INTRODUCTION by Executive Director
This Service Plan provides a brief overview of the services we provide together with the key strategic priorities and performance indicators that will be undertaken and monitored during the period 2007-10. The targets are influenced by various factors, including the external operating environment, the Council’s strategic objectives, values and corporate priorities. Further detail of the work of individual Teams is contained within their strategies and operational work plans, some of which are referred to in this plan.
Development & Environmental Services brings together most of the Council’s regulatory, property and contract services. The service is structured into 3 main services Development, Environmental and Property. Additionally as part of the directorate there is a Strategy and Support team which covers both administrative. and technical support, sustainability and project implementation. In all, the Service consists of some 25 teams.
As such, Development and Environmental Services bring a co-ordinated approach to the management of a broad range of public services. Key to our thinking is that the quality of people’s lives depends upon having a healthy, attractive and sustainable environment, as well as having access to social amenities and economic well-being. The aim of achieving all these things together is captured in the term “sustainable development”. It is recognised that initiatives taken to achieve any of the objectives must take account of the possible impact it will have on the others.
Sustainable development will mean taking considered decisions and actions, in the knowledge that what we do now in terms of our economic, social and environmental objectives will have as much effect on future generations as they do on the present. Our approach to service delivery is therefore based upon the need to secure, maintain and enhance the high quality natural and built environment of the area, not only for now but for the future as well, and to encourage development which enhances quality of life whilst providing economic, social and environmental benefits.
The Service’s Strategy to meet the Corporate Vision is based on 3 main themes:-
·  Caring for the Environment
·  Enriching Peoples Lives
·  Promoting Sustainable Development
Each theme has a set of key objectives that all teams within the Service will seek to achieve over the next 3 years. How they will do this will be defined by the key tasks and associated action plans that they will identify in the Annual Service Plan.
The objectives of Development & Environmental Services are as follows:-

Caring for the Environment

·  To protect and enhance the local environment.
·  To move towards more sustainable methods of managing waste.
·  To regulate the use and development of land, property and natural resources.

Enriching Peoples Lives

·  To facilitate the retention and creation of attractive, healthy and safe places to live.
·  To promote the vitality and viability of local shopping centres.
·  To promote access to local community facilities and amenities.

Promoting Sustainable Development

·  To facilitate the provision of attractive and competitive places in which to invest and create jobs.
·  To promote the sustainable diversification of the rural economy and tourism.


The Property Service comprises eight business units, which deliver a range of facilities management services for the Council.
·  Asset Management
·  Design
·  Property Maintenance
·  Catering
·  Cleaning
·  Fleet
·  Property Contracts
·  Roads Contracts
All of the business units operate on a trading basis generating income from other services and external agencies. The Property & Roads Contract Units are classified as significant Trading operations (STO). Each unit places strong emphasis on good customer relations and a can do approach for customers. The Service continually seeks to make improvements in all these areas and has just completed or is undertaking Best Value Reviews of the Service.

Service Objectives

/ The objective of Property Services is to provide a comprehensive service which adopts best practice in the provision of a range of efficient and cost effective facilities management services.
Through in- house service provision the Council achieves advantages in control and customer responsiveness while providing a not for profit business environment and high quality employment conditions for staff and investment in the local economy.
Staffing(FTE) /
Principal Officer grade and above
Below Principal Officer
21 / 288
Revenue Budget / Expenditure: £13.92M Income: £13.57M
Capital Budget / £15.9 M (managed by the Service on behalf of other Services)
The following are the most significant changes likely to impact on the service during the life of the Service Plan.
Demographic Change
·  Road Improvements & Railway Re-opening – Recent road improvements, plans for the new upper Forth road crossing and the Railway re-opening proposals will make Clackmannanshire more accessible and require improvements to both the road and building infrastructure.
·  Declining School Roles – Education is projecting a steadily declining school role over the next 20 years. This will impact on the number of school buildings we currently maintain.
Legislative Change
·  Asset Management Planning – The Scottish Executive require all Councils to produce an Asset Management Plan for the School Estate and have required that this be integrated into an overall strategy for the Council. The implementation of the plan must lead to the rationalisation of the Council’s building stock or to a major increase in existing investment levels since the current position is unsustainable. A review of the current plan will be conducted during the year.
·  Health and Safety – Increasingly new legislation is being introduced to improve H & S both during construction and once the building is in use. This is combined with a more litigious environment and risk management demands from insurance companies is increasing maintenance costs.
Structural Change
·  Joint Working – Plans to integrate the operations of Stirling and Clackmannanshire Council will be developed during the year. These will not only impact on the service arrangements but on the buildings that both organizations currently use creating a significant work load for the Asset Management Unit.
·  A review of the service structure to more effectively address the issues of facilities management across the council will be undertaken during the year.
Client Change
·  Client Fragmentation & Hypothecated Funding – Construction projects now involve a much greater number of client splinter groups. There is also a movement towards greater devolution of budgets and projects are being financed by a partnership of agencies. These agencies frequently have different agendas and this makes delivery of the project more complex.
Transfer of Buildings to External Agencies – The decision by the Council to transfer ownership of buildings to arms length or independent agencies using Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) arrangements will have an impact on the In-House Service Providers.
Property Services supports the Community Planning themes of:
Environment and Sustainability through:
·  Ensuring that the built heritage is enhanced.
·  Promoting energy efficiency in the design of new developments.
Community safety through:
·  Reducing the incidence of fatalities and injuries by fire.
Stakeholder consultation will be carried out in accordance with the programme implemented by Support Services .

Development & Environmental Services Service Plan 2007 – 10

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/ Performance Achieved
2005-06 / Performance Anticipated
2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
Customer (Stakeholder) / Performance Achieved
2005-06 / Performance Anticipated
2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
% corporate complaints within timescale. / 67% / 100% / 100% / Quarterly
'% of Freedom of Information Act enquiry requests within timescale. / N/A / N/A / 100% / Quarterly
Customer satisfaction as measured by survey in PCU of housing repair service. / N/A / 87.8% / 95.0% / Annually

Internal Business Processes

/ Performance Achieved
2005-06 / Performance Anticipated
2006-7 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
% Councillor enquiries within timescale / 63% / 69% / 100% / Monthly
Number of APSE Key Indicators in the top quartile of the Building Cleaning family group. / N/A / 3/11 / 5/11 / Annually from previous years data
Number of APSE Key Indicators in the top quartile of the Catering family group. / N/A / 2/7 / 3/7 / Annually from previous years data
Number of APSE Key Indicators in the top quartile of the Fleet family group. / N/A / 3/8 / 4/8 / Annually from previous years data
Number of APSE Key Indicators in the top quartile of the Building Maintenance family group. / N/A / 3/11 / 5/11 / Annually from previous years data
Responsive repairs as a % of total repairs / N/A / N/A / Quarterly
% energy consumption from indigenous renewables, Internal and External / N/A / N/A / 45% / Quarterly
Learning and Growth / Performance Achieved
2005-06 / Performance Anticipated
2006-07 / Target 2007-08 / Frequency of Review
% staff absence / 4.88% / 5.07% / 4.07% / Monthly
% PRD targets completed within timescale / 100% / 100% / 100% / Annually
No. of training days per member of staff. / 1.5 / 2.4 / 2.5 / Annually
Staff Meetings / New Indicator / 4 / 4 / Annually
Management Team Meetings / New Indicator / 12 / 12 / Annually



Provide Improved Asset Management

Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP Ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
PS1.1 / Review SImCo as part of BV review of housing repair service to improve service effectiveness. / Housing / Review SImCo as part of BV review of Housing Repairs and customer first proposals. / Implement BV Review findings and customer first proposals. / Implement BV Review findings and customer first proposals.
PS1.2 / Progress Secondary Schools PPP / 1.4 / Education
Clackmannanshire Education Partnership / Monitor schools under construction. / Monitor schools under construction and agree completion and handover. / Implement FM performance monitoring regime.
PS1.3 / Generation of capital receipts in support of PPP schools programme." / Legal Services / Site assessment. Planning, consultation and approvals. Development brief preparation. Initial marketing. / Receipt of tenders. Assessment and negotiation. Legal instructions. / Complete any outstanding transactions and secure associated capital receipts.
PS1.4 / Review Asset Management Plan and update recommendation.
Complete existing BV recommendations / Implement recommendation
from updated
AMP / Implement recommendation
from updated AMP

Deliver HRA Capital Improvements

Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP Ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
PS2.1 / Deliver structural repairs / Housing / Complete repairs to a value of £200k / Complete repairs to a value of £200k / Complete repairs to a value of £85k
PS2.2 / Deliver repairs/ renewals relating to roofs, damp, rot external walls and doors / Housing / Complete repairs to a value of £730k / Complete repairs to a value of £430k / Complete repairs to a value of £330k
PS2.3 / Deliver improvements to central heating and thermal insulation / Housing / Complete improvements to a value of£1.8m / Complete improvements to a value of£1.7m / Complete improvements £685k
PS2.4 / Deliver kitchen renewals / Housing / Complete renewals to a value of £4M / Complete renewals to a value of £3.86M / Complete renewals to a value of £3.2M
PS2.5 / Deliver bathroom renewals / Housing / Complete renewals to a value of £1.3M / Complete renewals to a value of £1.0M / Complete renewals to a value of £800k
PS2.6 / Deliver installation of safe electrical systems / Housing / Complete installation to a value of 400K / Complete installation to a value of 465k / Complete installation to a value of 300K
PS2.7 / Deliver environmental improvements to communal areas. / Housing / Complete improvements to a value of £150k / Complete improvements to a value of £100k / Complete improvements to a value of £100k
PS2.8 / Deliver conversions, upgradings and adaptations for Particular Needs Housing / Housing / Deliver works to the value of £430k / Deliver works to the value of £445k / Deliver works to the value of £350k
PS2.9 / Deliver Area Improvements / Housing / Complete improvements to a value of £100k / Complete improvements to a value of £70k / Complete improvements to a value of £45k

Deliver HRA Capital Improvements

Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP Ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
PS2.10 / Deliver replacement of external water pipes / Housing / Deliver replacements to a value of £200k / Deliver replacements to a value of £150k / Deliver replacements to a value of £50k
PS2.11 / Deliver demolition works / Housing / Deliver works to the value of £50k / Deliver works to the value of £100k / Deliver works to the value of £50k
PS2.12 / Deliver feasibility studies and other work / Housing / Deliver works to the value of £150k / Deliver works to the value of £130k / Deliver works to the value of £125k
TARGET OUTCOME 3 / Deliver General Services Capital Programme for Services to People
Ref. / 3 Year Target / CP Ref / Partners / Target 2007/08 / Target 2008/09 / Target 2009/10
PS3.1 / Deliver improvements to schools including building alarms. / 1.4 / Education / Deliver improvements to a value of £1.4M / Deliver improvements to a value of £1.3M / Deliver improvements to a value of £1.0M
PS3.2 / Deliver improvements to Sports and Leisure facilities. / 2.7 / Leisure Services / Deliver improvements to a value of £190k including Tulligarth resurfacing and Alva Sports Complex upgrading / Deliver improvements to a value of £75k including Alva Sports Complex, Cochrane hall and Outdoor Activity Centre. / Deliver improvements to a value of £6.21M including Alva Sports Complex, Cochrane Hall, Outdoor Activity Centre, Lornshill Running Track and demolition of Lornshill Academy.
PS3.3 / Deliver improvements to Social Services properties. / Social Services / Deliver improvements to a value of £1M
Including Menstrie House, Ludgate House and general DDA compliance. / Deliver improvements to a value of £1M