1998 PhD in Applied Linguistics, Victoria University
of Wellington, New Zealand
1990 MA (with Distinction) in Teaching English as a
Foreign Language, University of East Anglia
1976 BA (Hons) in English & American Literature.
University of Warwick
1978 Preparatory Certificate in TEFL, The Bell
School of Languages, Norwich
1977 Postgraduate Certificate in Education, (Major English)
University of Warwick
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Second language writing; feedback and revision in ESL writing; literature and language teaching; Autonomy and self access resources.
Sept 2015 – now Honorary Associate Professor, Division of English Language Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
Sept 2009-2015 Associate Professor, Division of English Language Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
2006-2009 Lecturer in Education, Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication, Faculty of Culture and Pedagogy, Institute of Education, University of London
2001-2006 Assistant Professor, Division of Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
1998-2001 Assistant Professor, School of Education and Languages, Open University of Hong Kong
1995–98 Self Access Centre Coordinator and Senior
Instructor, Dept of English and Language
Centre, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
1994–95 Tutor, English Language Institute,
(part-time) Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
1991–94 Lecturer, English as an International Language
Department, International Pacific College, New
1990 (5 months) Lecturer, Dept of Language & Communication,
1988–89 PNG University of Technology, Lae, PNG.
1984–88 Lecturer and testing coordinator, English
Language Centre, King Abdul Aziz University,
Jeddah, Saudia Arabia.
1980-83 EFL Teacher in a Malaysian secondary school
The Centre for British Teachers, London.
1978-1980 EFL teacher to primary & intermediate students.
Riyadh Schools, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
1977-1978 EFL/literature teacher at higher sec. school.
Khalil Secondary School, Ed Dueim, Sudan.
May 2013- June 2015 Head of Division of English Language Education
September 2009- May 2013 Acting Head of Division for various periods over the 4 years
September 2009- 2013 Course coordinator, MEd English language Education
September 2009- 13 Member of MEd Committee
September 2011-12 Member MEd restructuring working group
May 2013 - 15 Member Dean's Advisory Committee
May 2013 – 15 Member Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Ccommittee
September 2009- 13 Led team and coordinated preparation for our new MA TESOL full-time programme, starting in 2014.
September 2011 -13 Member of team developing and teaching new common core course 'Reflecting on human experience through literature'.
September 2013 -15 Member CDC-HKEAA committee on Literature in English
September 2010 -15 Member of the Vetting Committee, Exemption (English) EDB
January 2011- 15 External examiner Hong Kong MA in TESOL, Lancaster University
Dec 2008 – November 2015 Book reviews editor and member of editorial board, Journal of Second Language Writing
September 2007 -2012 Member of editorial board, Journal of English for Academic Purposes
September 2010-2012 President, Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics
Feb 2007- Sept 2009 External examiner MSC in TESOL Aston University
September 2007- 2009 Course leader MA TESOL, Institute of Education, University of London
2003-2006 Chair of Test Development Committee (Secondary English) (Hong Kong Examinations Authority)
M.Ed coordinator for English Language Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
M.Ed committee member, Faculty of Education University of Hong Kong
Member, Literature in English secondary school syllabus committee
(Hong Kong Examinations Authority)
Member, Curriculum Development Council Committee on English Language Education, Education and Manpower Bureau. Hong Kong.
2004 Member of Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Assessment Panel, Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong.
1999-2005 Hon Sec, Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics
Hyland, K & Hyland, F (Eds) (2006) Feedback in Second Language Writing: Contexts and Issues Applied Linguistics Series. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Chapters in books
Hyland, F., Nicolás-Conesa, F. and Cerezo, L. (2016) Responding to students’ writing: Key issues of debate. In Handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing. De Gruyter Mouton, 433-452.
Hyland, K & Hyland, F (2011) “You could make this clearer’: Advice in teachers’ feedback on writing, Advice in discourse, H. Limberg & M.A. Locher, John Benjamins, 53-71.
Hyland F (2011) The Language Learning Potential of Form-focused Feedback on Writing: Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions. In Manchon R. (Ed) Learning-to-Write and Writing-to-Learn in an Additional Language. Amsterdam, John Benjamins. (pp 159-179 )
Hyland F (2009) Scaffolding during the writing process: the role of informal peer interaction in writing workshops. In Belcher, D & Hirvela, A (Eds) The Oral/Literate Connection: Perspectives on L2 Speaking, Writing, and Other Media Interaction. Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
Hyland, K & Hyland, F (2006) ‘Feedback on L2 Writing: Contexts and Issues - an introduction’ in Hyland, K & Hyland, F (Eds) (pp.1-19).
Hyland, K & Hyland, F (Eds) (2006) ‘Interpersonal aspects of response: constructing and interpreting teacher written feedback’ in Hyland, K & Hyland, F (Eds) (pp. 206-224).
Hyland, F (1999) ‘Clarifying Arguments’ in Shameem, N and Tickoo, M (Eds.)
New Ways in Using Communicative Games in Language Teaching,
Alexandria VA: TESOL.
Articles in journals
Hyland, F. (in press). Challenges faced by second language doctoral student writers in Hong Kong and their writing strategies. Australian Review of Applied linguistics
Han, Y., & Hyland, F. (accepted). Oral corrective feedback on L2 writing from a sociocultural perspective: A case study on two writing conferences in a Chinese university. Writing and Pedagogy.
Han Ye and F. Hyland (2015) Exploring learner engagement with written corrective feedback in a Chinese tertiary EFL classroom Journal of Second Language Writing 30 (2015) 31–44.
Hyland , F. (2010). Future directions in feedback on second language writing: Overview and research agenda International Journal of English, 10 (2) 173-185.
Lo, J & Hyland, F (2007) Enhancing students’ engagement and motivation in writing: the case of primary students in Hong Kong. Journal of Second Language Writing, 16 (4) 219-237.
Hyland K & Hyland F (2006) ‘State of the art article: Feedback on Second Language students’ writing’. Language Teaching 39, (2) 83-101.
Hyland F and Lo, M (2006) ‘Examining Interaction in the Teaching Practicum: Issues of Language, Power and Control’ Mentoring and Tutoring 14 (2) 163-186.
Hyland, F (2004) ‘Learning autonomously: contextualising out-of-class English language learning’ Language Awareness 13 (3) 180-202.
Hyland, F (2003) ‘Focusing on form: student engagement with teacher feedback’ System 31 (2) 217-230. (8th most downloaded article in System in 2003)
Hyland, F (2001) ‘Providing effective support: investigating feedback to distance language learners’ Open Learning, 16 (3) 233 - 247.
Hyland, F & Hyland, K (2001) ‘Sugaring the pill; Praise and criticism in written feedback’, Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(3) 185-212.(Prize best article 2001)
Hyland, F (2001) Dealing with plagiarism when giving feedback. English Language Teaching Journal 55 (4) 375-382.
Hyland, F (2000) ‘Teacher management of writing workshops: two case studies’, Canadian Modern Language Review, 57 (2) 272-294. (Republished by arrangement with the Asia Pacific Journal of Language in Education).
Hyland F (2000) ‘ESL writers and Feedback: Giving more autonomy to students.’
Journal of Language Teaching Research 4 (1) 33-54.
Hyland, F (1999) ‘Teacher management of writing workshops: two case studies’,
Asia Pacific Journal of Language in Education, 2 (1) 1-27.
Yeung, L & Hyland, F (1999) ‘Bridging the gap: utilising self-access learning as a course component’, RELC Journal,30 (1) 158-174.
Hyland, F (1998) ‘The impact of teacher written feedback on individual writers’,
Journal of Second Language Writing, 7 (3) 255-286.
Hyland, K & Hyland, F (1991) ‘Go for Gold: Integrating process & product in
ESP’, English for Specific Purposes, 11 (3).
2011-2013 An investigation of the challenges faced by second language postgraduate student writers in a Hong Kong university context and the writing strategies used by these writers. Funded by RGC for the General Research Fund (GRF) Award amount. $432,704
PI “Exploring the role of feedback in the Master’s dissertation writing process” Award $HK58,500. HKU Seed funding for basic research. Sept 2010 – Oct 2011
CoI “The research element in Masters degrees in Distance education: literature review and mapping study.” (Principal investigator Amos Paran, co-investigator: Claire Bentall). Awarded £4993 by University of London Centre for Distance Education Teaching and Research Awards Scheme. Completed July 2010 and report published.
CoI “Effective School-based Assessment in English language teaching in secondary schools”. (Principal investigator, Dr C Davison) This action research project was carried out in collaboration with local secondary teachers and received a grant of more than $HK300,000 from the Quality Education Fund in Hong Kong. Completed 2006:
PI “Feedback and interaction in the teaching practicum.” (Co- investigator Margaret Lo). Received $HK11,259 funding from the Faculty of Education Research Fund .Completed 2005
PI “The independent language learning strategies and out of class language learning activities used by trainee and practising teachers in Hong Kong.” Received $HK51,000 funding through a University of Hong Kong Research initiation grant. Completed 2003.
PI “An investigation of distance language learners’ use of tutor written feedback on their assignments and their perceptions of its usefulness”. Funded by Research and Development Fund, Open University of Hong Kong (funding $HK34,000, Completed 2001.
Effective feedback on academic student writing.’ Paper presented by invitation at Hong Association for Applied Linguists seminar, June 17 2015.
‘Written assignments and feedback for Master of Education students: How ‘dual motives’ are being played out.’ Paper presented at Assessment for Learning in Higher Education 2015, University of Hong Kong, May 14 2015 (with Dr Yongyan Li)
‘The challenges faced by L2 postgraduate writers and their self-initiated strategies.’ Paper presented by invitation at University of Stockholm , March 9 2015
‘Providing effective feedback on student writing.’ Paper presented by invitation at Dept. of Education and Special Education, Gothenburg University, March 12 2015
‘L2 postgraduate thesis writers challenges and their writing strategies’ paper presented at AILA World Congress of Applied linguistics, Brisbane Australia August 10-15 2014.
‘Exploring the construct of learner autonomy in second language writing’, joint paper with Dr M Yeung at MELTA 22nd International English language teachers conference: May 31st 2013
The challenges faced by L2 Postgraduate writers and their self- initiated writing strategies", Featured paper by invitation at 22nd international MELTA conference, Johor Bahru Malaysia May 30th 2013
‘Providing effective feedback on student writing’ Paper presented at the 10th international Asia TEFL conference, Delhi Oct 2012
‘The use of mitigation in post-lesson supervisory conferences and its impact on ESL student teachers’ paper presented at 16th World Congress of Applied linguistics, Beijing University of Foreign Studies, Beijing. August 23-28 2011.
‘Exploiting the potential of feedback’ Scholarly paper presented ‘Enhancing learning experiences in Higher Education: International conference, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2-3 December, 2010
‘Giving effective feedback’. Invited workshop presented at 2nd ESP in Asia Conference,. 11-13 November 2010 Nottingham, Ningbo, China
‘Scaffolding during the writing process: the role of informal peer interaction in L2 writing workshops’ Paper presented at European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW) conference, Coventry University. July 2009
‘Providing effective feedback to ESL writers’. Paper given by invitation of the Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy Group at the Faculty of Education. Nottingham University, UK, February 25th , 2009.
‘Key issues in teacher feedback to ESL writers’. Paper given by invitation of the Reading University Applied Linguistics circle. Reading University, UK, February, 2007.
‘Out-of-class English language learning in Hong Kong’. Paper given by invitation at the Hong Kong Association of Self Access Learning and Development , City University of Hong Kong, February 2006
‘Out -of -class language learning: three case studies’ 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA , July 2005
‘Feedback and interaction in the teaching practicum’. (Co-presenter Margaret Lo) International Language in Education Conference, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, December 2004.
‘Learning autonomously: Contextualising out-of-class English language learning’ Conference on Autonomy and language learning: maintaining control. University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong and Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. China, June 2004.
‘Mitigation and miscommunication in written feedback’ 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics,’ AILA, Singapore, December 2002.
‘Teacher management of writing workshops’, Departmental Research Conference, Department of Curriculum and Educational Studies, University of Hong Kong, January 2002.
‘Does teacher feedback make a difference?’ British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes Conference: EAP: Directions for the Future, Quality Hotel, Glasgow, April 2001.
‘Plagiarism in ESL writing’. International Language in Education Conference, University of Hong Kong, December 2000.
‘Providing effective feedback through writing workshops’ 34th International IATEFL Conference Burlington Hotel, Dublin, March 2000
‘Using teacher written feedback: getting the students’ perspectives’. 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, ‘The Roles of Language in the 21st century: Unity and Diversity,’ AILA, Waseda University, Tokyo, August 1999.
‘Teacher management of writing workshops: two case studies.’ International conference on Second Language Teaching: Reading, Writing and Discourse. Language Centre, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Faculty of English language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, June, 1999.
‘The effects of teacher written feedback on ESL writers’, Research seminar series, English Language Centre, University of Hong Kong, April 1999.
‘The impact of teacher written feedback on the writing processes of ESL writers’. Research seminar, The Hong Association for Applied Linguistics at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, April 1999.
‘Individual writers’ use of teacher written feedback’, Writing in a Second Language Interest group, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, March 1999.
‘Self-access learning as a course component: some practical issues’, (with Yeung, L) International Language in Education Conference, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, December 1998.
‘Learner control of the feedback process’, International Language in Education Conference, University of Hong Kong, December 1997.
‘Using teacher written feedback’. Paper given by invitation at the Institute of