Cyngor Cymuned LLANWDDYN Community Council
Held at Artisans, Llanwddyn on Monday 3rd October 2016 at 7.00pm
Cllr R Herbert (Chair), Cllr P Graham, Cllr L Evans , Cllr D Thomas and CCllr D Mayor.
Apologies for Absence (061)
Declaration of Interests (062)
Powys CC Highways Manager Update (063)
Council welcomed Mr David Knight, Highways manager for the area, based at Llanfyllin Depot. Mr Knight introduced himself and issues were raised by council and discussed, with Mr Knight explaining that this year the budget for highways was getting a little tight. Council was told that any highways problems may be reported by individuals and by the council direct. Email for reporting problems in the area is . It was RESOLVED to hold a highways meeting with Council on 8 November 16, and that notices be posted in Artisans, Dafarn Newydd Shop and the Post office asking for public highway observations to be reported the either the Clerk or Chairman by Saturday 5 November. The Chairman thanked Mr Knight for his attendance.
Minutes of Last Meeting (064)
The draft minutes of the last meeting as published in the October Newsletter were amended by removing the sentence “Council wish to be noted that the Garden Waste facility is and was not under any consideration of being removed.” From minute 054 re recycling facilities. It was then RESOLVED by council that the amended Minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2016 were a true record. Minutes were then signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising (065)
(049) – Letters regarding footpath to Memorial. It was confirmed to council that a reply had been sent to Mr Roberts. No further correspondence has been received.
(054) – Recycling Facility. Council will be applying to Powys CC to establish an “Adopt a Site” agreement to secure the revenue from the facilities for the community. Clerk to Action
Update from Powys County Councillor (066)
CCllr Mayor updated the council on the subject of the impact of School Modernization in general and the area. He also spoke about the initiatives for tourism in the area, particularly in cycling.
Update from Severn Trent (067)
Severn Trent communicated via email and had the following updates for the council:
i. There will be a meeting on 7 October regarding Severn Trent and RSPB lottery Fund bid. The RSPB have sent invitations to representative from local groups, including the Community Council. The purpose of the meeting is to explain what is ‘fundable’ with lottery money and outline ideas for appropriate projects at Lake Vyrnwy.
ii. The play project is nearing completion with a planned Open Day on 26th October 16 (during half term).
iii. The possibility of installing Pay and Display machines in the lower car park at Lake Vyrnwy is currently under consideration. It was emphasised that the introduction of P& D is part of a sustainable approach to estate management and supports considerable investment in the management plan going forward. Severn Trent will obviously consider all related aspects and concerns regarding signage, avoidance, nuisance parking etc with all key stakeholders including the community council.
Council RESOLVED to reply to Severn Trent, that Council is of the opinion that no Pay and Display should be introduced until the infrastructure is completed . Action Clerk
Correspondence (068)
Letter from Monty Trax – Noted by Council
Letter from G Davies MP – Wales Boundary Commission – Noted by Council
Service Delivery (069)
Llanfyllin Cluster meeting will be held towards end of October.
Planning (070)
P/2016/0831 for Listed building consent for removal of existing toilet cubicles and sanitary ware and replacement with new sanitary ware and installation of new cubicles together with provision of additional lighting, extractor fans, new floor covering and erection of timber stud wall in front of windows at the Community Centre Abertridwr, Llanwddyn. – Council RESOLVED to support the application
Public Toilets (071)
Council was informed that it was now in possession of the cash box to be fitted to the toilet block. Cllr Evans to action. Council was also informed that a reclaim had been submitted to Severn Trent Water in connection with the excessive water bill.
Quarterly Budget Report and Financial Statement (072)
The second quarterly budget report and financial statement was presented to council. Council RESOLVED to accept the report as presented.
Finance. (073)
Bank Statements figures: Current Account: £ 5503.05 Deposit Account: £ 6170.77
Wages & Expenses for Clerk £130.05
HMRC PAYE £22.60 (BACS payment)
Greenfingers £161.00
St Wddyn’s Cemetery Fund £100.00
It was RESOLVED by council that the invoices and payments be honoured.
Reports from Representatives (074)
No reports due.
Members Points of Information (075)
It was requested that Severn Trent update be a regular Agenda Item. Action Clerk
It was suggested to purchase Christmas Lights to be put in the Trees by the toilets. It was RESOLVED to spend no more than £60.00. Action Clerk
The next council meeting will be held in Artisan on Monday 14th November 2016 at 7.00pm.
Signed …………………………………………(Chair) Date ………………………………..