Tulu Amitai

Curriculum Vitae – Professional

1979 / Graduatedfrom the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning in the Technion, Haifa
Training (internship) with Safadi Firm
1979-80 / A position of architect with Dan Eitan Firm, Jerusalem
Planning a residential neighborhood in Gilo.
1981-82 / A position of architect with Spector Amishar Firm in Jerusalem
Planning a cottage neighborhoodin Mevaseret Yerushalaim
Planning the offices of Israel Electric Corporation in Jerusalem.
1982-84 / A position of architect withYaski and Assoc. in Tel Aviv
Planning an additional floor for the HerzfeldHospital in Gedera
Planning the offices of the Engineers Division of Taas in Ramat Hasharon.
1984 / Receives a citation for her work in UNESCO International Competition:Tomorrow'sHabitat
Exhibited in Expo 85 inJapan.
1985 / Wins a scholarship for Renaissance and Baroque Studies from the Italian Government, Rome.
1986 / Opens her own architecturefirm in Tel Aviv
1986 / Planning private homes in Mikhmoret, Gan Hashomron
Planning two Family Health Centers in Baka El Gharbiya
Planning the plazaof the local council building in Baka El Gharbiya.
1987 / Planning a center and a hostel for Holocaust Studies for Massuah Institute, Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak
Planning a School for Cantors for the Tel Aviv Foundation.
Preparing a detailed plan for the passenger terminal at the SdeDovAirport in Tel Aviv for the Israel Airport Authority.
1988 / Planning studios for artists in the DruyanovSchool and an added-on municipal gallery for the Municipality of Tel Aviv.Facilitated by Azara and Bizaron Company.
A detailed plan for a 12 classroom school and 2 kindergartens, additionalspaces and a library for Baka El Gharbiya Local Council.
1989 / Planning the project Flexible Dwellings – developing a nationwide model for large apartment buildings in saturated construction areas for the Ministry of Construction and Housing.
A detailed plan for a photography studio on a rooftop in Tel Aviv.
A construction of steel and tin.
1990 / Planning a residential neighborhood of 140 residential units in Quarter "Hei" in Ashdod for Azorim Company.
An urbanconstruction plan – Lev Yafo, quarters:"Dante", "The Hill" and "The Copts", for the Municipality of Tel Aviv.
1991 / Planning the PorterDayCenter for the Elderly and preservation of the building in Lev Yafo, for the Tel Aviv Foundation.
Planning a junior high school in Yitzhak neighborhood in Hadera – a detailed plan for 12 classrooms and additional spaces, for the Municipality of Hadera.
A detailed plan for a youth science center and a museum for the Local Council of Ramat Hasharon.
1992 / Planning 5 kindergartens in the Beit Eliezer neighborhoodfor the Municipality of Hadera.
A detailed plan for the main city centersquareof Hadera, for the Municipality of Hadera.
Planning the development of the open public areas in the main city center square of Haderafor Bank Hapoalim in Hadera.
1993 / Planning a comprehensive school in Hadera, stage 2, adding laboratories, technology classes, and planning the high school, for the Municipality of Hadera.
1994 / Planning the EbenHaldonSchool, adding a wing of 6 study-rooms, laboratories and additional spaces, for the Municipality of Baka El Gharbiya
Planning the renovation and addition of a wing onto an office building (building for preservation) in Rothschild Blvd. in Tel Aviv, for a private client.
Preliminary planning for the DanielRowingCenter in the Yarkon estuary, Tel Aviv.
1995 / Planning a day center for the elderly in Kerem Hateymanim in Tel Aviv for the Tel Aviv Foundation
Planning 2 synagogues in the city ofModiin for the Ministry of Construction and Housing.
Planning the changes and re-modeling of 72 shelteredresidential units for the elderly, Shirna House, Herzliya Pituach, for Amigur Company.
1996 / Planning a new wing for the DayCenter for the Elderly in Kerem Hateymanim in Tel Aviv.Facilitated by Azara and Bizaron Company.
Planning Ha'Aleh Club, a youth club in Ezra neighborhood, located in Park Darom, for the Tel Aviv Foundation.
1997 / Planning the conversion of KfarSabaAbsorptionCenter into sheltered housing for the elderly, addition of public utilities, for Amigur Company.
Planning a Villa in Ramat Hasharon for a private client.
1998 / Planning additional study rooms, an elevator and other changes in the Goren-GoldsteinCenter for Adult Education inLassalle Street, Tel Aviv, for the Tel Aviv Foundation.A steel and aluminum construction.
Planning the conversion of the LodAbsorptionCenterinto sheltered housing for the elderly, addition of public utilities and an elevator, for Amigur Company.
1999 / Planning a building of 70 residential units for sheltered housing for the elderly in KfarSabaAbsorptionCenter for Amigur Company.
Planning and expanding the ground floor in a sheltered home for the elderly, Shirna House, in Herzliyah Pituach, for Amigur Company.
2000 / Preliminary planning for a project of Pinui-Binui (evacuating and rebuilding) in the Shapira and Ezrah neighborhoods in Tel Aviv.
Planning and doing feasibility examination for a Pinui-Binui (evacuating and rebuilding) project in Netanya for Amigur Company.
Planning the renovation of HerzliyahHightSchool.
2001 / Planning a new wing of 96 unites for sheltered housing for the elderly in the AshdodAbsorptionCenter.
Planning additional residential units in Bat Yam Hostel for Amigur Company.
2002 / A detailedurbanplan for Kfar Saba.
Preparing construction permits for steel emergency staircases in Amigur's buildings for sheltered housing.
2003 / Preparing a comprehensive booklet for upgrading all the structures of the Jewish Agency in the Former USSR Countries.
Detailed planning for a number of buildings.
Planning theinterior design of public floors in the CliffTower in Herzliyah.
2004 / An urbanplan for Bat Yam for additional 25 residential units in the hostel.
Planning a 600 Sq. Meter design studio in an existing building in Nevah Zedek.
2005 / Addition of a wing to the Sports and Culture Center Beit Frankfurt for the Tel Aviv Foundation.
Planning the Peleg House in Rehovot.
Renewal of neighborhoods in Kiryat Gat, for the Ministry of Construction and Housing.
2006 / Planning Goldhamer House in Shilat.
Planning changes (leaving only the frame of the building) for the BeitCanadaAbsorptionCenter in Ashdod; both the exterior and interior of the building, on an area of 5,000 Sq. Meter, will be reconstructed.For Amigur Company.
Converting the Glass Pitlowitz House in Tel Aviv into an ArtCenter forChildren, for Yad B'Yad Society (Association).
2007 / BeitCanadaAbsorptionCenter – expanding the scope of the project, for the Jewish Agency.
Safety upgrading in Amigur buildings. First project – sheltered homes in Ein Hatchelet Dwellings in Netaniya.
A Villa and holiday house in Nachalat Vatikim in Mikhmoret.
Participates in the exhibition Feminine Presence in Israeli Architecture
2008 / Planning structures for electrical equipment in Nitzana Evacuee Settlements for the Ministry of Construction and Housing.
Planning a shopping center on 3,200 Sq. Meter in Baka El Gharbiya
Preparing an urbanplanfor building a civic center and a shopping mall in Baka El Gharbiya on 48,000 Sq. Meters
Publications in Professional Magazines:
1985 / Tomorrow's Habitat – An Island of Life in the Dead Sea
Architecture in Israel
1992 / Baka El Gharbiya High School
Architecture in Israel
2004 / A House in Ramat Hasharon
Architecture in Israel
1984 / Receives a citation for her work in the UNESCO International Competition: Tomorrow's Habitat
1985 / Expo 85 (in Japan)– UN Pavilion
1986 / Architecture in the Basement
Curator and exhibitor in architecture exhibitions in the basement of DizengofCenter shopping mall in Tel Aviv
2007 / Feminine Presence in Israeli Architecture