Loop Game
Cut out each loop card- each card has a question and an answer.
Give out all of the cards to the class or group. (It can work better if students have more than one card each.)
One student must go first, asking their question.
Students should then review their cards, checking whether they have the correct answer. If they do, they must call out the answer. The student must then ask the question that appears on the same card.
The game is then repeated until all the cards have been used and a loop made.
You are made from mashed potato and swede/turnips.
/ I am English Cheddar cheese –which county do I originate from?
You are a pork pie.
/ I am called Lancashire hot pot.What type of meat do I contain?
You are a Cornish pasty. / I am laverbread.
What am I made from?
You are called a stottie. / I am made from a batter and cooked
in a hot oven. I am often served
with roast beef.
What am I?
My main ingredient is yellow spilt peas. / I am a semi hard cow’s milk cheese
wrapped in nettle leaves to mature.
What am I called?
Six dairies are licensed to make you. / I am a thin, flat crisp biscuit
made from oatmeal.
What am I?
You are a Cumberland sausage.
/ I am made in Melton Mowbray.What am I?
Somerset. / I have a pastry case filled with
meat, swede, potato and onion.
What am I?
You are made from lamb. / I am a flat round bread from North East England.
What am I called?
You are made from seaweed. / I am pease pudding.
What is my main ingredient?
I am Yorkshire pudding. / I am blue stilton cheese.
How many dairies are licensed to make me?
You are called Cornish Yarg. / I am shaped in a coil.
What type of English sausage am I?
I am an oatcake.
/ I am a rich fruit cake with almonds on top. What am I called?I am a Bakewell Pudding. / I am called clapshot.
What am I made from?
You are from Cornwall. / I have a flaky pastry base and am filled
with a layer of jam and an egg
and almond topping.
What am I?
You have jam at one end and meat at the other end of the pastry case. / I am cream with Protected Designation of Origin.
Where am I from?
You come from Wales. / I am a Bedfordshire Clanger.
What filling do I have?
You are filled with fruits, sugar and spices. / I am called Bara Brith.
Where do I come from?
Your main ingredients are potato and flour.
/ I am an Eccles Cake.What am I filled with?
I am called a Dundee cake. / I am called Boxty bread.
What is my main ingredient?
Cheese and bread. / What is an Arbroath smokie?
A type of smoked fish. / Name the two main ingredients in Welsh Rabbit.
Mashed potato, butter, milk and spring onions (scallions). / I am a dish called butteries or rowies.
What am I?
A rich Scottish baked flatbread, which uses lard. / I am Champ. What am I?
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