Customizable letter to PM Trudeau from industry supporters

March x, 2018

Right Honourable Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister of Canada

Office of the Prime Minister

80 Wellington Street

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau:

As a proud supporter of Canada’s crude oil and natural gas industry, I am writing to strongly advocate for Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Expansion Project.

Through the ongoing and responsible development of Canada’s resources, myfriends and family members directly benefitfrom meaningful employment in the oil and natural gas industry – an industry that provided 533,000 direct and indirect jobs across our country in 2017.Construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline will ensure continued opportunity for many oil and naturalgas companies and their suppliers to maintain the jobs that support the livelihoods and the quality of life for an untold number of Canadian families.

Additionally,local suppliers to Canada’s energy industry directly benefit through revenues and jobs from the sector’s activities.Oil sands companies alone spent $7.4 billion on supplies and services from 3,408 companies in the 9 provinces and 3 territories outside of Alberta in 2017.This includes $3.9 billion from 1,570 Ontario suppliers, $1.3 billion from 738 British Columbia suppliersand $1.2 billion from 385 Quebec suppliers[1].

I appreciate and respect thatBritish Columbians and all Canadians care deeply about environmental protection and their local communities. In voicing my strong support for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project, I believe it is important to highlight the environmental performance of Canadian crude oil and natural gas production. Some key points include:

•Canada’s crude oil and natural gas industry has always been safely and responsibly developed with world leading standards under very comprehensive regulatory oversight.

•Canada’s crude oil and natural gas resources are developed under a progressive and leading approach to climate change.

•Industry is committed to accelerating environmental performance improvement through collaborative action. Through Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), Canada’s largest oil sands producers are sharing valuable R&D with 981 contributed technologies costing $1.46 billion to date. This is an unparalleled collaboration effort between industry, government, innovators and academia to improve industry’s environmental performance.

•Broad collaborative action extends beyond the oil sands. Working together drives everyone up the technology curve exponentially faster. In addition to collaboration at COSIA, the Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada (PTAC) and the BC Innovation Council brings together expertise from industry, academia and government to work on technologies across all Canadian oil and gas properties, including oil sands.

•Industry’s significant R&D investments and partnerships are helping to create considerable jobs for the fast growing BC technology sector. Key initiatives are underway to support early-stage innovators in clean technology like the ARCTIC Innovation Challenge program – a partnership with BC-based not-for-profit Foresight Clean Technology Accelerator Centre and COSIA member companies to find and fund clean technology solutions for resource sector challenges in Western Canada.

•Working with Canadian governments, the industry is aggressively pursuing continuous improvement in all aspects of environmental performance. Oil sands producers are improving performance as measured by emissions reductions and water used per barrel of production. In the oil sands region, world-class environmental monitoring is in place to ensure that overall air, water and land impacts remain below highly protective environmental thresholds, including a legislated oil sands emissions limit. Finally, I would note that producers are required to meet ongoing reclamation requirements and restore land impacted by development to a standard equivalent to pre-disturbance.

As you are well aware, the Trans Mountain Pipeline has a strong safety and environmental track record in delivering crude oil from British Columbia to global markets for 65 years and diluted bitumen for 30 years.Considerable enhanced measures will be taken to ensure world-class marine safety response and protection of British Columbia’s coastlines, including the Federal government’s Oceans Protection Plan that will provide significant funding towards ongoing research and vessels for emergency spill response.

The pipeline’s expansion will generate substantial economic opportunity and jobs for hundreds of thousands of Canadians. Market access and achieving full value for our resources by obtaining global prices of our product is a tremendous opportunity to generate an additional $15.6 billion annually in value (0.75% of GDP) to the benefit of every province[2].

TheGovernment of Canada approved theTrans Mountain Expansion Project based on strong scientific evidence and deemed the project in the national interest following the completion of extensive and comprehensive environmental, stakeholder and regulatory reviews. As investors evaluate global jurisdictions for investment, I am discouraged by recent actions of the BC government that lead to heightened uncertainty for doing business in Canada which is unnecessary and negatively impacts all business sectors.

I believe that the right balance can be achievedbetween the economy and environment to enable market access for Canada’s natural resources, including LNG/natural gas and crude oil. To that end, it is critically important that the Government of Canada acts to ensure that Canada is an attractive and competitive investment option.

As a Canadian that cares deeply for the energy industry, my province and this country, I respectfully request that you work together with the Alberta and British Columbia governments, Kinder Morgan and Canada’s energy industry to find a constructive path forward for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project, a project deemed in the national interest.

Please continue your strong resolve to allow Canada’s responsibly produced resources to reach global markets, creating and maintaining thousands of jobs for Canadians.


<Sender’s Name>

Sender’s City and Province>

cc: Hon. Rachel Notley, Premier of Alberta,

Hon. John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia,

Hon. Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources Canada,

<Letter sender’sFederal Member of Parliament and Provincial Member of the Legislative Assembly

[1]Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (Prism Economics and Statistics Canada, 2017)

[2]Scotiabank Global Economics Commodity Note – Pipeline Approval Delays: the Costs of Inaction, February 20, 2018