Office address: Budapest, V. Zrínyi u. 14., Room 510 , H-1051


  1. Metaphysics: free will, causation, and modality.
  2. Moral Philosophy: freedom, and responsibility.
  3. History of Philosophy: Hume, Kant, and Reid: metaphysics and ethics.


  1. Metaphysics: emergentism, time, properties, probability.
  2. Moral and Political Philosophy: theories of values, rational choice theory.
  3. History of Philosophy: 17th – 18th century metaphysics and ethics (Descartes, Malebranche, Locke, Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume, Kant).


·  A book on the concept of causal powers (its history and its significance for understanding causation, probability, reduction, and explanation).


1988-89: Political Philosophy, York University, York
1981-86: Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
1981-86: History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


2005: Doctor of the Academy of Sciences (DSc)
2002: Habilitation (ELTE, Faculty of Arts)
1992: Ph.D. in Philosophy, Budapest (CSc)
1990: MA in Political Philosophy, York University
1986: MA./BA in Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University
1986: BA in History


Fluent both in speech and writing: English, Hungarian,
Fluent reading and moderate speaking ability: German, French, Italian


At Central European University, Budapest (full time since 1997):

·  2006 - Professor of Philosophy

·  1999 - 2004 Head of the Philosophy Department

·  1999 - Associate Professor

·  1997 - 1999 Director of the Political Science PhD Program

·  1996 - 1997 Director of the Social Theory Program

·  1997 - 1998 Member of the Senate

·  1996 - Assistant Professor

·  1994 - 1996 Recurrent Visiting Professor

Former appointments at Eötvös Loránd University:

·  2000 - Visiting Professor

·  1997 - 2000 Member of the Research Council at the Faculty of Art

·  1993 - 1995 Vice Dean at the Faculty of Art

·  1993 - 2000 Member of the Faculty Counsel

·  1993 - Associate Professor

·  1990 - Assistant Professor, Department of Ethics & Social Philosophy

·  1989 - 1990 Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

·  1986 - 1989 Research Assistant at the Department of Philosophy


·  Hungarian Philosophical Society

·  European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP)

·  2002–2006 Member of the Steering Committee of ESAP, Central European Representative


·  1996 - Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Edinburgh University

·  1993 - Visiting Scholar at Cambridge, St Catherine's College

·  1992 - Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (TEMPUS Individual Mobility Grant)

·  1988 - 1989 Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Soros Foundation (York University)


·  Ethics and Value Theory

·  Decision Theory and its Applications in Moral Philosophy

·  The Problem of Distributive Justice

·  Scope and Method of Social Sciences

·  Early Modern Political Philosophy

·  Contemporary Metaphysics

·  Early Modern Metaphysics

·  Philosophy of Action

·  Freedom and Responsibility

·  Theories of Causation


BOOKS (author)

  1. Free Will: A Conditional Analysis. To be published at Routledge, New York, 2010.
  2. Modern Metafizika (Contemporary Metaphysics). Budapest: Osiris, 2001.
  3. Filozófia és utópia (Philosophy and Utopia). Budapest: Osiris, 1999.

BOOKS (edited)

  1. Modern metafizikai tanulmányok. (Studies in Contemporary Metaphysics, edited with Katalin Fakas). Budapest, ELTE Eötvös kiadó, 2004.
  2. Modern politikai filozófia (Modern Political Philosophy). Budapest: Osiris, 1998 (edited with notes and introduction).


On ethics and philosophy of action:

  1. "Obligations, social emotions, and social contracts". Filosopfija. Sociologija, Vol. 19, 2008: 17-28.
  2. "Passions and Reasons". Acta Analytica, Vol. 21, 2006: pp. 42–53.
  3. "Törvénnyé tett szabadság" (On Kant’s Theory of Freedom). Világosság, Vol. XLV, 2004: pp. 65–81.
  4. "Mitől erkölcsös egy cselekedet?" (What is a Virtuous Action?). In Dénes Iván Zoltán A szabadság értelme – az értelem szabadsága, Budapest, Argumentum Kiadó, 2004, pp.
  5. "Mi vagyok én?" (What am I?). In Tallár Ferenc (ed.) Az individuum és az európai tradíció, Budapest: Savaria University Press, 2002, pp. 7–22.
  6. "Mitől tudatos egy cselekedet?" (What is a Conscious Action?). In Farkas Katalin – Orthmayr Imre (eds.) Bölcselet és analízis , Budapest: ELTE Eötvös, 2003. pp. 170–186.
  7. "Common Sense and the Theory of Human Behaviour," The Philosophical Quarterly , Vol. 52, No. 209, 2002, pp. 526–543.
  8. Reprinted in Haldane, J.–Read, T. (eds.) The Philosophy of Thomas Reid. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003, pp. 113–130.
  9. "Döntéselmélet és erkölcsi normák II." (Decision Theory and Moral Norms II.). Szociológiai Szemle, 2000/1, pp. 156-164.
  10. "Döntéselmélet és erkölcsi normák I." (Decision Theory and Moral Norms I.). Szociológiai Szemle, 1999/1, pp. 3-30.

On metaphysics and philosophy of mind:

  1. "Tudatosság és intencionalitás" (Intentionality and the Mental). Világosság, 2008: Vol. XLIX, No. 11-12: 133-142.
  2. "Metafizika" (Metaphysics). In Boros Gábor (szerk.) Filozofiá, Budapest, Akadémiai kiadó, 2007: 1258-1272.
  3. "Russell leíráselmélete mint metafizika" (Russell’s Theory of Description as Metaphysics). Világosság , Vol. XLVI., No. 10. 2005:
  4. "Szabad akarat és természeti törvény" (Free Will and the Nature of Natural Laws). Világosság , Vol. XLIV, No. 5–6, 2003, pp. 141–149.
  5. "Határozatlanság" (Indeterminacy and Mental Content), in Ujvári Márta (ed.) Érvek és kontextus, Budapest: Gondolat, 2003, pp. 247-247.
  6. "Fate, Freedom and Contingency" Acta Analytica, Vol. 17, No. 28, 2002, pp. 79–102.
  7. "Jelentés és reprezentáció" (Meaning and Representation), Világosság, 2001/2-3, pp. 47-53.
  8. "Újabb esélylatolgatás" (Chances of Metaphysics: A Rejoinder), Holmi, 1999/1, pp. 137-142.
  9. "A metafizika esélyei" (Chances of Metaphysics), Holmi, 1998/5, pp. 718-729
  10. "Radikális szkepticizmus és szemantikai holizmus" (Radical Scepticism and Semantic Holism), Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, 1997/3-4 pp. 694-704.

On social and political philosophy:

  1. "On the Usefulness of Arts and Sciences," Croatian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. III, No.7, 2003. pp. 63–74.
  2. "Mi a felvilágosodás?" (What is Enlightenment?). In Tallár Ferenc (ed.) Az emberi jogok és az európai tradíció Budapest: Osiris, 2002, pp. 38-48.
  3. "Szerződéselmélet és politikai kötelezettség" (Contractarianism and Political Obligations), Politikatudományi Szemle 1998/3 pp. 33-56.
  4. "Politikai metafizikakritika" (The Political and the Metaphysical), Világosság, 1998/5-6, pp. 91- 113.
  5. "Distributive Shares, Just Procedures, and Bargaining", in P. Koller - K. Puhl (eds.) Current Issues in Political Philosophy, Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1997, pp. 53–61.
  6. "A filozófián innen, a liberalizmuson túl" (Philosophical Foundations of Liberalism and 'Postliberalism'), Beszélő 1996/12 pp. 40-45.
  7. "Az igazságosság elméletétől a politikai liberalizmusig" (From the Theory of Justice to Political Liberalism"), Magyar Tudomány, 1995/7 pp. 817-833.
  8. "Liberális demokrácia" (Liberal Democracy), Világosság, 1994/4-5. pp. 203-217
  9. "Egalitariánus liberalizmus" (Egalitarian Liberalism), Világosság, 1994/9. pp. 44-51
  10. "A generációk közti igazságosság problémája" (Justice Between Generations), Századvég, 1994. pp. 57-65.
  11. "Nyelvfilozófia és eszmetörténetírás" (Philosophy of Language in the History of Ideas), Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, 1993/3 pp. 960–978.
  12. "Mivel nem azonos a semlegesség?" (What Neutrality Is Not), Politikatudományi Szemle, 1993/3 pp. 124-128.
  13. "Irracionalitás és kinyilvánított preferenciák" (Irrationality and Revealed Preferences), Szociológiai Szemle, 1993/3-4 pp. 61-70.
  14. "Válasz a kérdésre: támogathatja-e a liberális állam a művészeteket?" (An Answer to the Question: Can the Liberal State Support Arts?), Nappali Ház, 1994/1 pp. 67-72.
  15. "Antwort auf die Frage: Soll der liberale Staat die Künste unterstützen?" Nappali Ház, German and English Special Issue 1999 pp. 15–26.
  16. "Politikai filozófia és utópia" (Political Philosophy and Utopia), Nappali Ház, 1993/2 pp. 16-19.
  17. "A 'modern' társadalmi szerződéselméletek módszertani problémái" (The methodology of contractarian justification: a game-theoretical approach), Politikatudományi Szemle, 1992/1 pp. 53-74.
  18. "A német liberalizmus elméleti forrásai" (The Political Philosophy of the Early German Liberalism: Kant, Humboldt and the political theory of Staatslexikon), Magyar Tudomány, 1992/3 pp. 334–52.
  19. "Politikai kötelezettség és polgári engedetlenség" (Political Obligations and Civil Disobedience), in Csapody Tamás (ed) A polgári engedetlenség helye az alkotmányos demokráciákban, Budapest, T-Twins, 1991.
  20. "Intentions and the History of Ideas", in: J. Bernard, J. Kelemen (ed): Zeichen, Denken, Praxis. Österreichisch-Ungarische Dokumente zur Semiotik und Philosophie, Wien-Budapest: ÖGS/ISSS, 1990, pp. 181–196.
  21. "A politikai filozófia és a közösség határai" (Political Philosophy and the Limits of Community). DOXA Filozófiai Műhely, 1987/10. pp. 165-172.


  1. "A világ mint fogalom és séma" (Review on G. Forrai’s Reference, Truth and Conceptual Schemes, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001), BUKSZ- The Budapest Review of Books Winter, 2002, pp. 356-365.
  2. "Rendszerbe zárt szellem" (Review on D. Dennett's Az intencionalitás filozófiája (A selection of his articles in Hungarian), Osiris-Gond, Budapest, 1998), BUKSZ Autumn 1999, pp. 284-295.
  3. "Politikai érvek és erkölcsi érdek" (Review on János Kis's Az állam semlegessége (The Neutrality of the State) Atlantisz, Budapest, 1997), HOLMI 1999/4 pp. 529-539
  4. "Röghöz kötött gondolatok" (Review on K. Mannheim's Konzervativizmus (Conservativism: A Study in the Sociology of Knowledge), Cserépfalvi, Budapest, 1994), BUKSZ Winter 1995, pp. 454-459.
  5. "Earthbound Thoughts", Budapest Review of BOOKS Spring 1996.
  6. "Harmadik út a tudományfilozófiában" (Review on G. Márkus's Kultúra és modernitás (A selection of his articles in Hungarian), T-Twins, Budapest,1992). Kritika, 1993/2. pp. 20-21
  7. "Téveszme-történeti kalandozások" (Review on I. Berlin: Négy esszé a szabadságról (Four Essays on Liberty), Európa, Budapest, 1990) BUKSZ 1991/1. pp 64-71.
  8. "A tudomány szabadsága?" (In Which Sense Is Science "Free"?). Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 3-1988/4. pp. 433-436.


·  "Psychological States and Causal Dispositions" presented at the 17th European Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Conference, CEU, Budapest, 2009, August.

·  "Weakness and Compulsion: The Essential Difference" presented at the conference "Actions, Reasons and Desires: Gary Watson on Freedom and Agency", CEU, Budapest, 2009, June.

·  "The Contingency of Causal Relations" presented at the VI. Congress of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy, Krakow, 2008, August.

·  "What Experience Reveals" presented at CEU, Budapest, at Howard Robinson’s 60th birthday conference, 2005, September.

·  "Responsibility and Reasons Dependence" presented at the V. Congress of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy, Lisbon, 2005, August.

·  "Passions and Reasons" presented in Bled, at a conference on Moral Particularism, 2005, June.

·  "Responsibility and Reason" presented in the I. Budapest-Oxford Conference, 2005, April.

·  "Action without Reason" presented at the III. International Reid Conference, Aberdeen, 2004,

·  "Luck and Responsibility", presented in Bled, at a conference on Ethics, 2003, June.

·  "Causation and Explanation", presented at a Conference on the Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, at Pécs, 2003, May.

·  "Intentions, Laws and Dispositions", presented at "Intentionality: Past and Future", at Miskolc, 2002, June.

·  "Freedom and Indeterminism", presented at the IV. Congress of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy, at Lund, 2002, June.

·  "What is Fatalism?", presented at Rijeka, 2002, April.

·  "Action, Reason and Volition", presented at a conference on Philosophy of Action, Budapest, CEU, 2001, June.

·  "Fate" presented in Bled, at a conference on Metaphysics, 2001, June.

·  "On the Nomological Character of Content", presented at the Conference Mental Phenomena III., Dubrovnik, 2000, September.

·  "Normativity and Content" presented in Budapest on a conference about Mind and Language, 2000, June.

·  "Semantic Commitments and Reference", presented at the Conference on the Works of Robert Brandom, Pécs, 2000, May.

·  "Intentionality and the Nature of Laws", presented at the III. Congress of the Europaen Society of Analytic Philosophy, Maribor, 1999.

·  "On the Problem of Intentional Realism", presented at the Coference on the Works of Daniel Dennett, Pécs, 1999.

·  "Vagueness and Reduction", presented at the International Bled Conference on Vagueness, Bled, 1998, June.

·  "Intentionality and Representation" presented at the conference of GAP (German Society for Analytic Philosophy), Munich, 1997, September.

·  "Intentions, Propositions, and Modality", presented at the International Bled Conference on Modality, Bled, 1997, June.

·  "Distributive Justice and Axiomatized Bargaining Theory", presented at the International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg, Austria, 1996, August.

·  "Probabilisme et Cartésianisme", presented at the International Descartes Conference, Paris, 1996, September.

·  "Internalism and the Telelogical Theory of Mind", presented at the II. Conference of the Europaen Society of Analytic Philosophy, Leeds, 1996, September.

·  "Rationalité et Norms Sociales", presented at the International Toucqueville Conference, organized by Institut Raymond Aron Paris, Budapest,1994, September.

·  "Equality and Responsibility", Position Paper presented at MOSAIC Conference, Tihany, 1990, July.