Curriculum Vitae
Name : Carl Michael von Quitzow
Date of Birth: 26 November 1962
Nationality: Swedish
Marital Status: Married and two children
Languages: Swedish 5 (R) 5 (S) 5 (W)
German 5 " 5 " 5 "
English 5 " 5 " 5 "
Danish 5 " 5 " 5 "
French 4 " 3 " 3 "
Education: Qualifications:
1982-1986, University of Lund, Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Sweden (Examination Paper: Business Establishments and Direct Investments Abroad from an International Taxation Point of View, Cum Laude Approbatur)
1989-1995, University of Lund, Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)
Awards: Faculty of Law, Prize of King Oscar II for a University of Lund Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation (1996)
Professional Experience:
1986 Trainee, Deloitte & Touche, Malmö, Sweden
1987 Assistant Professor of EC-Law Institute of European Market Law, Copenhagen, Member of the Board of the Danish Association of European Law.
1989 Expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Trade, Stockholm, Research Fellowship, Faculty of Law, Lund University, Guest Lecturer, Stockholm University
1990 Advisor for the Swedish Confederation of Employers (SAF)
1991 Associate, Advokatfirman Landahl & Bauer (Affiliated with Stanbrook & Hooper, Brussels).
1995 Senior Lecturer, Lund University (Lectures EC-Law and Competition Law)
1997 Associate Professor of EC-Law, Faculty of Law, Lund University, Jean Monnet Professor of Community Law, Lund University
2000 Off Counsel of Stanbrook & Partners
2002 Member of the Board of the Hansa Club of Malmö
2003 Co-opted judge at the District Court of Ystad in competition law matters
2004 Research fellowship granted by the Swedish Competition Authority
2004 International rapporteur at the LIDC Conference in Budapest
Senior Practice Experience
Carl Michael von Quitzow also has experience in representing major corporate clients before the Commission in competition matters and pleading before the EC-Court (e.g. cases C-189/95, C-319/97, C-292/97, C-273/98 and pending case C-15/01). Carl Michael von Quitzow is also used as an expert in competition law issues in arbitration proceedings. Beside that Carl Michael von Quitzow is also member of company boards, foundations and is also member of the expert board on environmental law of the South Swedish Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Membership of Professional Bodies: LIDC International League of Competition Law, DFE Danish Association of European Law, SEF Swedish Association of European Law.
Key Qualifications: Competition Law, Dispute Settlement, Free Movement, Environmental Law, Agricultural Law and Food Law, Institutional Relations, EC Tax Law, and International commercial law.
- Book Review, P. Oliver, assisted by M. Jarvis, Free Movement of Goods in the European Community under Articles 28 to 30 of the EC Treaty, Sweet&Maxwell, London 2003, in International Trade Law & Regulation, Volume 9, Issue 4, July 2003, p. 121
- Liability of company boards in relation to contraventions of EC-Competition Law,
Sydsvenskt Näringsliv (Review of the South Swedish Chamber of Industry and
Commerce), Nr. 1, 2003, p.
- Exit Bachmann, Bienvenue Danner, Case Comments in Swedish Tax Review (“Skattenytt”), Nr. 2, 2003, p. 89pp
- Treaty Principles and Their Impact on the Construal of the Rules on Freedom of
Movement in relation to National Tax Measures, Scandinavian Studies in Law, 2002
- To plea in the European Court of Justice, Advokaten nr. 5 2002, p. 22
- State Measures Distorting Free Competition in the EC, Kluwer Law
Int., den Haag 2001 (307p.), Reviewed by Prof. D. Milmans in
European Competition Law Review, 2002, p.425
- European Community, EMU and Tax Harmonization in Liber Amicorum Ulf Bernitz, Stockholm 2001, p. 239-243
- The Benetton Judgment and its Practical Implications on Arbitration, Stockholm Arbitration Report, 2000:1, p. 33-40
- Damages for breaches against EC Competition Law, Advokaten Nr. 8/01
- Some aspects on non-referral of cases to the EC, Juridisk Tidskrift 1999-2000, Nr. 4
- “Man in Black” and indirect taxation: the internal market urges for further harmonization, EC Tax Review (Kluwer/Luchterhand)1999-2, p.122-128
- The Consequences of the Judgment of the EC-Court in the Benetton Case in Advokaten, Nr. 6/99
- Some Brief Reflections about Federalism in the European Union and in the United States of America, Modern Issues in European Law, Essays in Honour of Lennart Pålsson, Martinus Nijhoff/Doordrecht, 1997
- "Private Enforcement" in Community Law, - a study on the obligation of the Member States to pay damages in connection with breaches of Community law, Juridisk Tidskrift, nr. 3/1996-97, p. 682-700 (Article)
- Book Review; Anders Hagsgård, EC-Law and the Application of National Law, (as Faculty Opponent), Juridisk Tidskrift, nr. 1/1969-97, p. 174-178
- Fritzes/Kluwer EC-Law Commentary, Chapter on Free Movement of Goods and State Monopolies (1996)
- Free Movement of Goods in the European Community, - a study on the delimitation between community concerns and national concerns, Stockholm 1995 (512p.), Diss.
- The Legal Profession in Sweden, contribution to Tyrell/Yaccub (Eds), The Legal Professions in Europe, 2nd Ed., London 1995 (together with Lennart Lindström)
- EC-Law, - A New Legal Source in Sweden (together with Sten Pålsson), Stockholm, 1993 (350p. Review by Bernitz in Juridisk Tidskrift 92/93, p. 397), Textbook.
- Pharmaceuticals and the Rules of the EEC-Treaty on Free Movement of Goods, Nordiskt Immateriellt Rättsskydd, 1991, p. 232-237 (Article).
- Article 30 of the Treaty of Rom, about the so called Cassis de Dijon-principle in EC-Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ds 1990:76 (Governmental Investigation)
- The Prohibition Against Fiscal Discrimination in Community Law in the Perspective European Economic Space (together with Pär Hallström), Juridisk Tidskrift, nr. 2-3/1989-1990, p. 311-322 (Article).
- Book Review: Hjalte Rasmussen, The European Constitution, Summaries of leading EC Court Cases, Juridisk Tidskrift, nr. 2-3/1989-1990 p.372-374.
- Co-insurance and the Free Exchange of Services within the EC, Nordisk Försäkringstidskrift, 1987, p. 284-293 (Article).
- Franchising and Competition Law in the EC, Advokaten 1987, p. 444-449
Works under publication:
- Free Movement of Goods and the Delimitation between Community Concerns and
National Concerns; Myths and Realities (Article, 1997) ______
Private adress: Bülow Hübes väg 6 D, S-216 18 Malmö, Sweden Tel. 0046-40-91 96 70 Fax. 0046-40-91 99 80
e-mail : carl.michael @¨
Homepage :
Additional Information
Carl Michael von Quitzow has also been assigned by the Swedish Confederation of Employers (SAF) and the Swedish Confederation of Industry (Industriförbundet) to develop information material to Swedish small and middle-sized undertakings regarding EC-rules and their application at national level. The assignment also covered seminars for multinational Swedish undertakings.
4 (4) CV C.M. v. Quitzow LL.D.