Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) Release UpdateDecember 22, 2016
SCR 8692 was created to address the mandates created by legislation for the implementation of Continuum of Care Reform (CCR). SCR 8692 was one of several SCRs proposed for consideration in Release 8.1 originally scheduled for November, 2017.
Because of the great urgency expressed by counties and the State on delivering required CCR changes in CWS/CMS, the State has shifted priorities for existing future CWS/CMS application changes and will implement the required CCR changes prior to the system upgrades planned in Release 8.0. The CCR changes will be addressed in Releases 7.6 and 7.7. Release 8.0 will be postponed until later in 2017.
The bullet points below identify which requirements of SCR 8692 will be incorporated in each release. The remaining SCR 8692 requirements will be addressed in future Release 8.1.
The following SCR 8692 requirements will be addressed in Release 7.6 that will be scheduled for implementation in March, 2017:
- Req 1- Up to four (4) new values shall be added to the Placement Program Type / History section of the Placement notebook. These values shall also be added to the Char/Pref page of the Placement Home notebook.
- Req 5- To record the meetings of the Child and Family Team (CFT), the system shall add fields to record the lead agency of the CFT meeting (six values), key roles present at the meeting (twenty values), to the Contact notebook. The CFT will also need to be a case management service, delivered service, planned case activity, and populate to case plan documents.
- Req 9- The system shall allow documents to be stored and associated to an individual Placement Home. Three (3) of these documents will require CLC privilege to view and create.
- Req 13- A new value of Home Based Family Care will be added to the Payment Type Dropdown on the Ongoing Requests page of the Placement notebook. Up to five (5) new values shall be added to the Rate/Service Level drop down on the same page: Basic, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, with one more undetermined.
- Req 14- Seven (7) fields related to payments for Adoptive Placements and Foster Care Placements shall allow more characters to be entered so that higher rates can be recorded.
- Req 17- For RFH, the system shall no longer require the Application Received date to be before the start date of the active license row.
The following SCR 8692 requirements will be addressed in Release 7.7 scheduled to be implemented in July, 2017.
- Req 2- A new Placement Facility type of Temporary Shelter Care Facility (TSCF) shall be added to the system. TSCF shall be modeled after group homes.
- Req 3- The Licensing Information System (LIS) Interface shall be modified to accept and process the new home type of Temporary Shelter Care Facility.
- Req 4- New values of “NREFM guardian” and “NREFM non-guardian” shall be added to the Care Provider Relationship to Child dropdown, and be included in existing mapping to documents for that field.
- Req 6- The system shall record the date the Interagency Placement Committee (IPC) approved a client to be placed in a STRTP, as well as any subsequent approvals. The system shall provide a reminder when a placement is recorded and the date of approval has not been entered, and a reminder when further approvals are needed.
- Req 7- Two (2) categories named Core Services, and Specialty Mental Health Services shall be added to the list of available Delivered Services. 20 subtypes will be needed for Specialty Mental Health Services. 12 subtypes shall be needed for Core Services. These new categories and types will also need to be included in planned case activities, case management services, and populate to case plan documents.
- Req 8- An indicator is needed to record that a delivered service is a Core Service.
- Req 19- The system shall populate the end date of an active license period for RFH and FFH on to the end date field of the placement home, but not for homes populated from LIS.
Further communication specific to these releases as well as the timelines and impacts and including County Test Workshop for R7.6 and R7.7 will be forthcoming via Monthly Regional User Group meetings, email communication and via the CWDS Website. In addition, the continued planning, county readiness activities and schedule relative to R8.0 will continue to be discussed via Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting as well as future communication. Please contact Customer Relations for any questions.
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