Curriculum vitaeStellan Vinthagen

Updated Feb 19, 2016

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Name: Stellan Vinthagen

Title: Professor of Sociology, Endowed Chair In The Study Of Nonviolent Direct Action And Civil Resistance
Date of Birth: 1964, 13th October.
Qualifications: Professor of Sociology (UMass, Amherst) July 2014. PhD in Peace and Development Research (University of Gothenburg) Oct 2005, BA Sociology and International Relations (University of Gothenburg) June 1997.
Current Positions:

  1. Professor of Sociology at University of Massachusetts, Amherst (tenured, 2014-)
  2. Inaugural Endowed Chair In The Study Of Nonviolent Direct Action And Civil Resistance at University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2014-)
  3. Main Editor of Journal of Resistance Studies (2015-)
  4. Senior lecturer of Peace and Development Studies, (Högskolelektor) (2009-)and Co-Leader of the Resistance Studies Group at School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, (2011-),
  5. Academic Advisor for the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), (2009-),

Previous Appointments:Senior Lecturer at School of Global Political Studies, Malmö (2008-2009); Senior Lecturer at Department of Peace and Development Research, University of Gothenburg (2006-2007). Visiting Lecturer at several institutions, e.g. College for International Citizenship (CIC), Birmingham, UK, (2005-2009) ( Globalverkstan: International Project Management for Social Movements & NGOs; Göteborg (2004-2006), and Kulturverkstan (2001-2004). Director of Globalverkstan, Göteborg (2004).

Areas of Expertise: Resistance Studies, Nonviolent Action Strategies (Civil Resistance), Social Movements & Change, Power Theory.

PhD: Ickevåldsaktion – En social praktik av motstånd och konstruktion [Nonviolent Action – A Social Practice of Resistance and Construction] (University of Gothenburg, 2005).

Current Book Project (with completed manuscript): Co-author of Interrogating Resistance: A Critical Study of the Fighting with and against Power.

Recent publications: Books: Author of A Theory of Nonviolent Action: How Civil Resistance Works (2015 by Zed Books, London). Co-author of Law, Resistance and Transformation, Lund University, (2013); Main editor of Tackling Trident, Irene Pub. (2012). Co-author of Motståndets väg [Path of Resistance], Karneval (2011); Co-editor of Motstånd [Resistance], Liber (2009). Peer-reviewed articles; Author or co-author of e.g. “Dimensions of Everyday Resistance: The Case of Palestinian Sumūd” (2015),“Sovereign Power, Disciplinary Power and Biopower: Resisting What Power With What Resistance?”(2014); “Law on the Move”, Retfærd (2013); “Exploring ‘Irrational Resistance’”, Journal of Political Power (2013); “‘Everyday Resistance’: Exploration of a Concept & its Theories”, Resistance Studies Magazine (2013); “Ten Theses on Why We Need a Social Science Panel on Climate Change”, ACME (2013); “Legal Mobilization and Resistance Movements as Social Constituents of International Law”, Finnish Yearbook of International Law (2013).

Selected examples of relevant professional work and “esteem indicators” etc.:

Author or co-author of eight books and editor of two books, along with twenty peer-reviewed articles and sixteen book chapters, besides numerous other texts.

Administrative and leadership positions from several different areas: (1) development of university courses at different levels, (2) board member, (3) director of educational units, (4) leader of a research program, (5) conference organizer, (6) network founder, (7) editor of a journal, and (8) tutor at different levels.

Fieldwork research totally of three years in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Grant receiver (as main applicant) for a research program on resistance studies (2011-2015) by Swedish Research Council (VR) with 10 million SEK (equal to 1,5 million USD).

Awards: I was nominated for a 2015-2016 Distinguished Teaching Award (DTA) at UMass Amherst.

Lecturing: Regular tutoring of Masters/PhD-students (with two completed PhDs), with over 10,000 hours of teaching at university level, as well as international teaching. (Totally in 14 countries on four continents with over 100 lecture subjects given to mainly universities, high schools, state/municipal institutions or voluntary organizations.)

Distinguished Speaker on Nonviolent Action and Civil Resistance, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, 2013, and Key-note speaker, e.g. at a seminar on War on Terror, Minden, Germany, 2011.

Peer-reviewer for, e.g. Acta Sociologica; Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change; Cooperation and Conflict; Organization Studies.

The Exhibition “Take Action! 83 Ways to Change the World” (2008-2009) at Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, was partly built on one of my articles (the “Political Underground”) and my work as consultant (

Nominated for the Jamnalal Bajaj International Award 2007 by Ms. Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa, Ambassador of India to Sweden, Stockholm.

Esteem Positions;Associate of TFF (Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research); and Council-member of WRI (War Resisters’ International).

Movement experience for 30 years with education and organizing, e.g. action and strategy trainings in peace, justice and environmental movements.

Full CV

Stellan Vinthagen, Professor, PhD.

Mobile: (+46) 070-4763 789

Department of Sociology

200 Hicks Way, Thompson Hall,

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-9277

USAPhone: (+1) 413.545.0577

Fax: (+1) 413.545.3204
Sociology Unit

Department of Social and Behavioural Studies

University WestPhone: (+46) 0520-22 37 71

SE 461 86 Trollhättan


School of Global Studies

Resistance Studies Group

University of GothenburgPhone (+46) 031-786 4026 (or -1000).

Box 700,Fax (+46) 031-786 49 10
SE 405 30 Göteborg


Resistance Studies Network (RSN):

War Resisters’ International (WRI):

Home address (Dec-Aug): Krossekärr 706, SE 473 94 Henån, Sweden (+46) 0304-374 43

The Eco-Village Krossekärr:

Home address (Sep-Nov): 120 Pulpit Hill Road, Unit 16, 01002 Amherst, MA, USA. (+1) 413.801.9555. The Pioneer Valley Cohousing;

Current Positions:

  1. Professor of Sociology at University of Massachusetts, Amherst (tenured, 2014-)
  2. Inaugural Endowed Chair In The Study Of Nonviolent Direct Action And Civil Resistance at University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2014-)
  3. Main Editor of Journal of Resistance Studies (2015-)
  4. Professor of Sociology at University West, Trollhättan, (2009-),
  5. Senior lecturer of Peace and Development Studies, (Högskolelektor) (2009-)and Co-Leader of the Resistance Studies Group at School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, (2011-),
  6. Academic Advisor for the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), (2009-), Temporary work.

Current Research Projects:

  1. Globalization of Resistance: Influences on Democracy Advocators in Civil Society in the South (2011-2015), funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
  2. Everyday Resistance (2010-), partly funded by University West.
  3. Transnational Social Movements & Resistance Strategies (2001-2004, 2007, 2009-) (Unfunded project). Funding applied for a continuation of the project.

Current Book Projects (work in progress):

  1. Baaz, Mikael, Mona Lilja and Stellan VinthagenResearching Resistance and Social Change.Book contract signed with Rowman & Littlefield.Most chapters exist. Publication 2017.
  2. Johansson, Anna and Stellan VinthagenEveryday Resistance. Book proposal submitted Jan2016. Most chapters exist.
  3. Baaz, Mikael, Mona Lilja and Stellan Vinthagen (2018) Fighting With and Against Power: the character and emergence of various forms of resistance.

Areas of research work: Resistance Studies, Nonviolent Action Strategies (Civil Resistance), Social Movements & Change, Power Theory.


Two years part-time research writing course, lead by Prof. Brian Martin, 2012

University of Wollongong

English for Academic Purposes, 7,5 hp (EN2001) (5 weeks, full time) 2011

Docentur (Associate Professorship), Sociology, University West, Sweden2010

(New degree, based on external peer-reviews of research production)

Högskolepedagogik 1: Baskurs, 5 hp (HPE101)2009

(Basic course in pedagogics for university education, 3 weeks full time)

Handledning i forskarutbildning, 5 hp (HPE201), Uni. of Gothenburg2009

(Course on Supervision for PhD students, 3 weeks full time)

Ph.D. PADRIGU, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 2005 Nov 24

Research program courses (1997-2005):

Conflict Resolution, Social Psychology, The Doctrine History of Peace Research and Development Research, Research Methodology, Power Theory, Movement Theory,

World System, Globalisation, Social System Theory.

B.A. in Sociology and International Relations, University of Gothenburg1997

With additional courses in Conflict Resolution, State Politics, Practical Philosophy,

History of Economics and Peoples Pedagogic.

History and Philosophy of Nonviolent Movements, 1989

One year study at a “people high school”,

Grebbestad Folkhögskola, Sweden.

College (Gymnasium). 3 years program on Physical Science1981

(Theme focus: Environmental protection)



“Understanding the Rationales of Donors-Funded Civil Society in Developing 2014-2016

Countries: A Game Theory Approach”, 3 years (3,4 million SEK, about

0,5 million USD). Grant receiver as co-applicant.Main applicant is

Lina Suleiman, KTH. Funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

“Globalization of Resistance: Influences on Democracy Advocators in Civil 2011-2015

Society in the South”, 5 years (10 million SEK, about 1,5 million USD),

main applicant and program leader (with three senior researchers, which involves

other collaborating researchers and PhD-students). Funded by the Swedish

Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

“Resisting Western Cultural Hegemony”, 3 months grant, Uni. of Gothenburg2010

“Everyday Resistance”, 3 months grants, University West2010-2011

“Legal Change and Social Movements”, 3 years, (about 2,5 million SEK)2009-2011

Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), together with the main applicant

Associate Prof. Håkan Gustafsson, Dep. of Law, University of Gothenburg.

“Padrigu - Madras University collaborative education project to develop 2004

‘Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies’ in India”. (70 000 SEK)

From SASNET, Lund University.

“Political Underground”, 3 months grant, Museion,2004

University of Gothenburg.

And a number of smaller grants (e.g. from University West, Wallenbergsstiftelsen,

Göteborgs Universitets Donationsstipendium)


Faculty opponent at half-time seminar of PhD thesis by Christina Hansen,

Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University.2015

Written assessment of competence as full professor by Isak Svensson,

Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, Uppsala University.2015

Faculty opponent of the PhD thesis by Adrián Groglopo;

Appropriation by Coloniality: TNCs, Land, Hegemony and Resistance,

Department of sociology, Umeå University2012

Written examination of the PhD thesis by Mr JohnBosco;Radical Movements in

Tamil Nadu since 1970, University of Madras (3 pages)2012

Written assessment of 11 applicants for a position as senior lecturer in

peace and conflict studies, at Malmö University (15 pages)2011

Reviews of manuscripts done for the following journals (starting from):

  1. Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Elsevier Sciences/JAI Press, Oxford. (Nov. 2006-)
  2. Cooperation and Conflict, Nordic ISA. (Oct 2007-).
  3. Acta Sociologica, Sociology Association of Scandinavia. (July 2009-)
  4. Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest, Taylor & Francis. (Feb. 2011-)
  5. Journal of Palestinian Studies. (Dec 2014-)
  6. Organization Studies. (Feb 2015-)


Research consultant, Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, one month, 2007

preparing the Exhibition “Take Action! 83 Ways to Change the World”

Research assistant, University of Gothenburg (3 months, full-time)2006

PhD Candidateposition, (Doktorandtjänst), University of Gothenburg

(2002-01-01 to 2003-03-31)2003


I have field research experience abroad totally about three years.

Involving ethnographic methods as well as interviews during shorter and longer field work periods:

•Brazil, one month totally (2002 and 2003).

•Burma, one week (2013).

•Cambodia, three weeks (2013).

•Egypt, one week (2012).

•Europe, multiple research periods, circa two years totally (1986-1999).

•Greece, five weeks 2011.

•India, seven months totally (2001, 2004, 2010, 2012, 2012, 2014).

•Israel and Palestine, two weeks, 2008 and 2012.

•Kenya, one week (2007)

•Senegal, one week (2011).

•South Africa, two months (1994), and two weeks (2009).

•Turkey, one week (2015)

•Western Sahara, one week (2015).

I have also done several shorter visits with observations and interviews in Colombia and USA e.g. one month (2005).


National Library of Sweden (summary):


2015A Theory of Nonviolent Action: How Civil Resistance Works, ZED Books: London. (410 pages). Also published 2016 in Swedish by Irene Publishing, Ed (Motstånd och ickevåld - En sociologisk analys).

2015 Inburad – Svenska fredsaktivister skriver från fängelse [Jailed – Swedish Peace Activists Writes From Prison], with Martin Smedjeback, Annika Spalde, Anna Sternfeldt, Pelle Strindlund (ed.), Irene Publishing: Ed. (pp. 37-77, out of 184 pages.)

2013 Law, Resistance and Transformation:Social Movements and Legal Strategies in the Indian Narmada Struggle, with Håkan Gustafsson and Patrik Oskarsson. Department of Sociology of Law: Lund University. (196 pages.)

2011 Motståndets väg [Path of Resistance], with Pelle Strindlund. Karneval: Stockholm (344 pages).

2005 Ickevåldsaktion – En social praktik av motstånd och konstruktion [Nonviolent Action – A Social Practice of Resistance and Construction], (2005) PhD Dissertation, Department of Peace and Development Research (Padrigu), University of Gothenburg, Sweden (ISBN 918738065X). Online at (Swedish text and English Abstract) (486 pages).

1999 Fängelsebrev [Prison Letters] with Ann-Britt Sternfeldt and Annika Spalde, published online: (106 pages).

1998 Förberedelse för Motstånd – En kritik av plogbillsrörelsens förberedelsemetoder och

inre konflikthantering, [Preparation for Resistance – A Critique of the

Preparation Methods and Internal Conflict Management of the Plowshares

Movement], published by Omega Förlag and Stiftelsen för Fredsarbete,

Göteborg (107 pages).

1992 Handbok: Avrustningslägret i Linköping [Handbook: The Disarmament Camp in

Linköping], with Per Herngren, Omega Förlag, Göteborg (111 pages).


2012 Tackling Trident: Academics in Action through Academic Conference Blockades. Main editor (co-editors: Justin Kenrick and Kelvin Mason). Irene Publishing: Ed (360 pages).

2009 Motstånd [Resistance], with co-editor Mona Lilja, Liber Förlag: Stockholm (347 pages).

ARTICLES (Peer-reviewed journals)

(Under review) “How resistance feeds resistance: Theorising the nexus between power, everyday resistance and organised resistance”, with Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Michael Schulz. Critical Sociology.

2015 “Fighting with and against the Time: The Japanese Environmental Movement’s Queering of Time as Resistance”, with Mona Lilja and Mikael Baaz, Journal of Civil Society, Vol 11, Issue 4, pp. 408-423.DOI:10.1080/17448689.2015.1112102

2015 “Decolonizing Civil Resistance”, with Sean Chabot, Mobilization: An International Quarterly: December 2015, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 517-532.DOI:

2015 “Dimensions of Everyday Resistance: The Case of Palestinian Sumūd”, with Anna Johansson, Journal of Political Power, published online on Feb 20. DOI: 10.1080/2158379X.2015.1010803.

2014 “Dimensions of Everyday Resistance: An Analytical Framework”, with Anna Johansson, Critical Sociology, published online on May 12. DOI: 10.1177/0896920514524604.

2014 “Sovereign Power, Disciplinary Power and Biopower: Resisting What Power With What Resistance?”, with M. Lilja, 34 pages, Journal of Political Power, 7:1, pp. 107-126.

2013 “‘Everyday Resistance’: Exploration of a Concept & its Theories”, with Anna Johansson, Resistance Studies Magazine, Issue 1: 2013, pp. 1-46.

2013 “Law on the Move - Reflections on Legal Change and Social Movements”, with Håkan Gustafsson. Retfærd: Nordisk Juridisk Tidskrift nr. 2/141, 2013/2, vol. 36, pp. 23-59.

2013 “Exploring Irrational Resistance”, with Mona Lilja and Mikael Baaz, Journal of Political Power, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 201-217.

2013 “Ten Theses on Why We Need a Social Science Panel on Climate Change”, ACME 12(1), pp. 155-176.

2013 “Legal Mobilization and Resistance Movements as Social Constituents of International Law”, Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 21 (2010), pp. 287-327.

2012 “Nonviolent Resistance and Culture”, with Majken Jul Sørensen, Peace & Change, Vol. 37, No. 3, July. pp. 444-470.

2011 “Framväxten av sociala rörelsers globala politik” [The Emergence of Social Movements’ Global Politics], Sociologisk Forskning, Nr. 1: 2011, pp. 25-50.

2010 “Rättens rörelser och rörelsernas rätt” [The Movement of Law and The Law of Movements], with Håkan Gustafsson, Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, vol. 123, 4 & 5/2010, pp. 637–693. ISSN 0040-7143.

2008 “Strategic Changes and Cultural Adaptations: Explaining Differential Outcomes in the International Plowshares Movement”, with Sharon Erickson Nepstad, University of Southern Maine, International Journal of Peace Studies, IPRA, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring/summer, pp. 15-42.

2008 “Is the World Social Forum a Democratic Global Civil Society?”, Societies without Borders, (v.3, #1), Brill; and in Blau, Judith and Marina Karides, The World and US Social Forums: A Better World Is Possible and Necessary, Brill, Chapter 8, pp. 131-148.

2008 “Political Undergrounds: Raging Riots and Everyday Theft as Politics of

Normality?”, online publication with referee process, Museion,

University of Gothenburg and Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, (26 pages).

2008 “Bortom civilisationens kontroll” [Beyond the Control of Civilization], Glänta, 4:07, Gothenburg, p.72-78.

2007 “Rethinking Nonviolent Action and Contentious Politics: Political Cultures of Nonviolent Opposition in the Indian Independence Movement and Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement”, with Sean Chabot, Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Elsevier Sciences/JAI Press, Oxford, Vol. 27, pp. 91-122.

2006 “Power as Subordination and Resistance as Disobedience: Nonviolent Movements

and the Management of Power”, Asian Journal of Social Science, 34:1, pp. 1-21.

BOOK CHAPTERS (research and/or educational publications)

2015“Four Dimensions of Nonviolent Action: A Sociological Perspective”, pp. 258-288 in Kurt Schock (ed.) Civil Resistance: Comparative Perspectives on Nonviolent Struggle. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, Series on Social Movements, Protest & Contention.

2014 “Bortom myten – Gandhis idéer och praktik” [Beyond the Myth – Gandhi’s Ideas and Practice] in Gandhi, Mohandas K. Om ickevåld: Tal, artiklar och brev 1906-1948, M. K. Gandhi, Bokförlaget h:ström - Text & Kultur: Umeå, pp. 581-633.

2014 “Aktivismen för global rättvisa och mot marknadsdiktatur” [The Activism For Global

Justice and Against Market Dictatorship], in Mats Friberg (ed.) Det hållbara

samhället, Liber Förlag: Stockholm, pp. 258-287.

2010 “En ny sorts dilemma-aktion” [A New Form of Dilemma Action], in Mikael Löfgren (ed.) Ship to Gaza: Bakgrunden. Resan. Framtiden. Leopard Förlag: Stockholm, pp. 183-194.

2009 “Global Movements Facilitating Local Campaigns”, in Unarmed

Resistance – The Transnational Factor, Clark, Howard & Rigby, Andrew (eds.),

Pluto Press: London, pp. 184-190.

2009 “Power as Subordination and Resistance as Disobedience: Nonviolent Movements and the Management of Power”, in Giri, Ananta Kumar (ed) The Modern Prince and the Modern Sage: Transforming Power and Freedom, SAGE India, pp. 161-183.

2009 “Introduktion” in Motstånd [Resistance], with Mona Lilja, Liber Förlag: Stockholm, pp. 11-23.

2009 “Makt, motstånd och förändring” [Power, Resistance and Change] in Motstånd [Resistance], with Mona Lilja, Liber Förlag: Stockholm, pp. 25-93.

2009 “Avslutande reflektioner” [Concluding Reflections] in Motstånd [Resistance], with Mona Lilja, Liber Förlag: Stockholm, pp. 333-338.

2007 “Kommunikation i ett maktperspektiv” [Communication From a Power Perspective], in Fossum, Björn (ed.) Kommunikation:Samtal och bemötande i vården, Studentlitteratur: Lund, pp. 61-97. (2nd edition 2011).

2006 “Ickevåldsrörelsens samhällsgestaltning” [The Society Enactment of the Nonviolent Movement], in Wettergren, Åsa & Jamison, Andrew (eds) Sociala rörelser – Politik och Kultur, Lund: Studentlitteratur, pp. 321-352.

2003 “Ickevåldsrörelsens idéhistoria” [The History of Ideas of the Nonviolent Movement], in Fronesis Nr. 11-12; “Våld”, LO-Tryckeriet, Stockholm, pp. 186-206.

2003 “Motståndet mot den nya världsordningen” [The Resistance Against the New World Order], in Janne Flyghed & Magnus Hörnqvist (eds) Laglöst land, Ordfront, Stockholm, pp. 232-264.

2002 “Motståndets globalisering”[The Globalisation of Resistance], in Mikael Löfgren & Masoud Vatankhah (eds) Vad hände med Sverige i Göteborg?, Ordfront Förlag, Stockholm, pp. 240-263.

2001 “Makt och motstånd – Ickevåldsrörelsers hantering av makt i konflikter”, [Power and Resistance – Nonviolent Movements and the Management of Power in Conflicts], in Leif Eriksson & Björn Hettne (eds) Makt och internationella relationer, [Power and International Relations] Studentlitteratur, Lund, pp. 179-235.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Encyclopedia entries, reviews, etc.)

2015 “Some notes on the Journal of Resistance Studies and its exploration of “resistance”, Editorial, Journal of Journal of Resistance Studies, Vol 1, No. 2, pp. 5-11.

2015 Review of “Lee, Terence; Defect or defend: military responses to popular protests in authoritarian Asia”, Journal of Resistance Studies, Vol 1, No. 2, pp. 198-200.

2015 Review of “Milligan, Tony (2013) Civil Disobedience: Protest,

Justification, and the Law”, Peace Review, Vol 27, Issue 4, pp. 528-531.

2015 “Review of Dudouet, Véronique (ed.) (2015) Civil Resistance and Conflict

Transformation: Transitions from Armed to Nonviolent Struggle”, in Journal

of Resistance Studies, No. 1 (10 p.).

2015 “An Invitation to Develop ‘Resistance Studies”, Editorial introduction in the inaugural

issue of the Journal of Resistance Studies, No. 1 (7 p.).

2015Review of “Freedom Sailors: The Maiden Voyage of the Free Gaza

Movement and How We Succeeded in Spite of Ourselves”, Journal of Palestinian Studies, Vol. XLIV, No. 2,Winter (2 p.).

2013 “Review of the PhD-thesis Appropriation by Coloniality, by Adrián Groglopo, Department of Sociology, Umeå University”, Sociologisk Forskning. (2 p.)

2011 “Terrorismus gewaltfrei entgegnen?” [Resisting Terrorism with Nonviolence?], FriedensForum, 6/2011, Hrsg. Bund für Soziale Verteidigung, pp. 28-30.