Shortened curriculum vitae: Dirk Jacobus Smit


Born 1951. Married, to Maria (Jonker) Smit, two children (Lise & Nico). Studied University of Stellenbosch since 1970; since 1978 Minister. Since 1981 Head of Department of Systematic Theology at the University of the Western Cape, since 1984 Professor, 1990 –1999 Senior Professor, 2000-2002 Extraordinary Professor; since 1994 also part-time Professor in the Department of Systematic Theology, University of Stellenbosch, since 2000 full-time Professor.

During 1992 Professor of Social Ethics, Marburg (Germany).


1975 M.A. (Philosophy), 1976 Lic. Th, 1979 D.Th. (US)

Memberships and other academic activities

Member of the Theological Society of South Africa and of a number of international scholarly bodies; member of editorial committees of several journals; host for several visiting scholars, researchers, professors and postdoctoral fellows; Mentor for Thuthuka holders and Mellon postdoctoral scholars


About 360 in refereed South African journals and international journals and books, including dictionaries and encyclopedias, almost all of them written on invitation and request; as well as weekly newspaper column

Papers read at conferences during previous five years

All on invitation, international about 50; national about 30

Postgraduate supervision

Doctoral, completed 28, of whom the majority became full-time lecturers or professors themselves, in at least ten different scholarly disciplines (including Systematic Theology, Ethics, Old Testament, New Testament, Practical Theology, Missiology, Homiletics, Development Studies, Religious Studies, Biblical Studies) and in several countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, and the United States of America; master's, completed 34; external examiner for several universities, including Natal, Rhodes, Cape Town, UNISA, Pretoria, Namibia, Port Elizabeth, Fort Hare.


Receive Merit Research Award of the University of the Western Cape for best researcher in the University twice; Receive Rector's Research Award at the University of Stellenbosch twice; Receive Humboldt Fellowship in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2004; Senior Researcher of the Human Sciences Research Council (1984, 1988), the Center of Science Development (1992, 1994, 1996, 1998) and the National Research Foundation (2000, 2002); Visiting Scholar Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley; Duke University, Durham; Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton; Heidelberg University, Germany; Assessor for National Research Foundation Evaluation Panels for South African researchers, 2003 – 2005; Fellow of the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton (2000; 2002; 2006); Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study), academic year 2006/2007; panel member, Templeton Prize for Theological Promise, 2006-2008; member advisory board VISOR, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Recent awards and invitations

Received the first Andrew Murray Prize for best theological essay in a South African scholarly journal (2003); delivered the Josephine So Lecture Series on Culture and Ethics at the China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong China, Jan 2005; with Russel Botman co-delivered the Sprunt Lectures at Union Theological Seminary, Richmond Virginia, United States of America, Jan 2006; Haniel Foundation Lectures at St Gallen, Switzerland, Dec 2006; genooi vir Willie Jonker Gedenklesing 2008, Kaapstad; invited to deliver the M. Eugene Osterhaven Lectures at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan, 2009; invited to lecture during 500th year Calvin celebrations, in Kampen, the Netherlands, Villigst, Germany, Stellenbosch, South Africa.


D. J. Smit, Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X17, MATIELAND, 7602 South Africa. , Fax: 021-808 3251


Recent papers, Unpublished:

"Wat is 'Publieke Teologie'?," openbare lesing, Sentrum vir Publieke Teologie, Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit van Pretoria, 23 April 2008

"The Beyers Naudé Center and the complex meanings of 'public theology'," public lecture, Beyers Naudé Center, Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch, 22 April 2008.

"Geistliche an den Schalthebeln der Macht? Kirchliche Legitimation und Kritik des Apartheid-Regimes in Südafrika," Tagung, Geistliche in Machtpositionen und als Machtberater, Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung, Hamburg, Deutschland, 17.-19. April 2008.

"Religion's role in creating conflict in South Africa," International Conference by Guggenheim Foundation and Beyers Naudé Center on "Religion, Reconciliation, and Restorative Justice in South Africa, Uganda and Liberia," Stellenbosch March 10-12, 2008

"Woord van God, Woord van die lewe. Op weg na 'n verantwoordelike teologiese hermeneutiek," Openingsrede, Teologiese Dag, Fakulteit Teologie, Stellenbosch 4 Februarie 2008.

"'Collapsing into modernity?' – the fall of apartheid and the church in South Africa," paper during the meeting of the Southern African Think Tank on Missional Theology and Praxis in partnership with the Allelon International Mission to Western Culture-Project, Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch, 12 -13 November 2007

"On telling the full story – Karl Barth," Conference on 20th century systematic theology, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, 25-26 October 2007.

"'Ons bely een doop tot vergewing van sonde' (Nicea)," Bybelskool, Ned. Geref. Moedergemeente, Stellenbosch, 11 Oktober 2007

"Jesus in South Africa – lost in translation?", with Elna Mouton, International Consultation, Molucan Church Council, Protestant Church of the Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam and Beyers Naudé Center for Public Theology, Houten, the Netherlands, 4-5 October, 2007

Panel member during discussion, "Zwischen Taufschein und Reich Gottes," Evangelische Akademie Berlin-Brandenburg, Wannsee, Berlin, 28-30 September, 2007

"Tradisie?," Verantwoordelike Vernuwing Konferensie, Bloemfontein, 5 September 2007.

"Oor die vraag na die historiese Jesus," praatjie by die bekendstelling van Francois Wessels se Wie was Jesus regtig?, Cape Peninsula Reformed Church, 29 Augustus 2007.

"Oor die lees van die Bybel," Openbare gesprek, NG gemeente Welgemoed, 26 Augustus en 2 September 2007.

"The act of confessing? The authority of confession from a Reformed perspective," study paper for Lutheran-Reformed Joint Commission, 11-17 August 2007

"Law and morality? Theological perspectives," Inter-disciplinary conference on What is law without morality?, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, 3 August 2007

”Introduction to Nazi-propagandafilm ’Ohm Kruger’,” Wissenschaftskolleg, 11 July 2007.

"Confessions as instruments of (dis)unity?," keynote paper during international meeting of International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI), Cluj, Rumania, 3-8 July 2007.

”Suedafrika nach der Apartheid: Zum Verhaeltnis von Religion und Politik,” Institute for Peace Church Theology, University of Hamburg, 26 June 2007.

“Confessing as gathering the fragments?On the Reformed way of dealing with plurality and ambiguity," International and Interdisciplinary Consultation on Plurality and Ambiguity in Religious Discourse, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 21-22 June 2007.

”Christian interpretive cultures in South Africa after apartheid?," Presentation, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 19 June 2007

"Mainline Protestantism in South Africa – and modernity?Tentative reflections for discussion," International and Interdisciplinary Meeting on Religion and Development: Crisis or New Opportunities?, Free University, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14-15 June 2007.

“Religion und Politik in Südafrika – gestern und heute?,“ Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, May 22, 2007.

”Mainline Protestantism in South Africa today?”, Group Religious Transformation Processes in the Present, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 16 May 2007.

"Notions of 'public' – and doing theology," Global Network of Public Theology, Center of Theological Inquiry (CTI), Princeton New Jersey, United States, 1-5 May 2007.

"Freedom in belonging? Calvin on human freedom and the Christian life," international and interdisciplinary consultation on notions of freedom, Düsseldorf 20-22 April 2007

“Why do we celebrate the legacy of John Calvin? Views on Calvin's ethics from a South African perspective,” keynote paper during International Consultation preparing for Calvin Jubilee in 2009, John Knox International Reformed Center, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-19 April 2007

"Dealing with the past in 20the century South Africa? Perspectives from church and theology," public lecture, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt University, Berlin, 24 January 2007

"Germania in South Africa? Perspectives from Afrikaner nationalism," public lecture, inter-disciplinary consultation at the Deutsche Oper on Alberto Franchetti's Germania, January 21, 2007

"Power in South Africa? – before and after apartheid," Haniel Foundation Lectures, University of St Gallen, Switzerland, December 11-14 2006

”Civil religion – in South Africa?," Conference on Religion and Culture, theological faculties of Humboldt University and Stellenbosch University in the Berliner Dom, Berlin, 25 November 2006

"Religious transformation processes in the present: South Africa," introduction of research project in focus group, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 18 October 2006

"Oor ontfermende geregtigheid," Kaapse Sinode, VGKSA September 2006

"On illness and providence? Questions from the Reformed tradition," Inter-disciplinary international conference, University of Bochum, September 2006

Sakramentsleer en doopspraktyk? Basiese oortuigings van die Gereformeerde tradisie, Buvton-konferensie, Stellenbosch, September 2006

”Only inconsequential matters? Reflections on the humanity of the church,” CTI Pastor Theologian Conference, Sedona Arizona, 22-25 June 2006

”Reading Scripture theologically with Karl Barth – A South African experience,” Karl Barth Conference, Princeton New Jersey, 23 May 2006

”Free through belonging? Calvin on human freedom and the Christian life,” Interdisciplinary and International Conference, Concepts of Freedom in the Biblical Traditions, FFF-Zentrum, Düsseldorf, Germany, 11-14 May 2006

”Christian public witness and human freedom denied? A response from the perspective of Reformed public theology in South Africa,” Kuyper Lecture on Reformed Theology and Public Life, Kuyper Center for Public Theology, Princeton New Jersey, 7 April 2006

”On Edmund Schlink’s ecumenical systematic theology,” Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton New Jersey, 15 March 2006

”Transformation of the church? South African experiences of volkskerk and apartheid,” International Research Consortium, Congregational Mission and the Social Sciences, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo, 4 March 2006

“Not our own: Comfort and Calling in difficult times,” Sprunt lectures with Russel Botman, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia, January 23-25, 2006

”On reading Karl Barth in South Africa – today?”, invited paper during Conference ”International Karl Barth-Research,” International Science Forum, Heidelberg, Germany, 27-30 October 2005

”Shared stories for the future? Theological reflections on truth and reconciliation in South Africa,” with Elna Mouton, Houten, the Netherlands, international, interdisciplinary consultation with Protestant Church in the Netherlands, IRTI & Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology, 13 October 2005

”Human dignity – a theme in South African Reformed theology?,” paper during Consultation between Theological University of Kampen and Theology Faculty of Stellenbosch, planning a joint future research project, 11 October 2005

”Erediens in die gereformeerde tradisie: Wat is onverhandelbaar?”, voordrag tydens openbare konsultasie, Liturgie-navorsingsgroep, BUVTON, Stellenbosch, 15 September 2005.

”Uitdagings vir Gereformeerd-wees in Afrika, vandag?”, voordrag tydens openbare konsultasie, BUVTON, navorsingsgroep vir Gereformeerde kerk en teologie in Afrika, Stellenbosch, 14 September 2005.

”Media en etiek in ’n pluralistiese samelewing?,” voordrag tydens Inter-dissiplinêre Konsultasie, Departement Joernalistiek, Stellenbosch met Etiek Navorsingsgroep, BUVTON, 13 September 2005

“Kirche, Frieden und Gewalt? Südafrikanische Erfahrungen des letzten Jahrhunderts,” Invited speaker during Interdisciplinary International Conference, organised by the city of Augsburg celebrating the Religious Peace of Augsburg (1555), 31 August -4 September 2005.

”Preek oor Genesis 21:1-8,” 100-jarige herdenking van Stellenbosch VGK-Gemeente, 21 Augustus 2005

“Uitdagings vir die Christelike teologie – vandag,” Predikantebyeenkoms, Windhoek, Namibië, 15-18 Augustus 2005

”Christologie en Soteriologie,” Openbare lesings tydens predikante-byeenkoms, Stellenbosch, Buvton, 25-28 Julie 2005

‘On systematic theology and Christology in the South African context,” Invited lecture Humboldt University, Berlin, 17 July 2005.

“Justification and divine justice?,” study document for the European Theology Group of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Consultation on Justification, Amsterdam 17-19 June 2005.

“Church and Theology in South Africa – Past and Present,” Lecture Series in Systematic Theology, Umeå, Sweden, 13-17 June 2005

“Oor sieninge van roeping, werk en ekonomiese geregtigheid – Calvyn en die Gereformeerde Tradisie,” Lesings by die BUVTON-Navorsingsgroep oor Vocatio, Stellenbosch, 18 Mei 2005

“Met Jesus op die berg,” Pinksterreeks oor die aard en roeping van die kerk volgens die Evangelie van Matteus, George, 8-12 Mei 2005

“Christologie en Soteriologie – Vandag,” Reeks openbare lesings oor hedendaagse Sistematiese Teologie, Kimberley, Noord-Kaap, 19-20 April 2005

“Could being Reformed have made a difference? On practical theology and ethics in South Africa,” Third Consultation of the Center of Theological Inquiry. Princeton, on Reformed theology: Identity and Ecumenicity, April 1, 2004.

“Do we really believe in congregations? Some contemporary challenges from Scripture and Tradition,” International Consortium of Practical Theologians, Buvton, Stellenbosch, January 2005

“Toward a Uniting Reformed Church in Africa?,” Consultation hosted by BeyersNaudéCenter, 25 January 2005, StellenboschUniversity

“On the Christian life,” The Josephine So Lectures on Culture and Ethics, China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong, 3-7 January 2005.

“Human dignity and human rights as guiding priciple for the economy? Comments from a theological perspective,” with N Koopman, paper during Consultation between Beyers Naudé Centre and EvangelicalAcademies of Bad Boll and Arnoldshain, Bad Boll, Germany, Dec 1-4, 2004.

“Sola Scriptura civitate interpretata – Reformed faith and apartheid,” paper during International Conference, WARC, Joh Knox Center, Geneva, celebrating the Social and Economic Thought of John Calvin, 3-7 Nov, 2004.

“Calvyn en die Bybel,” openbare lesing tydens Bybelnagte-konferensie in NGK-Welgelegen, Stellenbosch, ter herdenking aan die Reformasie, Vrydag 29 Oktober 2004

“Barmen and Belhar in conversation – A South African perspective,” public lecture during URCSA and Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology International Consultation, Okkie Jooste, Stellenbosch, 18-20 October 2004

“Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex (con)vivendi – Oriënterende inleiding tot liturgie en etiek,” BUVTON-Navorsingsroep en Kursus, September 2004

“Armoede – etiese, of ekonomiese vraagstuk? Inleidende opmerkings tydens BADISA-Werkswinkel oor Teologie van Armoede,” Bellville, 10 September 2004

“Interpreter interpreted. A readers’ reception of Lategan’s legacy,” International Humboldt Consultation on the Interpretation of the New Testament, STIAS, Stellenbosch, August 2004

“Kirche und Zivilgesellschaft im Pluralismus,” opening address during Consultation on Church and Civil Society within Pluralism, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum, Heidelberg Universität, Germany, 27 July 2004.

“Reformed theology in modernism and postmodernism. Response to prof. Yung Han Kim,” Wissenschaftlich-Theologisches Seminar, Heidelberg Universität, 23 July 2004.

“On social and economic justice in South Africa today. A theological perspective on theoretical paradigms,” STIAS, July 2004

“On the impact of the church in South Africa after the collapse of the apartheid regime,” public lecture, DalarnaUniversity, Falun, Sweden, May 19, 2004.

“Reformed identity in troubling times. Response to Michael Welker,” Stellenbosch, 16 April 2004.

“Die doop as grondslag van die gemeentelike bedieningspraktyk,” Predikante-konsultasie, Fakulteit Teologie, Stellenbosch, 27 Augustus 2003

“Christelike geloofsleer – vandag”, week-lange kursus vir predikante, Fakulteit Teologie, Stellenbosch, BUVTON, Augustus 2003

“Oor die God wat ons roep”, voordrag, Sinodesitting van die NGKerk Wes-Kaapland, Oktober 2003

“Oor die VGK en die NGK – en die maatskaplike uitdagings in ons land”, voordrag by jaarvergadering van BADISA, 16 September 2003

“Globalization? A broader perspective,” Joint Consultation between ESSET, EFSA and the Beyers Naudé Center on Processus Confessionis and Economic Globalization, Stellenbosch, 11-13 August 2003

“Globalization: An orientation?,” Joint Consultation between the BeyersNaudéCenter and the EvangelicalAcademies of Bad Boll and Arnoldshain, Stellenbosch, 6 August 2003

Christelike geloofsleer vandag – Die leerstukke van die geloof in kontemporêre teologie, BUVTON-kursus, Julie 2003

“Skrifgebruik in die Etiek”, voordrag tydens BUVTON-kursus vir predikante, Mei 2003

“Karl Barth oor Etiek?”, predikante-kursus vir Morele Navorsingsgroep, BUVTON, Mei 2003

“Karl Barth oor die Christelike roeping,” voordrag by BUVTON-navorsingsgroep oor Vocatio, April 2003.

“Trends in theology today? Public lecture during annual opening of the SareptaTheologicalSchool, Kuilsrivier, Feb 2003


362. 2008 ”Shared stories for the future? Theological reflections on truth and reconciliation in South Africa,” with Elna Mouton, Journal of Reformed Theology (forthcoming), Vol 2, No.1, 40-62.

361. 2007 "Menswaardigheid – Tema binne Suid-Afrikaanse gereformeerde teologie?," Scriptura 95, 2007/2, 161-165

360. 2007 "What does 'public' mean?,Questions with a view to public theology," in Christian in Public. Aims, Methodologies and Issues in Public theology (Beyers naudé Centre Series on Public Theology. Volume 3). Len Hansen (Ed.), Stellenbosch: African SunMedia, 11-46.

359. 2007 “Public witness in the economic sphere? On human dignity as a theological perspective,” with Nico Koopman, in Christian in Public. Aims, Methodologies and Issues in Public theology (Beyers naudé Centre Series on Public Theology. Volume 3). Len Hansen (Ed.), Stellenbosch: African SunMedia, 269-280.

358. 2007 Views on Calvin's ethics from a South African perspective,” Reformed World, December, xxx-xxx, also at

357. 2007 "Mainline Protestantism in South Africa – and modernity? Tentative reflections for discussion," International and Interdisciplinary Meeting on Religion and Development: Crisis or New Opportunities? Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (

356. 2007 "Dit rym nie met gesonde verstand nie. Oor die opstanding van Jesus," God praat – Leef luisterryk. Vir gesprek ook sensitiewe kwessies, Chris Jones (red), Wellington: Bybelmedia, 21-29.

355. 2007 ”Südafrika nach der Apartheid: Zum Verhältnis von Religion und Politik,” Institute for Peace Church Theology, University of Hamburg (

354. 2007 "Notions of the public and doing theology," International Journal of Public Theology, Vol. 1. No. 3-4, 431-454.

353. 2007 "Christian public witness and human freedom denied? A response from the perspective of Reformed public theology in South Africa," response to Kuyper Lecture 2006, KuyperCenter,

352. 2007Wie was Jesus regtig? In gesprek oor die historiese Jesus,deur Francois Wessels,(Lux Verbi.BM), volume 3, lid van die redaksie

351. 2007 Essays in Public Theology. Collected Essays 1, ed. E. Conradie, Stellenbosch: African Sun Media.

350. 2007 "Reading Scripture theologically with Barth – in South Africa? Anecdotes for after dinner," North American Barth Society and PrincetonCenter for Barth Studies, Conference June 2006,

349. 2007 “Rhetoric and Ethic? A Reformed Perspective on the Politics of Reading the Bible,” Reformed theology: Identity and Ecumenicity II, eds. W. Alston and M. Welker, Grand Rapids: Wm B Eerdmans,

348. 2007 “South Africa,” Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Vol 2, ed. R. Wuthnow, Washington: Congressional Quarterly Press, 840-844.

347. 2006 "Südafrika," Theologische Realenzyklopaedie. Studienausgabe. Teil III, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 322-332.

346. 2006 Engele as gaste? In gesprek oor gasvryheid aan die ander, deur Robert Vosloo,(Lux Verbi.BM), volume 2, lid van die redaksie

345. 2006 Lewe anderkant die dood? In gesprek oor die hoop op die opstanding uit die dood, deur Ernst M Conradie,(Lux Verbi.BM), volume 1, lid van die redaksie