1. Personal Details
Name: Zachary Sheaffer
Date & place of birth 18 Aug. 1947, Rehovoth Israel
Regular military service: Nov. 1966-Nov. 1969.
Citizenship and ID No.: European & Israeli, 05142047
Permanent Home address: Kfar Hachoresh 16960
Home Phone No.: 972 6 6558472/3
Office Address & Phone: Department of Management & Economics, Ariel University Centre, Ariel. Mobile: 972 52 8345855
2. Education
1974 B.A. Geography: University of Haifa
1987 M.A. Public Policy: Management & Budgeting, The Public Policy Programme, Tel Aviv University
Advisors: Prof. Baruch Mevorach & Dr. Hannah Ofek
Analysis of the Crisis in Kibbutzim: A Longitudinal Approach.
1992 Ph.D., Management, Waikato University, Hamilton New Zealand.
Advisors: Profs. Dove Bing & Dimitri Margaritis
‘Aspects of organisational decline and crisis: The multi-dimensional crisis in the United Kibbutz Movement’.
Employment History
Aug. 1989-Dec. 1990-Research Associate, Haifa University Kibbutz Research Centre.
June 1990-Teaching Assistant, Politics & Management Departments, Waikato University Hamilton New Zealand.
Nov. 1993-Oct. 1995- The Eshkol Economics & Management Post Doctoral Fellowship, Ministry
of Science & Technology.
Feb. 1994-2004, External Lecturer, The Racanati Graduate School of Business Administration,
Tel Aviv University
Oct. 1995- Senior Research Fellow, Haifa University Kibbutz Research Centre.
Nov. 1995-2002, External Lecturer, School of Education: Educational Administration, Haifa University.
May 1995-1997, 2004, External Lecturer, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
Sept. 2000-2010 Strategic & Int'l Management, Department of Management & Economics, The Open University of Israel.
April – August, 2005 Visiting Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo Ont. Canada, School of Business Administration.
2007- Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Business Administration, Ariel University Centre.
Oct. 2007. Visiting Professor, Appalachia State University, NC.
June-August, 2010, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Liverpool University Management School.
Oct. 2007 Ariel University, Associate Professor
Professional Activities
ª 2000-2009 Member, Social Sciences Academic Development Subcommittee, The Open University of Israel
ª 2001- 2009 Member, MBA Committee, Dept. of Management & Economics, The Open University of Israel
ª 1987-1990. UKM – Unit for Strategic and Policy Planning.
ª 2008- Teaching committee, MBA Programme, Ariel University
ª 2012- Member of the Senate
Scientific Journal & Conferences Reviews
ü Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management
ü Eastern Academy of Management 2003
ü Academy of Management 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011 (Business Policy & Strategy, Organizational Change & Development & HRM Divisions)
ü Academy of Int'l Business, 2006
ü Israel Science Fund, 2006
ü Social Behavior and Personality 2007
ü Long Range Planning 2007; 2008; 2009
ü Local Government Studies 2008
ü EuroMed Journal of Business 2008
ü Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal, 2010
ü Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2008
ü System Research & Behavioral Science, 2009
ü Sage, 2009 (book review)
ü Journal of Management Studies, 2010
ü European Management Review, 2010
ü European Journal of Int'l Management, 2010
ü Journal of Environmental Management, 2011
ü International Small Business Journal, 2012
Membership in scientific societies
o Academy of Management
o Israel Strategy & Entrepreneurship Forum
Session chairmanships & other assignments at Int’l Conferences
· Academy of Management, Honolulu Aug. 2005 (Business Policy & Strategy Division)
· Academy of Management, Anaheim Aug. 2008 (Business Policy & Strategy Division)
· IASK Global Management 2008, Porto Portugal (Oct. 2008), Conference Scientific Committee.
· Academy of Management, Practice-Theme Committee, 2009-2010
· Israel Strategy Conference, 2010, Session Chair
· Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Antonio 2011 Business Policy & Strategy, Organisation & Management session chair
· Academy of Management Annual Conference Boston 2012 (Business Policy & Strategy, Organisation & Management and Organisation Development & Change divisions session chair)
· Academy of Management Annual Conference Orlando 2013-session chair ODC Division
Educational Activities
(a) Courses taught
Year /Classes Taught
/ LevelThe Racanati Graduate School of Business Administration, Tel Aviv University, / 1994- / ü Organisational Decline & Crisis, Business Failures
ü Organisational Structures & processes
ü Introduction to Business Administration
Managing Organisational Systems / Postgraduate (M.Sc. & MBA)
Postgraduate (MBA)
Postgraduate (MBA)
School of Education Management Stream, Haifa University, / 1995-2002 / ü Organisational Behaviour
ü Decision-making
ü Strategic Management
ü Corporate Culture & Change / Postgraduates
Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
. / 1995-1996
2004 / 1. Organisational & Social aspects of management
2. Organisational Decline, Crisis Management & Business Failures
3. Managing Complex Organisations
4. Decline, Crisis & Restructuring Strategies / Post & Undergraduate
MBA & M.Sc.
British & Australian universities’ classes in Israel / 1996 / ü Management at the Functional Level
ü Strategic Management
ü Organisational Behaviour / MBA
Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Training Centre / 1998 / ü MBO
ü Project Management
ü Strategic Management / Senior medical & administrative staff
Haifa University, Faculty of Social Work Management Stream / 1999-2000 / *Managing & Complex Organisations *Introduction to Marketing / MA Seminar
Wilfrid Laurier University, Ont. Canada, School of Business & Economics / 2005 / ¯ Organisational Behaviour
Decline, Crisis & Restructuring Strategies / ¯ Undergrad classes
Ariel University Centre / 2007- / Organisational Behaviour
Organisational culture
Advanced Issues in OB
Crisis Management; Leadership / ¯ MBA
The Open University of Israel: Dept. of Management & Economics
ü Scientific Editor of the Hebrew Edition. Hitt Ireland & Hoskisson's 2001. Strategic Management. USA: Thomson, South-Western. Hebrew Edition
ü Study Guides; Strategic Management; Management & Culture; Global Competitive Strategy; Global Strategic Alliances; Competition thru Information Technology; Business Entrepreneurship; Int'l Management.
(b) Research Students
Student’s Name / Title of Thesis / Degree / InstitutionLeshem, Orna
/ Survivors Syndrome and Downsizing Magnitude: Israel’s Labour Federation / MSc. / Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration Tel Aviv University (Conferred)
Rosenbaum, Edith / Instituting boards of Directors & Corporate Performance following a multi-dimensional Crisis / MSc / Recanati (Conferred)
Laron, Tal. / Crisis Proneness amongst Israeli CEO’s / MSc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Gazit, Rinat / Managerial Communication Lapses During Crisis: The Case of Tnuva / MSc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Gilbar Orna / Linkages between Corporate Culture and Organisational Crisis / MSc / Recanati (Conferred)
Simon Bracha. / Task-Environmental Effects on Downsizing: The Israeli Scene / MA /
Haifa University, Applied Sociology (Cum Laude) (Conferred)
Carmie, Sarah / Decline & Crisis Processes: The Case of an Industrial Plant / MSc / Recanati(Cum Laude) (Conferred)
Kinar Dalit. / The Koor Crisis and Turnaround: Content Analysis / MSc. /
Recanati (Conferred)
Bardakh Ariela / Corporate Culture Crisis Proneness: Israeli Kibbutzim / MSc / Recanati (Conferred)Oliwkowitz, S. / Do Mission Statements Make a Difference? Linkages between CorporaVision aPerformance / MSc / Recanati (Conferred)
Rousseau Anne / Downsizing Effects on Corporate Performance / MSc / Recanati (Suma Cum Laude) (Conferred)
Yavne Merav / Change Patterns and Strategic Groups Following a Multidimensional Crisis / MSc / Recanati
(Cum Laude) (Conferred)
Tzafon Carmit / Human Resource Management and Crisis proneness in Israeli Firms. / M.Sc. / Recanati
(Cum Laude) (Conferred)
Mohammed Higazie / Teachers’ Appointments by Municipal & Governmental Agencies: The Arab sector in Israel / M.Ed. / Education Faculty, Liverpool University (Conferred)
Doron Naomi / Differences in Gender-Related Managerial Styles - The Case Study: Israeli School Principals / M.Ed. / Education Faculty, Liverpool University (Conferred)
Sarfatie Shmuel / Gender-Related Crisis Management Capabilities / M.Sc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Manor Vered / Corporate Culture Features as Predictors of Voluntary Turnover: A Micro Study / M.Sc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Ben Aaron Einat / Border Guards’ Effectiveness in Stressful Situations / M.Sc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Edith Katz-Scherr / Bandwagon Processes in the Dissipation of Changes: A Macro-Longitudinal Analysis / M.Sc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Gilmore Seagull / Brain Drain Warning Signals in a Hi-Tech Firm: A Micro Study / M.Sc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Schweitzer Orna / Effects of Transformational Changes on Organisational Commitment: A Micro Study / MA / Haifa University
School of Social Work (Cum Laude) (Conferred)
Revivo Michal / Impact of Downsizing on Short and Long-Term Financial Performance: A Dynamic Longitudinal Approach / M.Sc. / Recanati (Cum Laude) (Conferred)
Hasson Galie / The Deans Decease: The Israeli Academic Scene / M.Sc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Saker Merav / Preventive Health Behaviour & Self Efficacy: A Marketing Approach / M.Sc. / Technion, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management (Referee)
Sarfatie Shmuel / Gender Differences in Perceiving Organisational Crises / Ph.D. / Manchester Metropolitan University (Conferred)
Carmit Bartov / Unlearning: A Theoretical Analysis and Extension / M.Sc. / Recanati (Conferred)
Gila Burda / Prediction of Financial Vulnerability: The Case of Israeli Nonprofit Organisations / Ph.D.. / Faculty of Management, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheba (Conferred)
Awards, Citations, Honours, Fellowships
(NZ $30000). (1990-1992)
(US $ 30000) 1993-1994.
7. The 2003 Kibbutz winning paper. Kibbutz Fund in honour of Ilana & Yona Yanai, NIS 8,000
8. Open University of Israel Research Grant (2007) NIS 10,000
9. Open University of Israel Research Grant (2008) NIS 10,000
10. Ariel University Centre Research Grant (2011) NIS 10,000
11. Outstanding Reviewer of the Business Policy & Strategy (BPS) Division Academy of Management, Chicago 2009.
12. Highly Commended Award, Emerald Literati 2010, Research paper: Management Decision 2009: How downsizing strategies affect organizational performance: A longitudinal study. Management Decision, 47(6): 950-974
13. Inclusion in Emerald Reading ListAssist 2011. Downsizing strategies and organizational performance: A longitudinal study
14. Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012. “Leadership attributes masculinity and risk-taking as predictors of crisis proneness” published in Gender in Management: An International Journal
15. Best Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference - ‘Organisational Change & Development Division’, Aug. 2013
Scientific Publications
Sheaffer, Z. & Mevorach, B. 1988. Trends in Israel's Agriculture Budgets. Environment &
Planning C: Government & Policy, London School of Economics, 6:449-455.
Sheaffer, Z. & Mevorach, B. 1990. Trends in Israel's Agriculture Budgets, State, Administration & International Relations, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 33 June-July, (Hebrew).
Niv, A. & Sheaffer, Z. 1991. The Managerial Agenda of Kibbutzim in Crisis, Economic Quarterly,
Aug.-Sept.:408-417, (Hebrew).
Satt, E. & Sheaffer, Z. 1994. The Anatomy of Using Hired Labour in Kibbutz: Interdisciplinary Approach and New Data, The Journal of Rural Cooperation, 22(1-2): 131-147.
Sheaffer, Z. Richardson, B. & Rosenblatt, Z. 1998, Early warning signals management: A lesson from the Barings crisis’, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 6(1): 1-22.
Bar Joseph, U., & Sheaffer, Z. 1998. Surprise and its causes in business administration and strategic studies, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 11(3): 331-349.
Rosenblatt, Z., & Sheaffer, Z. 2001. Brain drain in declining organizations: Towards a research agenda, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22, 409-424.
Rosenblatt, Z. & Sheaffer, Z. 2002. The effect of crisis-driven demographic depletion on organisational change: The case of Israeli kibbutzim, The Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management, 10(1): 26-39.
Sheaffer, Z. & Mano-Negrin, R. 2003. Executives’ orientations as predictors of crisis management policies and practices. Journal of Management Studies. 40(2).
Sheaffer, Z. & Mano-Negrin, R. 2004. Are women ‘cooler' than men during crises? Exploring gender differences in perceiving organisational crisis preparedness-proneness. Women in Management Review. 19(2): 109-122.
Sheaffer, Z., Landau, D., & Drori, I. 2008, Mission statement and performance: An evidence of ‘coming of age’, Organizational Development Journal. 26(2): 49-62.
Carmeli, A., & Sheaffer, Z. 2008. Linking learning leadership to organizational learning from failure, and organizational capacity of adaptation. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44: 468-489.
Drori, I, Sheaffer, Z., Weber, J. & Landau, D. 2009. Misalignment as legacy of an industrial leader. European Journal of International Management. 3(1): 75-91.
Sheaffer, Z, Carmeli, A., Revivo, M. & Zionit S. 2009. How downsizing strategies affect organizational performance: A longitudinal study. Management Decision, 47(6): 950-974.
Drori, I., Honig, B., & Sheaffer, Z. 2009, The life-cycle of an internet firm: Scripts, legitimacy and identity, Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice. 33(3): 715-738.
Carmeli, A., & Sheaffer, Z. 2009. How leadership characteristics affect organizational decline and downsizing, Journal of Business Ethics, 86(3): 363–378.
Carmeli, A., Sheaffer, Z., & Halevi-Yitzhak, M. 2009. How participatory decision making in top management teams enhances decision effectiveness and firm performance, Personnel Review, 38(6): 696-714.
Marcus, A., & Sheaffer, Z. 2009. Analogical reasoning and complexity, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 6(1):
Sheaffer, Z., Carmeli, A., & Honig, B. 2010. Ideology, Crisis intensity and organizational demography as determinants of organizational change in kibbutzim: A longitudinal study. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 46(3): 388-414.
Sheaffer, Z., Honig, B., Zionit S., & Yeheskel, O. 2011. Radical changes, ideology, dwindling membership and financial distress: A macro longitudinal study, European Management Journal. 29(4): 291-305.
Sheaffer, Z., Bogler, R., & Sarfaty, S, 2011. Leadership attributes, masculinity and risk-taking as predictors of crisis proneness, Gender in Management: An International Journal. 26(2): 163-187.
Hetzroni A., Sheaffer, Z., Ben Zion U., & Rosenbaum, M. 2013 Dangerous liaisons: The relationship between television
viewing and economic expectations, International Social Science Journal, (Forthcoming)
Amiram, E., Sheaffer, Z., Ben David, N., & Ben Zion, U. 2012. First-day and yearly yield following initial public offering in Israel 1998-2006. Spanish Journal of Economics & Finance. 34(96): 145-152.