Healthy schools story template: LEADERSHIP/INQUIRY

Date: June 28, 2014

School District: Sd 68 Nanaimo-Ladysmith

School Name: Ecole Quarterway

Contact Name: Dominique Sullivan

Contact Email/Phone Number:

Tell us about the context of your school (e.g. Rural or urban school):

K-7 French Immersion School with 350 Students from k-7

What was your inquiry question?

Can interactive eBooks help students learn valuable digital citizenships skills?

What are acceptable and unacceptable behaviours online?

How can I prevent cyber bullying or resolve conflicts online?

1. Tell us what you did and what happened:

GATHER EVIDENCE: How did you do this? (e.g. Which assessment tools, if any, did you use? Did you use another form to gather evidence? What did your evidence tell you? Etc...)

With The Grant provided by DASH our school bought Cybersmart an Interactive ebook from Rosen Digital for $250 and Teen Cybersmart for $250. The taxes where paid for my our school PAC. There are 5 interactive ebooks and students must complete quizzes, worksheets, and watch videos to attain the cybersmart certificate. Teen Cybersmart is for students grade 7-12 and Cybersmart is for students in grade 3-6.


Once students print their certificate, students will then sign a “Kids pledge” with their family to be respectful digital citizens.

Different pages can be assigned as home work or done in class/ computer lab as it is an online cloud based ebook that requires a password and logon.

FOCUS: How did you determine this? (e.g. Did you use results from any assessment tool or highlight an area of interest? Etc...)

The assessment tools are built into the ebooks. The series can be purchased individually or as a set. Students who view all content in the ebook and answer quizzes will achieve a certificate. Below are some screen shots of various activities, video clips, problem solving sheets, lesson plans etc. that are all included in each ebook.

PLAN: What did you set out to do? (e.g. How were your ideas organized? How did you determine what to do and how to measure? Etc...)

The ebooks is student directed and can be assigned as homework or can be done in computer labs and classrooms. All lesson plans are available online or downloadable PDF

GATHER SUPPORT: What kind did you get and how did you do this? (e.g. What kind of support did you need? How did you seek support? Where did you find it? Etc...)

Students are motivated to learn with technology. Our school students in grade 5-7 complete cybersmart and sign a Digital Pledge for September before technology is incorporated into the classroom and library activities.

TAKE ACTION: What did you do? (e.g. How did you implement your plan? Who was involved in the plan and what did they do? Etc...)

September will be digital safety month in the library for students g.3-7. Students will get certificate from Cybersmart. This year was the 1st year we tested Digital rosen Cyber Smart and began using in January of 2014. Note that Grade 3-5 preferred to use headphone and get the text read to them.

2. EVALUATION: Which strand of the Healthy Living Performance Standards did you use to assess learning in your inquiry question? (Check all that apply):

Healthy Relationships (g.7-9)

· advocates for healthy relationships and respect for others in the community

· understands and communicates the effects of bullying and discrimination, responds appropriately, and encourages others to do the same

· accesses school and community resources that contribute to healthy relationships

· demonstrates and actively seeks relationships that contribute to feelings of positive engagement with school for self and others

5. REFLECTION: How did it go? What did you learn? (e.g. What worked well? What would you do differently next time? What difference did this make for students? Etc...)

I would assign some of the video clips for homework and other parts of the ebooks I would assign to students and parents to work together to educate the family on online safety. Creating healthy communities!