Curriculum-Vitae: Ming-Kai Chin
College / : / Northcote College of Education (N.C.E.), Hong Kong, 1969-71Universities / : / University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), U.S.A., B.Sc., 1973-77 (Physical Education) with Highest Honour and top graduate in the School of Education.
Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A., M.Ed., 1977-78 (Administration in Physical Education & Sport).
University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM), Madison, Wisconsin, USA., Ph.D., 1978-85 (Exercise Physiology).
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC), Illinois, USA, MBA. 1994 - 96 (Master of Business Administration).
Scholarship Interests:
- Physical activity, health and physical fitness of school children
- Obesity, nutrition and exercise
- Cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory and neurological adaptations to acute and chronic exercise
- Integration of sports science - physiological, psychological and biomechanical aspects towards improving physical performance
Academic Membership:
- New York Academy of Sciences (1994-1995)
- International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance (ICHPER.D) (1997-present)
- The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) (1998-present)
- Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’ Education Physique (AIESEP),
International Scholarship awarded by Springfield College, USA, 1978
First Wild and White International Scholar awarded by School of Health, Physical Education,
Recreation & Leisure, University of North Iowa, USA, 2002
Fellow, Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’ Education Physique (AIESEP),
International Positions:
First Vice-President and Founding member, Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science
(ACESS), Dec 2000-2003
Editor-in-Chief, Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science (AJESS), October, 2002 - Present
International Advisor, Asia Association of Aerobic Fitness, Health and Wellness,
(AAAFHW), August, 2002
Board member, Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’ Education Physique (AIESEP), October 2002-2006
Professional Positions:
- Consultant Exercise Physiologist, Jubilee Sports Centre (HKSI), January - June 1987.
- Sports Science Co-ordinator, Jubilee Sports Centre (HKSI), July 1987 - Nov. 1989.
- Co-ordinator Sports Science and Medicine, Jubilee Sports Centre (HKSI), Oct. 1989 - March, 1990.
- Head, Sports Science, Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI), April 1990 - Sep. 1995
- Principal Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd), Oct. 1995 – Present.
- Head, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Hong Kong Institute of Education, July 1998-2000.
Honorary Positions:
- Visiting Research Professor, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, China, April 1990 - Present
- Honorary Advisor, Aerobic Fitness & Health Association, Taiwan, September 1993 - Present
- Visiting Research Professor, Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China, November 1993 - Present
- Honorary Consultant in Sports Science, the Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine, the Republic of Philippines, January 1994 - Present
- Visiting Research Professor, Department of Physical Education, South-China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, June 1995 – Present
- Visiting Professor in Sports Science, University of Baquio, the Republic of Philippines, August 1998 - Present
- Honorary International Member, Korea Academy of Sports Science, National Seoul University, Korea, August 1998 - Present
- Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Physical Education, Beijing Normal University, December 1998 – Present
Other Professional Activities:
- Founding and Council member, the Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, July 1988 - July 1997
2. Vice-President, the Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, May
1993 - July 1997
1.Member, Sports Physiology Commission, International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance (ICHPER.SD), January-December, 1996
2.Member, the Guiding Committee for Physical Education in Higher Institutions of State Education Commission (全國高校體育教學指導委員會), China, May 1996 - Present
3.Invited member, Panel of International Referees, Expert Subcommittee on Grant Applications & Awards, Health Services Research Committee/Health Care & Promotion Fund Committee, Hong Kong Hospital Authority, 1998- Present
4.Honorary Vice-President, University of Hong Kong Physical Education and Sports Science Alumni Association, December 1998 – Present
5.Honorary Advisor, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Alumni Association, December 1998 – Present
6.Appointed Chairman, Occupational Health and Safety Committee, HKIEd, July 1999-2002
7.Advisor, Hong Kong Physical Fitness Association Co. Ltd., May 2000-2002
8.Appointed member of the Promotion and Monitoring Sub-Committee of the Quality Education Fund (QEF), Sept 2000 – January 2002
9.Reviewer, Hong Kong Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, Oct 2000 – Present
10.Reviewer, Journal of Physical Education & Recreation (Hong Kong), Nov 2000 - Present
11.External Assessor, Health Services Research Committee/ Health Care & Promotion Fund Committee (HSRC/HCPFC), Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Nov 2000
12.External Assessor, University Grant Committee (UGC), May 2001
13.Accreditation Panel member of Master of Social Science in Sport and Leisure Management, Hong Kong Baptist University, May 2001
14.Founding and Executive Committee member of the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCESEPF), December 2002
Conferences/Seminars/Workshops organizer in sports science/sports medicine/physical education in Hong Kong
April, 1995Chairman, Organizing Committee for the Gatorade Sports Nutrition Course for participants of 8 Asian Countries
April, 1996Chairman, Organizing Committee for the International Physical Education Seminar The Role of Physical Education Curriculum in Developing Sports Culture in Chinese Community, organized by the HKASSM&SS and Hong Kong Baptist University
November, 1996Chairman, Organizing Committee for the Sports Nutrition Seminar The Changes of Body Composition and Physical Fitness as Related to Age Exercise and Diet presented by Prof Jana Parizkova, M.D., D.Sc., Laboratory of Health Promotion, Department of Internal Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. The Seminar was jointly organized by the Centre for Research and Development; HKIEd; Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science; and Department of Physical Education, HKIEd
May, 1998Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Sports Science Conference Sports Psychology and Physical Activity for Primary and Secondary Students in Physical Education Towards the 21st Century, organized by the Department of Physical Education, HKIEd
February, 1999Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Seminar Teaching of Physical Education – a New Direction Towards the Next Millenium, organized by the Department of Physical Education, HKIEd
March, 1999Chairman, Organizing Committee of the International Seminar Information Technology in Sports, Physical Education and Dance, organized by the Department of Physical Education and School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology (SCAST), HKIEd
June, 1999Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Physical Best – Health Fitness Workshop, jointly organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS), the School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology (SCAST), HKIEd and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), USA
July, 2000 Chairman, Organizing Committee of the 2000 International Conference for
Physical Educators (ICPE 2000) on Innovation and Application of Physical
Education and Sports Science for the New Millennium – An Asia Pacific
Perspective, organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports
Science, School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology and Centre for
Research and International Collaboration, Hong Kong Institute of
Education, Hong Kong-China
July, 2002 Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Special Project: Teaching Aerobic
Dance in the Secondary School Workshop – An Innovative and Creative Approach to Meet the Education Reform in the PE Curriculum, organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS), HKIEd with the support of Dept of Physical, Health and Art Education, China Ministry of Education
July, 2004 Chairman, Organizing Committee of the II International Conference for
Physical Educators (ICPE 2004) on The Global Perspective in the Integration
of Physical Activity, Sports and Exercise Science in Physical Education –
from Theory to Practice, to beorganized by the Department of Physical
Education and Sports Science, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong
Advisor & Examiner of the following graduate studies:
- Rosemarie R. Saile., Sports specific fitness testing in badminton, College of Human Kinetics, University of the Philippine (M. Ed) (1989-90)
- Raymond C.H. So., Isokinetic muscular profiles among Hong Kong elite male athletes, Dept of Orthopedics & Traumatology, Chinese University of Hong Kong (M. Phil) (1990-92)
- Judy Ng Ip Kit Wan., The use of pedometer and physical activity log in assessing physical activity of school children, Dept of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (M Phil), (1997)
- Chen Wah Fuk., Effects of exhaustive exercise on myocardial ultra structure and endocrine function of circulatory system after training of different intensity levels, Dept of Physical Education, South China Normal University (MEd), (1999)
- Mazlan Ismail, Evaluation of an exercise module for the improvement of strength and flexibility in the elderly, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (MSc), (2000)
- Ooi Foong Kiew, Effects of a herbal drink on exercise metabolism and cycling performance, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (MSc), (2000)
- Wang Lei Nai, Effects of different exercises on kidney function of high level broad jump athletes, School of Physical Education and Sports Science, South China Normal University, (MEd), (2000)
- Lu Yong Mei, Experimental study of supplementing fluid on the effects of the elderly’s physical functions during exercise of different duration, School of Physical Education and Sports Science, South China Normal University, (MEd), (2000)
- Sk.Md.Rauf Iqbal. Indirect methods and their suitability to evaluate aerobic capacity and anaerobic threshold level of Indian male sports persons, Vidyasgar University, India, (Ph.D), (2000)
Grant Approval:
- 1987-1995
- 1990-1993
- 1997-2001
- 1998-1999
- 1998-1999
- 1998-1999
- 1999-2001
8. 1999-2000 / Co-Investigator, UGC’s TDG Grant funded by Centre for Technology-based Creativity in Performance Related Education: “Production of CD ROM on nutrition for children”, with Mrs. Millie Yung and co-workers. Home Economics Section, Department of Information and Applied Technology, HKIEd ($89,000; approx. US$11,410)
9. 2000-2001 / Principal Investigator, HKIEd Research Grant: “New Techniques in Measuring the Body Composition of Chinese College Students”, with Girandola, R., Liu, Y.K., with co-worker at University of Southern California, USA ($105,090; approx. US$13,473)
10. 2001-2002 / Project Holder, HKIED Teaching Development Grant: “Integration of IT and Multi-Media in Teaching of Health-Related Fitness and Exercise Physiology – An Innovative Approach” ($146,496; approx. US$18,780)
11. 2002 -2003 / Project Holder, HKIED IT Development Grant: “Development of a Self-Learning Media Resource System (SLMMRS) in Health-Related Fitness : An Integrated and Creative Approach to Meet the Local and Global Education Approach in the PE Curriculum ” ($137,072; approx. US$17,573)
Supervisor of the following international visiting sports scientists in sports science (1989 - 2001):
- Xu Fan: Assistant Researcher, Dept of Sports Physiology, National Research Institute of Sports Science, China, (1989-90)
- Yao Jia-Xin: Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Psychology, Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, China, (1990-91)
- Chen An: Vice-Director, Dept of Sports Physiology and Biochemistry, Beijing Research Institute of Sports Science, China (1990-91)
- Ding Xueqin: Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Psychology, National Research Institute of Sports Science, China (1991-92)
- Dr Li Xiao-Hong, MD, Ph.D: Researcher, Dept of Sports Physiology and Sports Medicine, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, China (1991-92)
- Zhang Li-Wei: Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Psychology, Beijing University of Physical Education, China (1992-93)
- Dr Li Jing-Xian, MD. Vice-Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Physiology and Biochemistry,Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China (1992-93)
- Dr Anthony B King Jr, MD: Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine (April-June, 93)
- Dr Consuelo B Gonzalex-Suarez, RPT, MD. Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine (April - June, 93)
- Dr Geng-Yi, MD: Associate Researcher, Dept of Sports Physiology, Yunnan Research Institute of Sports Science, China (1993-94)
- Marissa Adviento, Msc: Sports Psychologist, Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine (April - July 94)
- Dr Genevieve A Serrano, MD: Strength Coach, Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine (July - Sept 94)
- Dr Wang Wen, MD. Associate Researcher, Dept of Sports Medicine, Henan Research Institute of Sports Science, China ( Sept 1994- June 95)
- Dr Jiao-Ying, MD. Vice-Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Nutrition, National Research Institute of Sports Medicine, China (Nov-Dec 94)
- Gao Xia: Sports Nutritionist, Dept of Sports Nutrition, National Research Institute of Sports Medicine, China (Nov 1994- June 95)
- Dr. Qiao Li, MD: Sports Nutritionist, Beijing Competitor of Sports Nutrition, China (Feb – June, 2001)
- Ooi Foong Kiew, Msc: Exercise Physiologist, Department of Physiology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia ( Feb – July 2001)
- Dr. Hu Junmei, MD: Associate Professor, Sichuan Research Institute of Sports Science, China (Jan – June, 2002)
Visited International Sports Science / Sports Medicine / Physical Education and Sports Institutes:
- Institute of Muscle Physiology, Oslo, Norway, 1982
- Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 1982
- Exercise Physiology Laboratory, the University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1982
- August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1982
- Exercise Physiology Laboratory, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1982
- Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Sporthochschule, Koln, Germany, 1982
- The Research Institute of the Swiss School for Physical Education and Sports, Magglingen, Switzerland, 1982
- Exercise Physiology Laboratory, the University of Exeter, Exeter, England, 1982
- Sports Science/Medicine Institute, US Olympic Training Centre, Colorado Springs, USA, 1986
- Sports Science/Medicine Institute, Australian Institute of Sports, Canberra, Australia, 1987
- National College of Physical Education & Sports, ROC, 1988
- National Research Institute of Sports Science, Beijing, China, 1988
- Beijing Research Institute of Sports Science, Beijing, China, 1989
- Yunnan High Altitude Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1989
- National Chengdu Research Institute of Sports Injury, China, 1989
- Beijing University of Physical Education, China, 1989
- Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, China 1989
- Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, China 1989
- Guangdong Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1989
- Institute of Human Movement Sciences, Vrije University, The Netherlands, 1990
- Korean Sports Science Institute, Korea, 1990
- Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China, 1990
- Malaysian Institute of Sports Science, Malaysia, 1991
- Footscray Institute of Technology, Australia, 1991
- Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1992
- Guangzhou Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1992
- Anhui Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1993
- Jiangsu Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1993
- Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports, Sports Authority of India, 1993
- Henan Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1994
- Liaoning Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1994
- Shenyang Institute of Physical Education, China, 1994
- Italian Olympic Training Centre (CONI), Rome, Italy 1994
- National Research Institute of Sports Science, Rome, Italy, 1994
- Laboratory of Exercise Physiology, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka City, Japan, 1994
- Institute of Sports Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 1994
- Beijing Normal University, China, 1995
- Northeast Normal University, China, 1995
- Jilin University, China, 1995
- Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, China, 1995
- Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China, 1995
- Suzhou University, China, 1997
- Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1997
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1997
- Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 1997
- Indiana University, (School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation), Bloomington, USA, 2000
- University of British Columbia, (School of Human Kinetics), Vancouver, B.C. Canada, Canada 2000
- School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, 2000
- Nanjing Institute of Physical Education, China, 2000
- Nanjing Normal University, China, 2000
Abstracts & Presentations:
- Chin M.K., Li C.T., Chan K.M., and Lai K.K., 1988. Isokinetic Muscular Testing of the Young Elite Athletes in Hong Kong: A Physical and Clinical Profile (presented at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Scientific Congress, South Korea)
- Li C.T., Chin M.K., Chan K.M. and Leung W.K., 1988. Isokinetic Muscular Testing of the Hong Kong National Soccer Team; A Physiological and Clinical Profile (presented at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Scientific Congress, South Korea)
- Lo Y.S., Chin M.K., Tam T., and Cheng B.W., 1988. Echocardiographic Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hong Kong Elite Cyclists (presented at the Biennial Scientific Session, Hong Kong Cardiological Society, Hong Kong)
- Chin M.K., 1988. Physiological Profile of Young Elite Athletes in Hong Kong (presented at the Beijing Institute of Physical Education - International Sports Physiology Symposium, Beijing, China)
- China M.K., 1989. Maximal Aerobic Power and Anaerobic Threshold Measurements of Hong Kong Elite Oarsmen and Oarswomen (presented at the International Sports Medicine Conference organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Pittsburgh, Hong Kong)
- Li C.T., and Chin M.K., 1989. Isokinetic Muscular Characteristics of Hong Kong National Cycling Team (presented at the International Sports Medicine Conference organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Pittsburgh, Hong Kong)
- So C.H., Sham M., and Chin M.K., 1989. Skinfold Measurements and Body Composition of Elite Athletes in Hong Kong (presented at the International Sports Medicine Conference organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Pittsburgh, Hong Kong)
- Chien P., Chin M.K., Chow Y., and Li C.T. 1989.