March 25, 1963
Orem City Council met in regular session, Monday March 25, 1963, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, chairman; Councilmen Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Laird Billings, and Harley Gillman. Absent, Lowell Thomson. Also in attendance were City Manager Bennie Schmiett, City Engineer A. E. Carlson, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Treasurer Victor H. Christensen, Assistant Engineer Chester P. Kocherhans, Civil Defense Director George McKinney, Water Superintendent Glen Case and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others present were as follows:
Cynthia ScottDeseret News
Bob SpringmayerArmory
Parlell PetersonRecreation Budget
Robert P. ThornRepresentative of Orem Chamber of Commerce
Clyde Weeks
Norman FergusonProperty above Canyon Park
Milton JohnsonChamber of Commerce
Ray HanksRealtor
Clinton SmithJaycees
Meeting opened with prayer by Earl Wengreen.
Minutes of March 18, 1963, were approved as read and corrected.
Col. Bob Springmayer, architect representing National Guard Bureau, met with the Council to discuss plans for the proposed National Guard Armory. Mr. Springmayer stated that Type C Armory provides 13,000 square feet of space and a Type D Armory provides 16,000 square feet of space. If undecided as to type wanted, bids could be called for on two sets of specifications.
Mr. Springmayer also stated that in some instances where a school district benefits from the use of the armory, the school district participates in the cost.
Mr. Springmayer recommended that plans as wanted be presented to the Government to acquire participating funds, and they will let the City know what they will participate in. The approximate cost of the Armory as being discussed would be $175,000 one-fourth of which would be paid by the State or $44,000 and $50,000 by Orem City, leaving a balance of approximately $81,000 to be provided by the Federal Government.
Mr. Springmayer stated he would prepare a prospectus in order to initiate the program.
City Manager Schmiett was authorized to check with Leeman Bennett, principal of Orem High School, to determine if Alpine School District might be interested in participating in the cost of the Armory.
Parlell Peterson presented a report on operations of Scera for 1962 as follows: (See pages 00764-00766 for table in Minutes Book 3 1960-1966)
Earl Wengreen stated that the amount the .60 mills levied for Recreation will be the amount available for recreation.
Mayor Jameson stated that the Council would try to increase the Recreation budget to $8,422.66, but it could not be promised.
Norman Ferguson, representing himself and five others, reported he would like a mineral lease on the Orem City property located north of the Orem City Canyon Park. Mr. Ferguson stated the State asks for 50 cents per acre plus royalty for mineral leases.
Mr. Ferguson wants to tunnel for the ore, will also have waste material and water to dispose of, but he stated there will be sufficient area not in the park area to store the waste.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to authorize Norman Ferguson to prepare a mineral lease and present it to the Council for consideration at the next Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.
George McKinney, Civil Defense Director, made a report on the Civil Defense school at Alameda, California at which Regions 5, 6, 7, and 8 were represented.
Mr. McKinney stated that federal matching funds are available for training C.D. personnel, and recommended that definite action be taken to provide training for three or four people who would know the whole Civil Defense program.
Harley Gillman asked that a copy of the Master Road Plan be mailed to him to keep on the transportation study.
Ray Hanks proposed that Orem City purchase the Anderson property located north of 800 North Street west of the Taylor Farm at $21,500 for 13½ acres. The purpose of the purchase would be to obtain six shares of Alta Ditch water.
Attorney Wentz stated that a court decision had upheld the winter rights of Alta Ditch water.
After further discussion, motion was made by Harley Gillman, seconded by Alvin Rowley, to reject the proposal to purchase the 13½ acres of land as made by Ray Hanks. The motion passed.
Milton Johnson presented a Quit-Claim Deed to complete streets 200 west and 1100 South in the C.I. Moon subdivision. City Engineer Carlson stated there is no record of this subdivision on file.
Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Moon stated he had been given approval of his subdivision several years ago, his lots are being sold by metes and bounds and utility lines are being installed by him.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept the Quit-Claim Deed from C.I. Moon for rights of way on 200 West and 1100 South Street. The motion was seconded by Earl Wengreen. Voting aye were Earl Wengreen and Harley Gillman. Voting nay, Alvin Rowley. Motion passed by majority vote.
Harley Gillman reported that Harlon Hilton was cementing the irrigation ditch, and that Dick Burr had been contacted and agreed to move the ditch to the south of 800 South Street in the vicinity of 900 East Street.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman, seconded by Alvin Rowley to delete street surfacing only from Job Nos. 63 and 63A from Special Improvement District J. Motion passed.
Motion was made by Alvin Rowley to accept Job No. 71, Special Improvement District J. The motion was seconded by Harley Gillman, and passed.
The Council authorized City Manager Schmiett to designate someone to obtain Quit-Claim Deeds to street rights of way on Special Improvement District J where title does not now belong to the City.
Motion was made by Earl Wengreen to authorize the City Manager and City Engineer to bring Special Improvement District J to completion and take to Council. The motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and passed.
Harley Gillman suggested deleting areas where streets are inadequate to conform with the Master Street Plan.
Alvin Rowley suggested setting up problem areas as a new District at a later date.
Motion was made by Alvin Rowley to delete Job #3, #4, #8A and #14 from Special Improvement District J. The motion was seconded by Harley Gillman, and passed.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept the Quit-Claim Deed from LeRoy and Isabel Watters, 820 East from 1500 south to 1600 south, as soon as they bring the street up to standard. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings, and passed.
City Engineer Carlson was asked to obtain rights of way on sewer lines that will serve the new junior high school located on 800 North between 600 West and 800 West Streets.
Harley Gillman reported that Vern Stratton would like to rent part of the Taylor Farm as he rented in 1962, but feels that $600.00 is too much rent.
Mayor Jameson reported that Clyde Weeks had sent a list of 150 street corners that were unmarked. This list was the result of a survey made by the mail carriers on the mail routes.
City Manager Schmiett stated that a program has been initiated and corner signs are being installed as fast as possible.
Motion was made by Earl Wengreen to authorize the City Manager to have the same rental contract on the Taylor Farm and Terry Farm with Howard Ferguson as done in 1962. The motion was seconded by Harley Gillman, and passed.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to authorize the City Manager to purchase one gasoline portable 300 amp welding machine for $750.00, and to sell the old welding machine. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings, and passed.
Motion was made by Earl Wengreen to authorize the City Attorney to amend the application to the Public Service Commission on the D & RGW Railroad crossing located in the Canyon Park. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings, and passed.
City Manager Schmiett reported that a claim against Orem City had been filed by Leon Frazier in behalf of Kenneth Kirkham in the amount of $577.70. The reason for the suit was the sale of a dog to Mr. Wilberg which Mr. Kirkham claimed to own. The dog had been held for six days before selling, and Mr.Kirkham had not reported the dog as missing before the dog had been sold. The dog also was unlicensed.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to reject the claim filed by Leon Frazier in behalf of Kenneth Kirkham. The motion was seconded by Earl Wengreen and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 a.m.