Annex I

Biographical data form of candidates to human rights treaty bodies

László G. LOVÁSZY Ph.D.

Candidate of Hungary

to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with disabilities for 2017-2020

Personal data

Name and first name:László Gábor LOVÁSZY, Ph.D.

Date and place of birth:11.04.1973, Budapest, Hungary

Working languages:Hungarian (fluent), English (fluent), international sign language, German (basic)

Current position/function

2015 -Guest lecturer, National University of Public Service, Faculty of Public Administration,

Budapest, Hungary

2013 -Guest lecturer, University of Pécs, Faculty of Law, Pécs, Hungary

2012 - Expert to ZERO Project Network, Vienna, Austria

2012 - Member of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

2009-Adviser to Ádám KÓSA, member of the European Parliament (the first deaf member of the

European Parliament, acting co-president of the Disability Intergroup), Brussels

Main professional activities

2016 - Member of EuroScience (France)

2015 -Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Society (USA)

2015 -E-learning author and presenter at the Prime Minister’s Office on EU policies, Hungary

2008-2009Financial controller/lawyer, Ministry of National Development and Economy

of Hungary,Budapest

2005-2012Guest lecturer, Bárczi Gusztáv College of Special Education, Eötvös Loránd University,

Budapest, Hungary

2005National expert and trainee at European Commission, DG Research, Brussels

2003-2005Representative of Hungary in the Committee on Rehabilitation and Integration of People

with Disabilities of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg

2001-2008Civil servant, Disability and Social Inclusion Units, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

of Hungary, Budapest

Educational background

2009Legal Professional(Bar) Examination, Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement

ofHungary, Budapest

2001-2007Ph.D., University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Szeged, Hungary,

summa cum lade

2004Diploma of European Affairs, École Nationale d’Administration (France) in cooperationwith

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Budapest

2002-2003Diploma of ESL-program, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany

1995-2000 M.Sc. Law, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Szeged, Hungary

Other main, selected activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

2015Presentation at VII Conference by Turismabile - Tourism for All: Autonomy wins on Accessible tourism as an opportunity, Asti, Italy

2014-2015Presentations at the 7th and 8thBudapest Human Rights Forum in panel discussions onDisability aspect of human rights and the POST-2015 Development Agenda / on Disability and the future market trends, Budapest, Hungary

2015Presentation at 1st National Meeting of Schools and Resource Centre for Inclusion with Associaciao do Porto de Paralisia Cerebral (APPC)on Reinventing education – A path to an undiscovered inclusive world, Porto, Portugal

2015 Lecture at European Disability Forum’s Seminar for strengthening engagement with the UN CRPD Committee on Practical exercise: drafting of alternative reports and answers to the list of issues – Strategy recommendation on shadow reports,Brussels, Belgium

2013Presentation at Apple Inc. Reaching All Learners Conference on Accessibility to all(?)! - What makes you think you will be an exception?, Prague, Czech Republic

2007-2008 TeachingDisability Studies at INFONIA Foundation in cooperation with the National Institution

ofFamily and Social Policies and Budapest University of Technology and Economics,

Budapest, Hungary

2005-2012Guest lecturer in the field of disability with special regards to EU and UN laws and rules

ondisability, Bárczi Gusztáv College of Special Education, Eötvös Loránd University,


List of most recent publications in the field

2016 Innovation has changed the meaning of rehabilitation-What has changed on the 10th anniversary

of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, EuroScientist, 03.02.2016

2014On the latest generation of human rights – and about a sustainable and safe Europe, Kapocs,

yrs 13., issue 62., 2014/3, pp.19-31.

2014International and European overview regarding the situation of people with disabilitiesIn: Lovászy, L - I. Sziklai (eds). Legislation and supporting system for persons with disabilities in Europe and Hungarywith regards to the proposals of the Hungarian national umbrella organisations, EPP Group, 2014, pp. 8-12.

2014There is no human rights based democracy without the right to vote for all - what are the

challenges of Article 29 UNCRPD?, European Union on the Deaf, In: A Pabsch (Ed.)

Article 29: Participation in Political and Public Life. Brussels: in UNCRPD Implementation

in Europe – A Deaf Perspective, 2014, pp.29-38.

2012Disability policies in Europe and Hungary In: A. Csongor - I. Sziklai (eds) Development Policy, Strategic Programming in Social policy, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences, pp.175-221.