I.  Meeting called to order 7:00

II.  Attendees other than Board members…Susie Gargiulo, Dan Awalt, Duke Jenkins, Luis Santos and Steve Gushwa. Board members and other attendees were introduced.

III.  Approval of minutes from April 18th meeting (Bill Gargiulo made the motion to approve the minutes, Rick Bennett seconded the motion, all voted in favor) and Treasurers Report- total cash on hand is $178,755.22 with $132,877.64 in the money market account and $16,330.06 in checking. No update on the accounts receivable from the accountant since the annual meeting. Discussion about setting up “sinking fund” (instead of having a lump sum reserve fund) to set aside funds for each specific project. These projects would include the road project, barrier, and water line replacement. This would dovetail into a budget for annual expenditures and allow changes to allocation by project as decided by the Board. Bill Gargiulo made the motion to have the accountant set up these sinking fund accounts, Belisa Oliveira seconded the motion; Bill Gargiulo, Marion Pandiscio and Belisa Oliveira voted in favor, Bill Barrineau and Rick Bennett voted against. The motion passed and Bill Gargiulo will speak to our accountant.

IV.  Election of Officers: Marion Pandiscio was elected President, Belisa Oliveira was elected Secretary, Rick Bennett was elected Treasurer, Bill Gargiulo was elected Member at Large/Covenants and Restrictions, and Bill Barrineau was elected Vice President. An audit committee will put in place for periodic audit of financials. Luis Santos provided the Board with keys to the shed, the gate and the padlock to the sales center gate. Marion Pandiscio and Luis Santos will maintain keys to the sales center.

V.  Volunteer Committees were discussed. Thank you to the volunteers in the community for signing up! Each “Chair” of the respective committee will decide how the committee functions and the volunteers required for their respective committees. The Security Committee will be chaired by Luis Santos, the Architectural Review Committee by Dan Awalt, the Social Committee by Susie Gargiulo, the Beautification Committee by Tony and Linda Markoutsis and the Newsletter by Ann Rashid. The Committee Chairs will set up their organizational meetings.

VI.  Three ring binders with meeting minutes, gate operations, financials, etc… will be put together by Belisa Oliveira for all Board members. This can be used going forward for all Boards.

VII.  Meeting minutes and financials will be posted on the website and large projects will be discussed as an item in the newsletter.

VIII.  Old Business:

A.  6116 received a letter from the CCE Attorney and took down the fence that was the subject of the violation on the property.

B.  The residents at 6119 had a boat and trailer in violation of the deed restrictions and the residents at 6130 had two trailers in violation of the deed restrictions. The homeowners were approached and they quickly and amicably removed the violations from their residences.

C.  6195 had a boat in the driveway again on July 17th in violation of the deed restrictions. Rick Bennett will speak with homeowner and the attorney.

D.  Rick Bennett will also speak to the attorney to see if the community can lien the homes that have no one living in them and have unkempt yards (6122 and 6136) so that the community can pay to mow the yards and be paid when the properties sell. Belisa Oliveira made a motion to move forward with this and Marion Pandiscio seconded it, all the Board voted in favor. Api will give the Board a bid to mow these properties.

E.  New “Speed” signs, “Neighborhood Watch”, and “Deed Restricted Community” sign will be priced by Belisa Oliveira and the costs and photos will be forwarded to the Board for final decision.

F.  Camera upgrades at the front gate were approved by the community and a proposal was submitted by Luis Santos detailing pricing and camera configuration/specifications (approx. $7,800.00). Belisa Oliveira made a motion to accept the proposal to purchase the equipment and it was seconded by Bill Barrineau. All Board members voted in favor.

G.  Lighting Improvements at the front gate were approved by the community and a proposal for cost and fixture aesthetics will be forwarded to the Board for final decision.

H.  The water main issue in the community was discussed. Because there is a concern with the increase in water pressure due to continued construction in Heritage Harbour, Steve Gushwa volunteered to get quotes from a plumber that deals with commercial piping to see what the cost would be for a pressure regulator.

I.  Discussed having Wyman Plumbing come in and give a presentation and cost estimate of replacing/repairing our water main.

J.  The “double arrow” sign outside 8th Avenue has not been relocated at the moment but County officials are looking at it to see if it makes sense to move it west of its current location to align better with Port Harbour Parkway.

K.  Blinking Stoplight/LED outlined stop sign has been suggested to the County Commissioner by Marion Pandiscio. The County maintains that it is expensive to install those types of signs and they are typically used in a rural area. They are looking into moving the current stop sign/ making it bigger on Port Harbour Parkway for better visibility and/or adding an additional sign forecasting the stop sign further up Port Harbour Parkway. The County is also reviewing other reinforcement measures of that stop sign.

L.  Palm in phase II has been removed. Board is reviewing whether a mature palm should go in as a replacement or whether a smaller palm should go in. Board is reviewing whether some of the other Queen Palms that are looking unhealthy need to be replaced. The Beautification Committee will look at these issues and make a recommendation to the Board.

M.  The piles of fronds on lot B-1 have been cleaned up by Api. Rick Bennett wants to insure that Api will be paid going forward as he periodically cleans up this lot. Rick Bennett will handle the invoices for this continued clean-up.

N.  The Barrier between CCE and HH has been approved by the community and Belisa Oliveira will review the rear-lot easement language. Options for the Barrier (concrete wall, “wrought iron look” fence or foliage hedge) will be priced by Belisa Oliveira and presented to the Board. Marion Pandiscio will forward contractor name and Bill Gargiulo will forward contractor names as well for Belisa Oliveira to contact.

O.  Rick Bennett will speak with Caleb Grimes, Esq. to discuss HH participation in putting up/paying money toward the Barrier.

P.  Rick Bennett has listed the lot with the Sales Center for sale and asked the Board to be thinking about alternative locations for the equipment currently housed there.

Q.  Next meeting is August 22nd, at 7 PM at Bennett Realty.

The meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.

Respectfully Submitted;

Belisa Oliveira, Secretary

July 18, 2013