DAA Small Grants Application Form

DAA Small Grants Application Form

DAA Small Grants Application Form

Section 1: Applicant Details
Name of applicant
Current position/organisation
Contact details (address, email, phone)
APD/AN status
Describe the relevant skills and experience of the applicant to implement the proposal
Section 2: Mentor Details
Name of research mentor
Mentor contact details (address, email, phone)
Describe the relevant skills and experience of research mentor to guide the applicant (include most recent academic qualification)
Section 3: Project Details
Project title (concise but informative)
Brief description of the project (clear, stand alone summary of the context, objectives, methods and likely benefits of the project. It should be understandable to the general public) / 450 word limit
Project benefits (explain how this project will contribute to evidence based nutrition/dietetics practice and how it aligns with the DAA Strategic Plan)
Project objectives (specific and quantifiable)
Project target group (to whom is the project aimed?)
Research plan (description of the design and methods, where applicable include strategy, statistical power, sample size and sampling methods, instruments of measurement, their validity, data collection and analysis methods. If using qualitative methods, explain your process)
Proposed time frame with deliverables
Describe the research CPD opportunities the project will offer the applicant
List and describe any team members who will be involved in the project and describe their proposed role/s in the project
Does the project require ethics approval? If yes, describe the ethical issues and explain how these issues will be addressed (note that ethics approval is the responsibility of the applicant and funding is contingent on receiving ethics approval). If ethics approval already granted, please attach evidence
Dissemination strategy (outline the proposed strategies for dissemination of research findings e.g. publications, seminars
Section 4: Budget
Provide a detailed project budget, January-December
Personnel (this may be salary of applicant/back fill of applicant. The per hour rate must be justified)
Equipment e.g. software for surveys/analysis
Maintenance e.g. printing, mailing
Total cost of research
Total funding requested by DAA
Include budget justification

Application checklist:

 Current CV for applicant

Current CV for mentor

 Letter of support from the applicant’s workplace (if self employed N/A)

 Evidence of ethics approval if applicable

Project budget plan

Applicant Declaration

I understand and accept the eligibility requirements.

Applicant signature:

Applicant printed name:


Research mentor signature:

Research mentor printed name:

Send completed applications to:

DAA Services Manager

Applications Due: 30 September (in eligible years)

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