Customer Form
Customer Form User Guide
Table of Contents
1.1Purpose of Document
1.2Assumptions & Consideration
2.Document Control
2.1Document Revision History
Customer Form
1.1Purpose of Document
This guide is a reference guide for filling out the Customer Form program.
1.2Assumptions & Consideration
To facilitate the functionality within the Word document, users will require Microsoft Word 2010 or higher and Microsoft Outlook 2010 or higher on their Laptops/Desktops. Please note that the App may not work on mobile devices.
2.Document Control
2.1Document Revision History
Revision Number / Author / Revision Date(mmdd, yyyy) / Revision Description
1 / Andy Khuu / May 8, 2017 / Initial draft
2 / Durrul Islam / May 8, 2017 / Added Assumptions section & updated last step
3 / Durrul Islam / Feb 1, 2018 / Included step # 1 & 2 under the process section
- After clicking the “Marine Carrier bond Form” link, system will prompt to save the document as per screenshot below:
- Please choose the “Save File” option and save to a desired location on your local machine
Note!! If you have already saved this form and may choose to save once again, please make sure you choose a different file location or rename name the new file.
- Once saved, please open the word form
- When running the form for the first time, a security notice popup will appear. Select Enable Macros to allow the program to run
- After enabling macros, a security warning message will appear under the toolbars. Select Enable Content
- Fill out the Applicant Information section
- Under the Billing Information section, use the drop down menu to select a credit card type.
- Fill out the remaining information in the section.
- Under the Delivery Information section, select whether you wish the bond to be sent by express courier.
- Fill out the remaining information in the section.
- Once all of the information is filled out, select the Submit button
- After the Submit button is selected, a folder will be generated with the following path: C:\MarshCustomerForm. The completed form will get password protected and will be temporarily saved here.
- The form will then be attached to a new Outlook email.
Note: If Outlook is not open when the Submit button is pressed, an error message will popup prompting the user to open Outlook. When this happens, please open outlook and repeat from step # 6.