You will need your agenda to use the restroom during this class.
Grades for Classwork, Labs, Homework etc. / Grades on assignments will be given to provide feedback on your progress in meeting learning objectives for this course. These grades will show up in PowerSchool, but will not contribute to your report card grade.
Asking questions and redoing assignments is strongly encouraged to help you meet the learning objectives.
End of Quarter Grades / Your grade will be determined by how well you do on assessments.
Formal assessments will be given with at least a 5 day notice.Informal assessments such as exit tickets or open note quizzes may be given with less notice.
Reassessing to improve your grade is strongly encouraged.
Tardy Policy / Thank you for being on time to class. Being late more than 3 times in a quarter will result in a detention. Being tardy will also affect your citizenship grade.
(See procedures.)
Our Class
Website / Please check the website when you have questions about class procedures, assignments, study tools or when you have been absent.
Email / Please feel free to email me at any time with any questions, concerns or comments. I welcome communication from students and parents.
Daily Procedures
- When entering the classroom:
Pick up papers from the table. Take out your science binder, composition book and agenda, put them on your table. Take your cinch bag to the bins by the windows. Place your phone in the appropriate pocket. Sit down in your assigned seat.
- If assignments are due:
Check the cabinet door in the front of the room to see if something will be collected.
- When the bell rings:
You should be sitting in your seat. Fill out your agenda for the day. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy.
- When you are absent:
Open the absent binder to read the agenda for each day missed. Get papers from the file box if needed. Copies of what you missed will have your name on them. If needed, turn papers in to me, get notes from a classmate etc.
You may also check the class website.
- If you need to get out of your seat:
During a lesson – please raise your hand for permission at an appropriate time
During independent work – you may get up to take care of whatever you need.
- Do not pack up early:
The last 5 minutes of class we will regroup together. I will let you know when it is okay to get your belongings.
These classroom procedures are designed to make the best use of our time together. Thank you for participating in creating an effective learning environment!