Minutes of the Meeting of
Llwchwr Town Council
held on 5January 2009
PRESENT: CouncillorI. James (Chairman)
Councillors J. Bowen, S. E. Davies, D. A. Evans, William Evans,
S. M. Evans,R. V. Smith,A. Veck and P Williams.
(Welfare Hall, Loughor: 7.15pm –8.05pm.)
The Mayor wished everyone a happy New year.
The Mayor informed members that it had been reported in the press that a young boy from Loughor had been honoured for looking after his mother who was not in the best of health. The boy was William John and the Mayor suggested that his devotion to caring for his mother should be recognised by the Council.
It was RESOLVED that
(a)the Council award William John a Civic Award;
(b)the Clerk make the appropriate arrangements; and
(c) arrange for the award to be commissioned.
The Mayor informed the meeting of the engagements she had attended since the last meeting of Council. These had included attending the Lantern Parade; the New Lodge Annual Dinner; the Tre Uchaf School Fair; a Carol Evening with the Loughor Town Band; Carol Services in St Michael’s Church and St David’s Church; the Dedication of the Tree of Light; Gowerton Arts Festival; the Maes y Efail Christmas Party; the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Evening; the Parkinson’s Centre; the Christmas Lights Competition and the 70th Wedding Anniversaryof Mr and Mrs John in Llys y Coed.
There were apologies for absence from Councillors E. Davies, A. I. Evans,
D. Evans, Wendy Evans, T. Jones, C. Richards and C. Watters.
In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct the following
declarations were made.
Councillors William Evans declared a Prejudicial Personal Interest in all
planning matters andwithdrew from the meeting while they were discussed.
CouncillorI James declared a Personal Interest in minute143(l) and
withdrew from the meeting while the matter was discussed.
Councillor J Bowen declared an interest in minute 143(o) and withdrew
from the meeting while the matter was discussed.
Councillor P Williams declared an interest in minute 143(h)(iii) and
withdrew from the meeting while the matter was discussed.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Meeting of Council held
on the 1st December 2008 be confirmed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Budget Working
Party held on the 10th December 2008 be received and confirmed as a correct
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
The Minutes of the Meeting of the Welfare Hall Management Committee
held on the 1st December 2008 were noted.
There was no police report due to PCSO Jane Phillips being injured and PCSO Tom O’Neil attending to other duties.
There was no correspondence to report.
Councillor William Evans reported that he had attended a meeting of the Area Committee of One Voice Wales on the 11th December 2008 and there had been a very interesting presentation by Deryck Evans from the Wales Audit Office. Councillor D A Evans reported that he had attended a workshop organised by the Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales.
(a) Police Matters
It was NOTED thatthe next PACT Meeting will be held on the 16th
January 2009 at 7.00pm in the Welfare Hall.
(b) Accounts for Payment
It was RESOLVED that the following payments be authorised
(i) A W Davies – postage for this meeting - £4.18
(ii) A W Davies – stamps - £52.92
(iii) A W Davies – get well card – £2.80
(iv) E Davies – kitchen supplies- £19.41
(v) A W Davies– bouquet - £25.00
(vi) A W Davies–ink cartridges - £31.96
(vii) Mazars LLP – Audit Fee 2007/08 - £460.00
(viii) A W Davies – napkins etc for produce market - £1.86
(ix) A W Davies – travelling expenses Boundary Commission
Workshop, Carmarthen - £35.15
(x) Photo Direct – Mayor’s photos May to December - £570.00
(xi) Gwyn Owen – Christmas Lights Competition winner– £25.00
(xii) Adele Williams – Christmas Lights Competition Winner -£25.00
(xiii) John Livings – Christmas Lights Competition Winner - £25.00
(xiv) Gwyn Hurley – Christmas Lights Competition Winner - £25.00
(xv) Algebra Ltd – copying charges 15.10.08 to 19.11.08 – £18.25
(xvi)Algebra Ltd – copying charges 19.11.08 to 15.12.08 - £14.19
(c) Precept Payment
It was NOTEDthat the final payment of the annual precept had been
received on the 9th December 2008.
(c)Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales – Workshops
It was NOTEDthat theClerk and Councillor D A Evans had attended
the above workshops on the 10th December 2008.
(e) Alun Cairns AM
It was reported that the above AM had attended a meeting of Port Eynon Community Council where they had discussed concerns over sand dredging. They were planning to hold a joint meeting on the 12th January 2009 and were inviting interested persons to attend.
It was RESOLVEDthat the Clerk write to One Voice Wales
(i) informing them of the meeting; and
(ii) referring the matter to them.
(f) Directional Sign for the Welfare Hall
The Clerk reported that he had written to the City and County of Swansea requesting the erection of a directional sign for the Welfare Hall and had been informed that they did not have the resources and that they were reviewing their policy on all signage with a view to implementing a new strategic policy.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the City and County of
Swansea to clarify when the new policy would be adopted and
(g) Swansea Unitary Development Plan
It was NOTEDthat thePlan was being prepared for publication and
that the Council would be provided with a copy when it became
(h) Council Grants
(i) LoughorTown Band
It was reported that the band were seeking financial support
towards the cost of replacing the roof to their bandroom.
It wasRESOLVEDthat a grant of £150 be awarded.
(ii) Margaret L C Rees, District Commissioner Mid and Gower Girl
It was reported that the above was seeking financial support for a
planned trip to Disneyland Paris for several groups of Guides,
Brownies,Cubs and Scouts. The Council had considered the application at its last meeting and resolved that while it supported applications from groups within its area it would not support a general application covering a variety of groups from different areas.The applicant had written wanting to appeal against the Council’s decision and provided further information on the charitable works undertaken by the local groups. The Clerk informed members that they did not have power to award grants to individuals and that any grant awarded had to be for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area. To give a grant for individuals to have a holiday would not have a general benefit for the community and would be outside the scope of the Council’s powers.
It was RESOLVEDthat the Clerk inform the applicant that the Council could not give a grant for the proposed activity.
(Councillor P Williams withdrew from the meeting while the following item was considered.)
(iii) Alzheimer’s Society
It was reported that the above organisation had applied for financial assistance towards the cost of providing their services in the community.
It was RESOLVED that a grant of £150 be awarded.
(iv) Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod
It was NOTED that the above organisation were seeking financial support.
(v) Macmillan Cancer Support
It was reported that the above organisation were seeking financial assistance towards the cost of providing their services in the community.
It was RESOLVED that a grant of £100 be awarded.
(i) Cycle Route from Culfor Road, Loughor to Caravan Club, Gowerton
It was NOTEDthatthe Clerk had nothing to report.
(j) Review of Community Boundaries in the City and County of Swansea
It wasreportedthat the Council had been concerned that the comments by Councillor Gillian Evans of Gorseinon Town Council to the Boundary Commission could be construed as the views of Gorseinon Town Council itself. It was NOTED that the Clerk had written to Gorseinon Town Council who had responded by confirming that they had informed the Boundary Commission that the views of Councillor Evans were her personal views and not those of the town council.
(k)Christmas Competition for the House with the Best Exterior Christmas
It was NOTEDthat the winners of the competition for 2008 were
(i)GardenVillage – Mr Gwyn Owen, 28 Ffordd Bryngwyn;
(ii)Kingsbridge – Mrs Adele Williams, 20 Maes Daffydd;
(iii)Upper Loughor – Mr John Living, 48 Waun Road;
(iv)Lower Loughor – Mr Gwyn Hurley, 83 Culfor Road;
The Mayor had presented the winners with cheques for £25 on the 19th December 2008.
(The Mayor withdrew from the meeting while the next item was considered and the meeting was chaired by the Deputy Mayor Councillor S E Davies in her absence)
(l) Lord Mayor’s Charity Ball
It was RESOLVEDthat the Mayor and Consort be authorised to attend
the above function on the 13th February 2009 at a cost of £42.50 per
(Councillor I James Chairman)
(m) Renewal of Post Office Card Account
It was NOTEDthat the government had awarded the new card account
to the Post Office.
(n) Directional Sign at Culfor Road
It was reported that officers from the City and County had checked the signage at Culfor Road and agreed that an additional sign was required.
It was NOTEDthatthe sign would be installed some time in May 2009.
(Councillor J Bowen withdrew from the meeting while the following item was discussed.)
(o) Proposed School Reorganisation
It was reported that the Education Department were consulting on a proposal to establish a specialist teaching facility for pupils with Moderate to Severe Learning Difficulties at PenyrheolComprehensiveSchool from September 2009.
It was RESOLVEDthat the Council support the proposal.
(p) Model Code of Conduct
It was NOTED that all outstanding payments for the advertisement had been received.
(q) Common Land Between Kingsbridge and Gowerton – Proposed Site of
Cycle Track
It was reported that under the terms of the County of west Glamorgan (A484/A483 Llanelli Link Road Phase 2 – Victoria Road Cwndu) Compulsory Purchase Order 1988 the former railway track had to be conveyed to a third party. There had been many problems which had delayed the completion of the conveyance and following completion of the conveyance consideration would need to be given to the siting of a cycle track.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the City and County of Swansea in the hope that they might be able to expedite the process.
(r)One Voice Wales – National Training Programme for Community and
Town Councils in Wales – Councillor Training 2009
It was NOTED that One Voice Wales were arranging training sessions
throughout Wales and that a course entitled “The Councillor” was to be
held in Pennard Village Hall on Monday 19th January 2009 at a cost of
£25 per delegate.
(s) Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2008
The Clerk reported that the External Auditor had completed his audit for the year ended 31 March 2008 and that there were no matters of concern which needed to be brought to the attention of the Council. The Auditor had suggested that the Council should set up an Asset Register to record all assets held by the Council.
It was RESOLVED that
(i) the report of the External Auditor be accepted; and
(ii) the Clerk set up an Asset Register.
(t) Play Wales
It was NOTED that Play Wales were inviting organisations to become
members at a cost of £100.
(u) Produce Market
It was reported that the Council had held its first Produce Market on the 28th November 2008 and that it had been a success. The next market was to be held on the 30th January 2009 and the banners are currently with the signwriter having the date altered. The initial cost of the banners was £350.00 but they were re-usable. The other income and expenditure was as follows:-
Letting of stalls £165.00
Kitchen income £57.15
Total £222.15
Catering £22.23
Kitchen £19.41
Napkins etc £1.86
Total £43.50
The approximate profit amounted to £178.65.
It was RESOLVED the sum of £178.65 be transferred to the Welfare
Hall Account.
(v) Councillor Darren Price – Local Youth Forum
It was reported that County Councillor Darren Price had written to the Council indicating that he was interested in developing a local youth forum in the area and that he was aware that the town council was interested in developing something similar. He had asked if members would be interested in attending a joint meeting with officers from the County’s Regeneration Department in order to discuss options that might be available. While Councillor Price represented Upper Loughor only, the Council was concerned about the whole of its area which also incorporated two other County Council Wards.
It was RESOLVED that
(i)the Youth Council Sub-Committee hold a joint meeting to cover
the whole of the Council’s area;
(ii) the officers of the Regeneration Department be invited to attend the
meeting; and
(iii) the three CountyCouncillors for the area be invited to attend.
(w) Call for Evidence
It was NOTED that the National Assembly Government had set up an
independent panel to review the financial support provided for
Assembly Members.
(Councillor William Evans withdrew from the meeting while the planning report was considered.)
The Council considered the following planning applications upon which the
observations of the Town Council had been requested.
(a) It was RESOLVED that no objection be made to the following:
(i) No. 2008/2115 – Queens Hall, Queens Avenue, Gorseinon
Mr P Patel - Proposed construction of four houses
Provided that
(a)there is no disruption to surface water which could
cause flooding to properties in West Street;
(b) access rights in relation to the rear lane should be clarified and resolved prior to any consent being granted to ensure that there is access to the proposed garages.
(ii) No.2008/2244– Gowerton Golf Range, Victoria Road,
Gowerton – Mr Wayne Battye - Proposed addition of
conservatory extension to ex refreshment room.
(iii) No. 2008/2281 – 19 Lon Brydwen, Gorseinon – Mr and
Mrs Thomas – Proposeddemolition of existing garage,
replace with single storey utility, storage and sun room.
(iv) No. 2008/2293 – 12 Lon Brydwen, Kingsbridge –
Raymond George Bennett – Proposed first floor side extension and rear conservatory.
(v) No. 2008/2359 – 10 Highfields, Gorseinon – Mr and Mrs
Davies – Proposed front canopy with square bay.
(vi) No. 2008/2328 – 153 Belgrave Road, Loughor – Mr R John Proposed single storey sun-lounge to rear of property.
(b) It was RESOLVED that the Council would not object to the
following applications for certificates of lawful development:
(i)No.2008/2292 – 1 Bryngwyn Avenue, GardenVillage – Mr Wynne Davies – Proposed conversion of existing garage into workroom and shower room.
(ii)No. 2008/2351 – 2 Heol Cae Copyn, Loughor – Mrs M E Reyland – Proposed alterations to provide additional shower room.
(c) It was NOTED that the following application was to be the
subject of an appeal:-
(i)No. 2008/0943 – Land to the rear of 59 Dyffryn Road, Gorseinon – Mrs M Collis – Proposed detached dormer bungalow.
(At its meeting on the 2nd June 2008 the Council considered the application and had no objection provided the proposal did not constitute unacceptable back land development.)
It was reported that the Budget Working Party had reviewed the Council’s projected expenditure and income levels for the Town Council and Welfare Hall for the current financial year and considered the proposals for expenditure for the forthcoming financial year. The Council is currently operating within its existing budget provided that there is no unexpected expenditure.
The Budget Working Party in considering the forthcoming financial year
made a number of recommendations which the Council needed to
consider in setting its Precept.
(a) Land Adjoining the Welfare Hall - Works need to be undertaken
to thewall.
(b) Grants - The Council annually makes provision for grants.
(c) The Council has indicated that it would like to hold a reserve of
£20,000for future major capital projects.
(d) The Council regularly organises functions for the community.
(e) The Council generally has a contingency against elections.
(f) The Council is developing a web site.
(g) The Council will need to undertake interior works to the Hall.
(h) The Council will need to replace the chairs in the Hall.
(i) The Council will need to replace the tables in the Hall.
(j) The Council will need to have regard to utility costs.
(k) The Council will need to provide for a Council Newsletter;
(l) The Council will need to provide for the Lantern Parade in December
(m) The Council will need to provide for a summer hanging basket scheme.
The proposed budget produced to the Council was considered.
It was RESOLVED that
(i) the budget for the Financial Year 2009/2010 as set out in the Schedule
be approved; and
(ii) the Town Council Precept for the Financial Year 2009/2010 be set at
There were no urgent items.
It was RESOLVED that the press and public be excluded from the
meeting during the discussion of the next item due to the confidential
nature of the matter under discussion.
(a) Payments
It was RESOLVED that the following payments be authorised
(i) A W D – salary (December) - £1555.63
(ii) A W D – office expenses (December) - £83.33
(iii) Post Office Ltd - Tax and NI (December) - £847.96