to vote in the DUES election.
  5. Only Active Members of the DUES shall be entitled to hold elected or appointed offices on the DUES Executive subject to the provision of By-Laws III and IV, and Section 2.
  6. Any Dalhousie University student who is not enrolled in the Faculty ofEngineering may become an honorary member of the DUES by paying the prescribed student fee.
  7. Honorary members are not entitled to vote during the DUES elections or general meetings.
  8. Members can opt out by e-mailing the Vice President Internalof DUES and stating they wish to opt out. If there is no sitting Vice President Internal contact to opt-out can be directed towards the President of DUES.

By-Law III – Executive

  1. The Executive shall be in order of ascension:
  1. President;
  2. Vice President Internal;
  3. Vice President Finance;
  4. Vice President External;
  5. Vice President Academic;
  6. Vice President Communications;
  7. Vice President Outreach
  8. Vice President Social Events;
  9. Vice President Diploma Relations.
  1. All members of the executivemust be Active Members of the DUES.
  2. EachDUES executive member shall hold a minimum of three (3) office hours per week. The Vice President Diploma Relations must hold at least one (1) of their office hours on Sexton Campus.
  3. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the DUES and shall be chargedwith the general management of the society. The President shall be capable of andresponsible for the following:
  4. Ensure smooth operation of the Society;
  5. Direct, monitor and assist the other members of the Council in their mandates;
  6. Represent Engineering Students and their interests before: (1) the Dalhousie

University administration, (2) The Faculty of Engineering administration, and (3) the general public and otherparties;

  1. Act as chair of executive meetings;
  2. Act as, or have the council appoint, a chair at anyESCmeetings should the chair not be present;
  3. Act as, or have the council appoint, a representative from the ESC on the Dalhousie Student UnionSexton Campus Advisory Committee;
  4. Act as the representative from the DUES[Sexton Campus] on the Dalhousie Student Union Council;
  5. Hold the non-voting position of the Past President until the next past president after the time at which they are no longer president;
  6. Endeavor to promote the image of Engineers and Engineering Students to thegeneral public;
  7. Participate in special projects of the DUES.
  1. The Vice President Internal shall be capable of and responsible for the following;
  2. Distribute and collect applications for The DUES appointed positions;
  3. Keep a record of the DUES Council members and their contact information (emailand phone);
  4. Take minutes at executive council meetings;
  5. Organize and sort all incoming society mail;
  6. Facilitate ordering and sales of DALENG merchandise;
  7. Act as the liaison between the DUES and the Constituent Societies;
  8. Facilitate the application process for DUES Student Groups;
  9. Facilitate services provided to DUES Student Groups;
  10. Act as the liaison between the DUES and Student Groups;
  11. Upkeep of the DUES office;
  12. Recommend an engineering student to the position of Chair of the Sexton Education Endowment Fund to be appointed by the ESC for the term in which they are in office;
  13. Participate in the DUES special projects.
  14. The Vice President External shall be capable of and responsible for the following:
  15. Monitor both the Atlantic Council of Engineering Students(ACES) and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) links and emails, and fulfill any duties associatedwith either;
  16. Post notices and organizeapplications for conferences of relevance to the DUES (ACES, CFES, Engineering, orProfessional Development);
  17. Sit on the board of directors for the Dalhousie Women In Engineering Chapter;
  18. Assistselected delegates of aforementionedconferences in raising money for flights and registration;
  19. Make travel arrangements for the DUES delegation to attend ACES Annual General Meeting, the Atlantic Engineering Competition and theCFES Congress;
  20. Represent the President at CFES Congress, CFES President’s Meeting andACES Annual General Meeting;
  21. Seek, and maintain sponsorship funding relations with outside sources;
  22. Participate in special projects of the DUES.
  23. The Vice President Finance shall be capable of and responsible for the following:
  24. Receive all accounts due to the DUES;
  25. Pay all debts of the DUES from the DUES account(s);
  26. Prepare a budget for the DUES and make recommendations to the Council as to how financial resources should be allocated;
  27. Keep financial records in accordance with DSU regulations;
  28. Present any requests for funding at the DUES meetings;
  29. Present a budget at all General Meetings;
  30. Audit Constituent societies;
  31. Allocate funds to the Constituent societies according to the DUES Constituent society funding formula;
  32. Participate in special projects of the DUES.
  33. The Vice President Outreach shall be capable of and responsible for the following:
  1. Act as, or have council appoint, a representative from the DUES on the Orientation Day subcommittee of the Sexton Campus Entertainment Committee;
  2. Organize the student-run events on Associated Universities’ Day in cooperation with the Engineering Faculty;
  3. Organize charity events of the DUES;
  4. Appoint a Chair for the Pulling for the Kids fundraiser no less than 3 months before the event, and if no chair is found, the Vice President Outreach shall assume the role;
  5. Organize joint events between the DUES and other ratified societies of the DSU;
  6. Promote community events occurring within Halifax to members of the DUES;
  7. Promote the Engineering profession to high schools and junior high schools;
  8. Participate in special projects of the DUES.
  1. The Vice President Academic shall be capable of and responsible for the following:
  1. Work closely with the Associate Dean of Student Services to inform students ofthe academic services available;
  2. Keep an up to date list of all advocacy services available for undergraduatestudents;
  3. Set up monthly meetings with the Associate Dean of Student Services to addressany issues that come up;
  4. Keep records of all issues arising with each professor in the Faculty of Engineering;
  5. Represent the DUES at the Faculty Meetings, and Undergrad StudiesCommittee Meetings;
  6. Coordinate the nomination of the outstanding teacher awards amongst eachfaculty and the DSU as well as any external teaching awards;
  7. Oversee the Tutoring Program, coordinate interviews, and a selection committee to select an appropriate administrator of the tutoring program. Represent the DUES at 1st and 2nd year Academic meetings;
  8. Participate in the special projects of the DUES.
  1. The Vice President Communications shall be capable of and responsible for thefollowing:
  2. Upkeep the DUES website and Facebook page;
  3. Actively communicate with students on a regular basis;
  4. Actively promote communication within the DUES, Constituent societies,administration and other relevant entities;
  5. Writing at least monthly articles about the DUES activities to be published in the

Sextant and/or the Dalhousie Gazette;

  1. Distribute posters and other DUES advertisements throughout Sexton Campus and make available for Studley Campus members;
  2. Participate in the special projects of the DUES.
  1. The Vice President Social Events shall be capable of and responsible for the following:

a)Organize and chair the initial meeting of standing committees of the DUES;

b)Sit on the Sexton Entertainment Committee;

c)Chair the Discipline Challenge Committee;

d)Ensure a minimum of 5 Discipline Challenges per semester, excluding charity events;

e)Chair the Engineering Orientation Day if on the executive during the Fall Semester;

f)Participate in special projects of the DUES.

  1. The Vice President Diploma Relations shall be a full-time enrolled first or second year engineering student and must represent all first and second year engineering students to the DUES executive. The DES Vice President Internal shall act as the Vice-President Diploma Relations unless the DES-VPI position is unfilled, in which case the DES President shall act as VPDR. The Vice President Diploma shall be capable of and responsible for the following:
  1. Taking a leadership role in organizing and coordinating Diploma of Engineering program events;
  2. Ensure information about services and events are made available to all first and second year engineering students;
  3. Participate in special projects of the DUES.
  1. Each member of the Executive shall orient his/her successor.
  2. Each member of the Executive shall produce an individual summary report for the incoming officer assuming his/her position at the end of his/her term of office which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a)Review of mandated and other projects;

b)Personal initiatives;

c)Detailed reports from trips and conferences attended;

d)Reflections on the year;

e)Suggestions for their successor and the new council in general.

  1. Each member of the Executive shall keep accurate records and files concerning hisor her activities and responsibilities.
  2. Minutes from meetings of the Executive shall be kept and made available to all members of DUES upon request.
  3. The Fall Executive shall hold office from noon on March 31 until noon on December 31. The Winter Executive shall hold office from noon on December 31 until noon on March 31.
  4. Each member of the Executive shall develop a work-plan for their term of office. These work-plans are to include the following sections: Orientation, Goals, Actions, Success Indicators and Follow-up/Results. These documents shall be presented at the first DUES General Meeting of the Fall and Winter term. With the exception of the first General Meeting of office, updated versions of these work plans must be available at the first General Meeting after the completion of their term of office and every General Meeting after the completion of their term. The work-plans are to be approved by the members at the first General Meeting of the Fall and Winter term.

By-Law IV – The Council

  1. The Council shall be the governing body of the DUES and is responsible forapproving the policy manual and appointment of all committees.
  2. The voting members of Council in the Fall Term shall be:
  3. the President,
  4. the Vice President Internal,
  5. the Vice President Finance,
  6. the Vice President External
  7. the Vice President Communications,
  8. the Vice President Outreach,
  9. the Vice President Academic,
  10. the Vice President Social
  11. the Vice President Diploma Relations,
  12. one (1) Mechanical Representative of Year IV,
  13. one (1) Mechanical Representative of Year V,
  14. one (1) Industrial Representative of Year III,
  15. one (1) Industrial Representative of Year V,
  16. one (1) Electrical/Computer Representative of Year III,
  17. one (1) Electrical/Computer Representative of Year V,
  18. one (1) Chemical Representative of Year IV,
  19. one (1) Chemical Representative of Year V,
  20. one (1) Civil Representative of Year III,
  21. one (1) Civil Representative of YearV,
  22. one (1) Mining Representative of Year III
  23. one (1) Mining Representative of Year V,
  24. one (1) Materials Representative of Year IV,
  25. one (1) Materials Representative of Year V,
  26. one (1) Environmental Representative of Year IV,
  27. one (1) Environmental Representative of Year V,
  28. Three (3) Diploma of Engineering Representatives Year I
  29. Three (3) Diploma of Engineering Representatives Year II
  30. The voting members of Council for the Winter Term shall be:
  31. the President,
  32. the Vice President External,
  33. the Vice President Internal,
  34. the Vice President Finance,
  35. the Vice President Outreach,
  36. the Vice President Communications,
  37. the Vice President Academic,
  38. the Vice President Social,
  39. the Vice President Diploma Relations,
  40. one (1) Mechanical Representative of Year III,
  41. one (1) Mechanical Representative of Year V,
  42. one (1) Industrial Representative of Year IV,
  43. one (1) Industrial Representative of Year V,
  44. one (1) Electrical/Computer Representative of Year IV,
  45. one (1) Chemical Representative of Year III,
  46. one (1) Chemical Representative of Year V,
  47. one (1) Civil Representative of Year III,
  48. one (1) Civil Representative of Year V,
  49. one (1) Mining Representative of Year III,
  50. one (1) Mining Representative of Year IV,
  51. one (1) Materials Representative of Year III,
  52. one (1) Materials Representative of Year V,
  53. one (1) Environmental Representative of Year III,
  54. one (1) Environmental Representative of Year V
  55. Three (3) Diploma of Engineering Representatives of Year I,
  56. Three (3) Diploma of Engineering Representatives of Year II.
  1. Voting members of council must be Active Members of the DUES.
  1. Non-voting members of Council shall include the following people, who must be regular members of the DUESand who shall be appointed by council prior to the end of the first month in each semester:
  1. Chair;
  2. Council Secretary.
  1. Two Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) Representatives shall be appointed by the DUES Councilat the first meeting of the DUES Council during the term for which they will serve. One of these representatives must be a voting member of the DUES Council, preferably the President of DUES. The other student must be a member of the DES council. These students must be eligible to be a DSU councilloras outlined in the DSUconstitution. A DSU Representative will report to the DUES Council at the bi-weekly meetings.
  2. The Chair shall be capable of and responsible for the following:
  3. Ensuring that all councilors know when the DUES council meetings areby publicizing the date and time of upcoming council meetings;
  4. Preparing an agenda and booking the room for the DUES council meetings;
  5. Presiding over the DUES council meetings, ensuring that they are conductedaccording to the Policy Manual and Roberts Rules of Order;
  6. Overseeing the actions of the President and ensuring that he or she is fulfilling his or herresponsibilities.
  7. No one person shall hold more than one (1) council position, with the exception of a member of the Members acting as the DSU Representatives.
  8. Constituent Societies are responsible for appointing representatives which fall within their constituent group.

By-Law V – Constituent Societies

  1. Organizations under the jurisdiction of the DUES shall hereby be referred to asConstituent Societies. All Constituent Societies shall be subject to the rules and regulationsof the DUES and the Dalhousie Student Union.
  2. The Constituent societies of the DUESare:
  1. The Mechanical Engineering Student Society
  2. The Industrial Engineering Student Society
  3. The Civil Engineering Student Society
  4. The Mining Engineering Student Society
  5. The Materials Engineering Student Society
  6. The Chemical Engineering Student Society
  7. The Environmental Engineering Society
  8. The Electrical/Computer Engineering Society
  9. The Diploma of Engineering Society
  1. Societies A through H of the above list shall be considered `Discipline Constituent Societies’; society I shall be considered the ‘DES Constituent Society’.
  2. Discipline Constituent Societies shall include, but are not limited to, the following executive:



c)Social Representative;

  1. Constituent level Societies under DUES cannot offer honorariums
  2. Constituent Societydisbursements shall be distributed as outlined in Section 5.

By-Law VI – Student Groups

  1. Any group of students consisting primarily of members of the DUES may apply for Student Groups Status. All Student Groups shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the DUES and the Dalhousie Student Union.
  2. Applications for student group status shall be approved by the DUES council.
  3. Student Groups shall be entitled to:
  4. Student Group Service and resources provided by the DUES;
  5. Promotion through the DUES web page and events;
  6. Budget reviews from the VP Finance;
  7. Filing space in the DUES office filing cabinet;
  8. Assistance with turnover between semesters.

By-Law VII – Regular and General Meetings

  1. For all meetings, motions pass with 50% approval from those in attendance. For any constitutional changes motions must be passed abiding the regulations outlined in Section 4.
  2. For all meetings, voting shall be done by show of hands. Motions will be voted upon by secret ballotupon request of any person in attendance with the right to vote. Ballot counting will be handled by the chair of the meeting.
  3. Council meetings shall be held, but are not limited to, every two weeks whileclasses are in session for both the Fall and Winter terms. Quorum for council meetings shall be 50% of the council. The agenda for a council meeting must be distributed at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
  4. Executive meetings shall be held as need by the discretion of the executives, with a minimum of two meetings per month.Quorum for executive meetings shall be above 50% of the executives.
  5. The agenda for both an executive meeting and a council meeting must be distributed at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
  6. If a discipline councilor is not represented at a DUES council meeting, this will count as one strike against the discipline, to a maximum of one strike per meeting. If more than two strikes are accrued per discipline per term their funding will be withheld.
  7. A minimum of one general meeting shallbe held in both the fall and winterterms. They shall occurwithin the first 45 days of each term. Quorum for a general meeting shall be 3% of the full-time students in session.
  8. An Agenda for a General Meeting must be distributed five (5) days prior to the meeting.

By-Law VIII – Impeachment

  1. No member of the Council shall be recalled without just cause, or in any manner not specified in this By-law.
  2. Where not otherwise specified in this By-law, just cause means:
  3. non-compliance without reasonable excuse on the part of an Executive Member with any mandatory requirement of the By-laws,
  4. conduct likely to bring the DUES into disrepute,
  5. other gross misconduct;
  6. A request to impeach a member of the Executiveor the DSU Representative must be signed and submitted in writing to the Chair; a request to impeach the Chair must be signed and submitted in writing to the President.
  7. The request for impeachment shall be reviewed by the Chair and President within one (1) week of receipt. If the request for impeachment has been made against the Chair or President then the Vice President Internal will be substituted in his or her place.
  8. A person up for impeachment shall be informed of the no later than one (1) week after receipt of the impeachment request.
  9. The person up for impeachment must be notified at least one (1) week before a motion to impeach is discussed at a council meeting. Impeachment motions shall be reviewed at the first Council meeting following the 1 week notification period.
  10. The Chair shall allow the person who the impeachment request is against to plead his or her case to Council.

By-Law IX – Policy Manual

  1. DUES policies can be found in the Policy Manual, which is a supplement to the constitution.
  1. In the event of a conflict between the Policy Manual and the DUES constitution, the constitution will take precedence.
  1. Policies are binding on Executive and Councilors.
  1. Policy can be rescinded or amended by a majority vote of Councilors present at any council meeting during the Fall and Winter terms.

By-Law X- Summer Commission

  1. The Summer Commission will run from May 1st until August 31st. The commission shall be responsible for events and activities during the summer, and communicating general concerns to the executive.
  2. The Summer Commission will consist of
  3. The Summer Commissioner
  4. One (1) Industrial Rep
  5. One (1) Electrical Rep
  6. The Summer Commissioner will be selected by the executive before April 1th, and must be an Active Member of the DUES during their term of office.
  7. The responsibilities of the summer commissioner will be to:
  8. Become a signing officer of the DUES for the summer term;
  9. Act as chair of the Summer Commission;
  10. Be the primary liaison between the commission and the DUES executive;
  11. Maintain an organized office and financial ledger;
  12. Have five (5) office hours per week.
  13. Grants (personal or group) shall not be given in the summer term.

BY-LAW XI – DUES Merger Clause

  1. All amendments to the constitution or policy manual involving DES based policy such as allocation of funds or representation in council must be voted on and approved based on a majority vote from both the DES and DUES executives.
  2. Two years after initial merger, By-Law XII must be reviewed by the DUES and DES executive to determine necessary changes to the clause.

BY-LAW XII – Conferences