Cycle Forum Date: 23 February 2001, Venue: Heantun House
Attendance / Nick Kitchen Wolverhampton C.C., Lydia Barnstable Wolverhampton C.C.(Part), John Partridge Wolverhampton C.C (Part), Ian Fardoe Wolverhampton on Wheels, Martin Lucy Wolverhampton on Wheels, Dave Nicholson Wolverhampton on Wheels, Dave Holman Wolverhampton on Wheels.Apologies: John Nightingale WoW
Scheme Notification / JCP briefly outlined the changes to the departmental structure and as a result the LTP budget for cycling schemes/facilities is likely to fall within his groups responsibility. JCP welcomed the involvement and comment from the group in the cycle programme development.
Members of the forum expressed concern at the level of consultation on cycling issues in the early development stage of large highway schemes i.e. Local Safety Schemes. Group currently receive TRO notification only. JCP agreed that WCC would ensure that advance notification of Minor works and Local Safety Schemes would include cycle representatives from WoW. NK to liase with Graeme Roberts and other departments to ensure group see schemes prior to works being approved by Regeneration and Transport Cabinet. LB would make enquires to ensure Planning Schedule (notice of current planning applications) is sent to group for their information.
Cycle Strategy / Strategy approved for consultation by R&T Cabinet. LB outlined that the comments on cycling from the group had been taken on board and the Strategy would be redesigned and sent out for formal consultation. Photo’s of cycle facilities needed!!!. DH suggested that if possible the document should be placed on the Council’s wedsite.
Try – Cycle (Cycle Centre) / LB explained that no further developments had taken place in the search for a building to house the project. A scheme has been submitted for Woolpack Alley and this is so far, the only one received for the conversion of the Toilet block. Social Services still favour the vacant area in the Royal London Building. LB to continue to liase with Social Services on this matter.
IF suggested that a Press Release should be set out explaining the success of the temporary bike park before Christmas. Dudley LA21 had expressed interest in a similar project. Initial figures indicate approximately 100 cyclists made use of the facility in Cleveland Street during it 11 day operation. Group had general discussion on the merits of organising another temporary bike park to keep the idea in the public’s mind. National Bike Week in June would seem to be an appropriate time
Sustrans Lottery Funding
Network Development
Future Meetings / NK/LB had recent meeting with Peter Foster 15/02/01 to discuss proposals by Sustrans to award Wolverhampton £100,000 for development of NCN through the City. Route currently travels along the Birmingham Canal towpath northwards to Pendeford and onwards to Telford. Sustrans feel that route would benefit from being diverted through the City to the west. Lottery funding apparently requires the route to take in the Railway Station, Green Open Space/Parks and Educational sites.
A letter from Peter Foster following the meeting indicated 3 options . Sustrans favoured option 3 (Ring Road/West Park/Albert Road/Compton Park/Valley Park/Codsall) WCC to respond to Sustrans by early April (Leisure and Planning Dept to discuss Valley Park options with wildlife groups late March)
Group discussed these options and had the following comments to make:
· Route along canal to remain the preferred option for convenience and directness. if criteria needs to be met, Group suggested that Schools at Pendeford and Open Space at Aldersley/Valley Park would benefit from canal route. NK to check requirements for Lottery funding
· Options to the West are likely to be established by WCC anyway. These could be additions to the canal route not instead of.
· Difficult to see any links to the West via Tettenhall and Codsall from Valley Park . NK to investigate before replying to Sustrans. Note (meeting with Leisure and Planning representatives has identified new car park and access to Valley Park at old deport site in Hordern Road.)
General discussion on route development identified a number of schemes which could be included as part of the consultation process on the cycle strategy NK to produce a map of the city identifying the routes discussed and others for public consultation. The main issues discussed by the group where as follows;
· A449 Stafford Road – NK has been unable to find a suitable parallel route. DH/IF suggested an approach that identifies known routes with problem areas currently used by cyclists, rather than an entire route length . Difficult areas include;
· Lucas Traffic Signals and service road access to Staffordshire A449
· Vine Island and Wobaston Road access southwards to Canal/Perton
· Marsh Lane/Three Tuns/Elston Hall desire line (barriers at Marsh Lane bridge difficult for cyclists)
· A41 Tettenhall – Group would like to see cycle route on Tettenhall Road continued into Tettenhall centre. Areas discussed include:
· Route via Old Hall Road. Pelican Crossing at junction of A41/Old Hill could be resited to provide a more strategic crossing point. Possible removal of footway on outbound section between Rock lights and crossing would add additional width on carriageway, allowing cycle lane to be provide inbound.
· Links to New Cross Hospital. Health Authority Contact Barbara Dinkley LB to advise of any current discussions
· Cycle Parking – Group were in favour of covered shelters at strategic points in the City these included; (a) Library (b) Station (c) University.
NK to investigate further sites in local centres. Network development plan to be sent to group for comments as part of the consultation on the strategy.
April 27th- to discuss progress on Cycle Strategy and forthcoming programme of works and to discuss an arrange National Bike Week event for June.
June – informal meeting if needed
June 29th – debrief on event/progress on works
September 28th –
February 2002 – to be arranged