Date that CV was prepared





Telephone Number

Fax Number

E-mail Address

Do not include information such as date of birth, gender, marital status, spouse, children’s names or ages, etc.



Degree / Institution / Date Degree Granted
B.S./B.A. / Institution
Area / Year
M.A./M.S. / Institution
Area / Year
[Advisor for Ph.D.] / Institution
Area/Department / Year
Postdoctoral appointments / Institution / Dates
Graduate appointments / Institution / Dates
Internship/residency/fellowship / Institution / Dates

[These degrees are placeholders for whatever degrees that the candidate holds.]

[Use reverse chronological order – present to past – for the following sections:]

Certifications, Licenses

Certifications: Include year and type of Board Certification, Fellowship certification, BLS/ACLS, etc.

Licensure: List date and states for medical licenses, DEA registration, etc.

Academic Appointments

[Examples include: Lecturer, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Clinical Instructor-Professor, Research Investigator, Assistant Research Scientist, Senior Associate Research Scientist, Senior Research Scientist]

University of Minnesota, Campus [Twin Cities, Duluth] (year began – present year)

Current rank (assistant, associate professor) dates

Previous rank dates

Previous employment (name of university or institution) dates

Previous rank (assistant, associate professor) dates

Academic Administrative Appointments

[Examples include: Dean, Associate Dean, Assistant Dean, Department Chair, Section Head, Director]

Clinical/Hospital Appointments

[Examples include: Staff Physician, Physician Volunteer, Medical Director, Assistant Medical Director, Director]

Consulting Positions

[Examples include: consultation with industry, membership on Advisory Boards, regular and occasional consultant to pharmaceutical companies, consultant to government agencies (Department of Agriculture, etc.), clinical consultation with agencies]

Current Membership and Offices in Professional Organizations

If you have served as an officer, list the office held and the dates of service

Visiting Professorships or Visiting Scholar Positions

Name of university/college/institute; department; dates; focus

Other professional employment, including military service

(List dates and types of military service, including Reserves)


University of Minnesota

Examples include:

·  McKnight Land-Grant Professorship; McKnight Presidential Fellowship, University of Minnesota Regents’ Award

·  Graduate/Professional Teaching Award

·  Collegiate Teaching and Advising Awards

·  Tate Advising Award

·  President’s Outstanding Service Award

·  Other research, teaching, public engagement, and service awards

External Sources

Examples include:

·  Awards from professional associations or journals

·  Elections to societies (e.g. Senior Fellow, Minnesota Society of Fellows)

·  Any award that is germane in the candidate’s field (e.g. American Medical Association: Physicians’ Recognition Award; Honorary Doctor of Science Degree, Purdue University; Honorary Lectureship)

·  National research, teaching, public engagement, service awards

·  State or local research, teaching, public engagement, service awards


Grants and Contracts

[These grants and contracts can be for research, teaching and learning, curriculum development, public engagement, international work, etc.]

[List current, pending and past and grant support (in separate subsections), with dates and funding amount (specify direct cost or total cost, and annual or total project period)]

External Sources (federal {NIH, NSF, DEO, etc.} or state grants, foundation awards, etc.)

Investigator status (Principal investigator, Co-PI, Co-investigator)

Name of PI (if not the candidate)

External Agency

Project title and Dates

Direct costs/year

% Funded salary support

University Sources

Investigator status (Principal investigator, Co-PI, Co-investigator)

Name of PI (if not the candidate)

External Agency

Project title and Dates

Direct costs


·  Grant-in-Aid

·  Other awards from the Office of the Vice President for Research or the Graduate School

·  President’s Multicultural Research Awards

·  Awards from other University Sources (Office of International Programs, CURA, Office of Public Engagement, etc.)

·  Curricular development awards (e.g. Academy of Distinguished Teachers, Technology Enhanced Learning, etc.)

·  Awards from colleges

Publications [Note if these are published electronically with a URL if appropriate]

Number the publications under each heading. Each publication should include the complete list of Author(s) (bold your name). Article title. Journal title. Year; volume(issue - if applicable): page numbers (e.g., 225-243). In addition, the candidate must insert at the bottom of each item a notation that includes: impact factor of the journal, times cited, and for each multi-authored article or collaborative project, the contribution of the candidate to the item.

Please use Manifold to determine number of times cited and Web of Knowledge for journal impact factor. If you are unable to find your article on Manifold, you may use Google Scholar or Web of Knowledge to list your times cited. Please indicate when either is used.

Examples of role in multiple author publications:

·  Guarantor of integrity of entire study

·  Developed Study concept

·  Developed Study design

·  Defined intellectual content

·  Conducted literature research

·  Conducted experimental studies

·  Data acquisition

·  Manuscript preparation

·  Manuscript editing

·  Manuscript review

All of the above convey independence of action. If you are a participant, but someone else is the leading person responsible, so state.

Use reverse chronological order – present to past – in the following sections:

Impact Analytics

h-Index / h(fl)-Index / Total Publications / First/Last Author Publications / Total Citations / First/Last Author Citations

Go to Manifold: to obtain the above information. (Manifold is a web- accessible interface that generates profiles and reports of research impact and scholarly output for faculty and departments in the University of Minnesota Medical School. Visit the FAQ section if you feel your profile is missing publications.)

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Year; volume: page numbers (e.g., 225-243). (Indicate the candidate’s role in multi-author papers)

(Papers accepted for publication can be listed in this section)

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Year; volume: page numbers (e.g., 225-243).

(Indicate the candidate’s role in multi-author papers)

Articles Submitted for Publication

Author(s). Article title. Journal title.

(Indicate the candidate’s role in multi-author papers)

Electronic Publications

Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Year; volume: page numbers (e.g., 225-243).

(Indicate the candidate’s role in multi-author papers)

Educational Videos-Physician Education Material


Author(s), Title, Year of Publication or Publication Status, Publisher

(Indicate if the book is edited; indicate the candidate’s role in multi-author papers)

Where book reviewed

Chapters in Books

Software Development


List patent name, number, and date of issue


Note level of development and participation


Invited Oral Presentations at International Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc.

List invited international presentations, lectures, and seminars. Include the titles, institution, and date. Number the presentations under each heading.

Author(s), presentation title, conference or meeting title, date, place of presentation

Indicate keynote presentations, panels, symposia, etc.

Invited Oral Presentations at National Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc.

List invited national presentations, lectures, and seminars. Include the titles, institution, and date. Number the presentations under each heading.

Author(s), presentation title, conference or meeting title, date, place of presentation

Indicate keynote presentations, panels, symposia, etc.

Invited Oral Presentations at Local and Regional Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc.

List invited local presentations, lectures, and seminars. Include the titles, institution, and date. Number the presentations under each heading.

Author(s), presentation title, conference or meeting title, date, place of presentation

Indicate keynote presentations, panels, symposia, etc.

Peer-reviewed Oral Presentations at Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc.

Author(s), presentation title, conference or meeting title, date, place of presentation

Indicate any student co-authors.

List citation if published in formats that are archived or searchable (electronic or paper)

Poster Abstract Presentations at Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc.

Author(s), presentation title, conference or meeting title, date, place of presentation

Indicate any student co-authors.

List citation if published in formats that are archived or searchable (electronic or paper)

Other Key Activities and Accomplishments


University of Minnesota (repeat for other university or academic positions)

Use reverse chronological order – present to past – in each section.

Course/Lecture List

Courses, seminars, and instructional units taught (just a listing here – put in details of number of students and dates taught in the teaching section of the dossier).

Curriculum Development

(courses, seminars, laboratories, curriculum guides, assessment activities for student learning, service learning materials, rubrics, etc.)

Collaborative Efforts and Activities

(co-teaching, interdisciplinary teaching, curricular planning, assessment, etc.)

Faculty Development Activities regarding teaching

(workshops or programs with the Center for Teaching and Learning, including the Early Career or Mid Career Teaching Programs; workshops with the Center for Writing, Digital Media Center, Grant Writing workshops, etc.)

Continuing Medical Education

(CME courses developed and taught – not attended)


Undergraduate Student Activities

Undergraduate research projects (UROPS, directed research, lab participation, etc.)

Student names, dates

Undergraduate summa theses or honors projects directed

Student names, dates

Undergraduate advising

Student names, dates

Graduate Student Activities

Master’s Theses Directed

Student names, titles of theses, dates

Master’s Student Advisees

Student names, dates

Doctoral Dissertations Directed

Student names, titles of dissertations, dates

Doctoral Students Advised (Academic advising for all or part of graduate student’s program)

Student Names, dates

Doctoral Committees Served on

Student Names, dates

Professional Student Activities

Professional students supervised

Names, dates

Post-doctoral fellows supervised

Name, dates

Residents Supervised

Names, dates

Visiting Scholars Hosted

Names, dates

Other Mentoring Activities

[including serving as a mentor or member of a mentoring committee for a faculty member, etc.]

[Repeat all of the above for other institutions.]

CLINICAL SERVICE (if applicable)

Clinical Leadership Accomplishments

Such as program national rankings, awards or certifications, program development

Quality Improvement Projects

List project, dates, scope and outcomes

Clinical Service Responsibilities

Number of weeks per year of inpatient on-service

Number of half-day outpatient clinics per week


Service To The Discipline/Profession/Interdisciplinary Area(s)

[Community, state, national, or international service activities [e.g. Scientific Advisory committees, NIH; national Board of Medical Examiners Text Committee]

Editorships/Journal Reviewer Experience

Associate/Section Editor or Editor, Journal, Dates

Reviewer experience, Journal, Dates

Review panels for external funding agencies, foundations, etc.

[include agencies, review panel names, dates, etc.]

Program review experience

[include reviews for universities, professional organizations, funding agencies, etc. with dates, places, focus, etc.]

Organization of conferences, workshops, panels, symposia

[indicate if served as chair or co-chair, member of organizing committee, etc.]

[include dates, organization/society if applicable, nature of work, etc.]

Committee memberships [indicate if the candidate served as chair]

[include task forces, boards, etc. for professional organizations]

Public Advocacy

Involvement in government or organizational public policy decisions

Service to the University/Medical School/Department

University of Minnesota [indicate dates of service activities]

University-wide service

[University or Faculty Senate; Senate Committees; Task Forces; Special Panels; Women’s Faculty Cabinet, etc.]

Medical School Service and Intercollegiate Service

[Executive Committee; Advisory Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Titles; Task forces; Planning committees; Search committees; Admissions committees]

Department/Unit Service

[Planning committees, Promotions committees, Search committees]

[Repeat for other universities or institutions]

Community Outreach Activities

[Any other service in which the candidate engages with the public [e.g. Science Fair judge, Red Cross, etc.]


Form updated 04/16/15

[1] Please make sure that all the items relevant to your scholarship, teaching, and service/outreach work find a place on this c.v. If you do not find a category that fits an item, please create an appropriate heading for that item. Similarly, if a category does not pertain to your case, then eliminate it from the list.