The Harris County District Attorney has filed unprecedented criminal charges against Cypress Creek EMS, the taxpayer funded ambulance service serving 911 calls for nearly half a million Harris County residents.

Cypress Creek EMS had been given a deadline of Tuesday October 14th, 2014 to release financial records detailing the pay and benefits of employees, including the Chief Executive Officer Brad England.

The District Attorney’s office is unaware of any other Houston non-profit organization that has ever defied the order.

The financial documents had been requested by Dolcefino Consulting, which has been investigating the non-profit organization.

Yesterday, a lawyer for the taxpayer elected ESD board overseeing the Cypress Creek announced he was reviewing whether CCEMS was now in breach of the government contract requiring them to follow state law. The lawyer for CCEMS attacked Dolcefino Consulting, calling Wayne Dolcefino a “delusional former TV reporter” and comparing the requests to the KKK trying to get the records of the NAACP.

CCEMS took in more than 18 million dollars from direct tax money and insurance payments from 911 patients in 2012 alone. Just yesterday CCEMS asked the taxpayer funded ESD #11 for a budget increase of 1.6 million dollars without adding a single ambulance, most of it for, you guessed it, salaries.

The battle over the financial records began on August 15th, 2014 when Cypress Creek EMS first refused to turn over the payroll record. Dolcefino Consulting filed a formal criminal complaint. In a letter to the ambulance service the Harris County District Attorney ordered the release of payroll records by Tuesday October 14th, 2014. CCEMS failed to respond. Late Thursday, the District Attorney filed the criminal case.

CCEMS is also asking the Texas Attorney General to help them avoid providing records under the Texas Public Information Act, even though they buy their ambulances through a government procurement process.

“ Every taxpayer should now demand a full explanation”, says Wayne Dolcefino.”You got to love the arrogance. They don’t mind asking for your money, but then they don’t want to tell you who gets it.”

Dolcefino Consulting has also been contracts and other financial documents, examining entertainment records of the Cypress Creek EMS Executive Director Brad England, served with a summons by the District Attorney for a November court date.

Receipts for almost all of England’s business entertainment spending are missing, but American Express Statements detail England’s fondness for expensive steak restaurants. On some days the bills total more than 1,000.00, money raised from the ambulance bills charged to county residents and their insurance companies.

Details of the ongoing investigation will emerge in the coming days.

Dolcefino Consulting is a firm specializing in investigative communications, crisis management and legal and political consulting.

Wayne Dolcefino, President 5554 S. Peek Suite 33 5554 South Peek Rd.

Office 281-394-2997 Katy, Texas 77450

Mobile 713-389-0810