1. Name Surname: BİRGÜL ÖZKAN

2. Date of Birth: 25.05.1974


4. Education Status

Degrees / Chapter/ Program / University / Year
License / Nursing / Hacettepe University / 1999
Graduate / Mental health and Nursing / Erciyes University / 2004
Phd / Mental health and Nursing / Erciyes University / 2011

Master thesis title (Summary Appendix) and thesis advisor:

ÖZKAN B. Levels of Assertiveness of Nurses. Erciyes University Health Sciences Institute of mental health and Nursing Program Science Specialization Thesis, KAYSERİ, 2004

Consultant: : Professor doctorE.Ümit Seviğ

Phd Thesis / Qualifying Work / Specialization in medicine Dissertation title (Summary Appendix) and Advisor:

Schizophrenia Patient and Care given to the patient is Administrated and voice psychiatric the trace functionality and Receiving Medication compliance with the Family Burden, depression, and feeling the effect of simple means of. Erciyes University Health Sciences Institute of mental health and Nursing program, PhD thesis, KAYSERİ, 2011

Assistant Professor doctor: Emine ERDEM

5. Academic Titles:

Assistant Professor Date: 03.06.2013

Date of Associate Professor:

Date of Professor:

6. Managed Masters and Ph.D. Theses

6.1. Master Theses

Behice Belkıs AYAN- Evaluation of Communication and Empathy Skills of Nurses Working in Hematology Clinic, Yildirim Beyazit University Institute of Health Sciences, 2016

M.Haydar KAYA-Investigation of the Psychological Situations of the Care Personnel at the Care and Rehabilitation Center, Yıldırım Beyazıt University Health Sciences Institute, 2016.

Gökçe ŞIKŞIK -Determination of Autism Perceptions of Parents with Autism Children and Their Relations Between Parents' Self Esteem, Yıldırım Beyazıt University Health Sciences Institute, 2016.

Burcu ÇAKAR- Investigation of Relationship Between Impulsiveness, Anxiety and Anger Levels and Defense Forms of Nurses, Yıldırım Beyazıt University Health Sciences Institute, 2015.

Merve TUĞRUL - The Caregiver Burden of the Individuals Who Have Migraine and Depression Diseases Depression Levels And Their Styles Of Coping With Stress, Yildirim Beyazıt University Health Sciences Institute, 2015

Hande DEMİRTAŞ-Investigation of the relationship between urinary incontinence, geriatric depression and loneliness in the elderly, Yıldırım Beyazıt University Health Sciences Institute, 2015.

Reyhan ESKİYURT. An Investigation of the Relationship Between Suicide Probability and Life Causes of Patients in Psychiatry Clinic. Yıldırım Beyazıt University Health Sciences Institute, Nursing Program, Graduate Thesis, Ankara, 2016

6.2. Doctoral Theses

Sema İçel - PhD thesis continues.

Nesibe GÜNAY MOLU- doctoral dissertation continues.

Arzu AYDOĞAN- doctoral thesis continues.

7. Publications

7.1. Articles published in internationally acclaimed journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)

7.1.1.Özkan B.,Erdem E.,Demirel Özsoy., Zararsız G. The effect of telepsychiatric follow-up on the family burden, emotional expression and depression levels in the caregivers of Turkish patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 136, Suplement 1 (2012) S1-S375, S 251(Abstract) (SSCI)

7.1.2.Özkan B., Erdem E., Demirel Özsoy., Harmless G. Effect of psychoeducation and telepsychiatric follow-up on schizophrenia patients to patient's functioning and drug compliance. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 2013; 14: 192-9, (SCI exp).

7.1.3.Özkan B.,Erdem E.,Demirel Özsoy., Zararsız G. Effect of psyhoeducationt elepsychiatricfollowupgiventothecaregiver of the schizophrenicpatient on family burden, depression and depression of emotion. Pak J MedSci 2013 Vol. 29 No. 5, (SCI exp)

7.1.4.Gunay Molu N.,Ozkan B., Sema Icel S. Quality of life for chronic psychiatric illnesses and homecare.Pak J MedSci. 2016;32(2):511-515.doi:

7.1.5.Göriş S, TaşcıS.,Özkan B. Ceyhan Ö., Tekinsoy Kartın P., Çeliksoy A. Elmalı F., Eser B.Effect of Terminal PatientCare Training on theNurses’ Attitudes Toward Death in an Oncology Hospital in Turkey. J CancEduc 2015.DOI 10.1007/s13187-015-0929-6

7.1.6.OzkanB., Menteş S., Ozturk A., Soyuer S.Effects of Follow-upby Phone Interview and Anger Management Training Provided to Patients with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy on Levels of Self-Esteem, Anger and Depression. International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2014; 4(24): 260-269.

7.2.Articles published in other internationally acclaimed journals

7.2.1.Özkan B, Arguvanlı Çoban S, Saraç B, Medik K. Sleep Quality and Affecting Factors in Patients with Chronic Psychiatric Disorders. Erciyes Med J 2015, 37(1): 6-10. DOI: 10.5152/etd.2015.7837.(EMBASE, Scopus, EBSCO, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CAS, ULAKBIM, TurkishMedical Database and Türkiye Citation Index)

7.2.2.Arguvanlı Çoban S.,Özkan B. OpinionsofSeniorNursingStudentsOnPsychiatricandMentalHealthNursingInternPractice JournalofPsychiatricNursing2016;7(1):13–17 Doi:10.5505/phd.2016.33042(EMBASE, Scopus, EBSCO, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, CAS, ULAKBIM, TurkishMedical Database and Türkiye Citation Index)

7.3.Proceedings submitted at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings

7.3.1.Ozkan B, Bayat M.Levels of Self-Expression of Nursing Department and Midwifery Department Students, 2nd International Ninth National Nursing Congress Abstract Book S: 499, 7-11 September 2003, Istanbul University, Antalya.

7.3.2.Kula S, Ozkan B, Erdem E, Uğur Ö. Investigation of job satisfaction of nurses working in Kayseri SSK Hospital, 2nd International and 9th National Nursing Congress Book S: 506, 7-11 September 2003, Antalya.

7.3.3.Erdem E, Uğur Ö, Kula S, Özkan B. Job Satisfaction Levels of Nurses Working in Intensive Care and General Services, 2nd International and 9th National Nursing Congress Abstract Book S: 502, 7-11 September 2003, Antalya.

7.3.4.Bayat M, Ozkan B, Çoban S. Atatürk Determining the Opinions of the School of Health Students on the Relations Between Nursing Subjects 3.Ulternational -10th National Nursing Congress Book S: 131, 7-10 September 2005 İzmir

7.3.5.Özkan B, Erdem E .. Determination of Depression Levels of Abroad 3.Ulternational -10th National Nursing Congress Book S: 130, 7-10 September 2005 İzmir

7.3.6.Erdem E, Özkan B. Determination of Loneliness Levels of the Elderly 3.Ulternational -10.National Nursing Congress Book S: 130, 7-10 September 2005 İzmir

7.3.7.Tel H, Özkan Ördek B. MentalDisordersandStigma. Third International Anti StigmaConferences S:70, 5-8 Ekim 2006, İstanbul. (poster)

7.3.8.Tel H, B. Ozkan Ördek, S. Çoban, S. Doğan, "State of Anger Life and Anger Expression of Cancer Patients", 4th International and 11th National Nursing Congress Congress Book, 77, Ankara, 2007.

7.3.9.Özkan Ördek B, Erdem E. Loneliness, Depression and Hopelessness Levels of the Rural and Urban Area Elders 5-8 September 2007 International and National Nursing Congress Ankara (Poster)

7.3.10.Erdem E, Özkan Ördek B. Assessment of Loneliness, Depression and Quality of Life for the Elderly Living at Home and Institution5-8 September 2007 International and National Nursing Congress Book Ankara (Poster)

7.3.11.Ordek B. “The aggressive and potentially patient” 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry S:445, 28 Haziran - 2 Temmuz 2009 Paris, Fransa.

7.3.12.Özkan B, Erdem E,Demirel Özsoy, Zararsız G. The effect of telepsychiatric follow-up on the family burden, emotional expression and depression levels in the caregivers of Turkish patients with schizophrenia. 3rd Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Conference, 14-18 April 2012 Florence, Italy. (Abstract)

7.3.13.Ozkan B, Erdem E, Demirel Ozsoy, Harmless G. Effect of psychoeducation and telepsychiatric follow-up on the caregiver of schizophrenia patients on family burden, depression and emotional expression. II. International-III. National Psychiatric Nursing Congress, 4-7 October 2012 Erzurum (Oral)

7.3.14.Özkan B, Erdem E, Demirel Özsoy S, Harmless G. Effect of psychoeducation and telepsychiatric follow-up on schizophrenia patients to patient's functioning and drug compliance. II. International-III. National Psychiatric Nursing Congress, 4-7 October 2012 Erzurum (Oral)

7.3.15.Özkan B. Model of doctoral education nurses. Quality Indicators of Nursing PhD Education: International Symposium, 28-30 November 2012, İzmir.

7.3.16.Birgül Özkan, Selahattin Menteş, Gökmen Zararsız Serdar Soyuer. Effect of Phone Interviewsand Anger Management Traning Provided to Caregivers of the Patients with Breast Cancer Underwent Radiotherapy on Emotional Expression and FamilyBurden, , 31.ekim -2 kasım 2013, Horatıo, European Psychıatrıc Nursıng Congress, İstanbul (Sözel Sunum).

7.3.17.Esin Cerit, Birgül Özkan, SpiritualCare in Nursing, , 31.ekim -2 kasım 2013, Horatıo, European Psychıatrıc Nursıng Congress, İstanbul (Sözel Sunum).

7.3.18.Mahmut Evli, Birgül Özkan, Supporting intervention for families and patients with mental illness, 31.ekim -2 kasım 2013 , Horatıo, European Psychıatrıc Nursıng Congress, İstanbul (Poster Sunum).

7.3.19.Sibel Arguvanlı Çoban, Birgül Özkan Opinions of Fourth Year Nursing Students about Internship in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 31.ekim -2 kasım 2013, Horatıo, European Psychıatrıc Nursıng Congress, İstanbul (Poster Sunum).

7.3.20.Birgül Özkan, Sibel Arguvanlı Çoban The Effect of Basic Level Psychiatry Nursing Education Given to the Nurses Who Worked at Psychiatry Clinics upon Their Knowledge Levels, 31.ekim -2 kasım 2013 , Horatıo, European Psychıatrıc Nursıng Congress, İstanbul (Poster Sunum).

7.3.21.İlker Yılmaz, Birgül Özkan, The Statement Psychosocial in Amputation of Pediatric Patients, 31.ekim -2 kasım 2013 , Horatıo, European Psychıatrıc Nursıng Congress, İstanbul (PosterSunum).

7.3.22. Çakar B, Hande Demirtaş, Merve Güleşen, Birgul Ozkan, Gül Pınar, Orhan Koç, Job Satisfaction, Burnout and Anxiety Levels of Health Employees Serving at Home Health Care Unit 3. Health Care and Care Congress at Home, 18-21 December 2013, Antalya-Belek . (Oral Presentation and First Placement Award Study

7.3.23.Haydar Kaya, Fatma Ayhan, Gizem Gokalp, Ali Kaplan, Birgül Özkan, Gül Pınar, Psychosocial interventions based on the evidence of home care 3. Home Health Care and Care Congress, 18-21 December 2013, Antalya-Belek. (Verbal Declaration).

7.3.24.Günselli Turgut, Behice Belkis Ayan, Gökçe Bağcı, Birgül Özkan, Gazi Alataş,The Determination of the Perceptions of the Nurses Working at Home Health Care Services and the Questions about their Communication Skills and the Lives of the Elderly. 3. Home Health Care and Care Congress, 18-21 December 2013, Antalya-Belek. (Verbal Declaration)

7.3.25.Özkan B.,Erdem E., Demirel Özsoy S., Oztürk A. Telepsyciatric follow-up in the patients with schizophrenia: Is the effect?.Psychiatrie, Sciences et Societe:Nouveautes, Enjeux et Debats. Du 31 mars- 2 Avril 2015, Paris, France.(Poster)

7.3.26.Özkan B.,Eskiyurt R.The Effectiveness of Telepsychiatry Interventions for Families of The Schizophrenic Patients, poster presentation,14ème Congrès de l'Association de Recherche et de Soutien de Soins en Psychiatrie Générale, Paris, 2016.

7.3.27.Deliduman C.,Özkan B.(2016). " The Effects of the Psychodrama on Psychological Conditions of Infertile Female Patient "14 ème Congrès de l' Association de Recherche et de Soutien de Soins en Psychiatrie Générale, 23 mars au 25 mars 2016, Paris, poster presentation, sayfa:48

7.3.28.Özkan B.Akalın A.,(2016). Addressıng Of Spırıtual Needs In Nursıng Ca.14 ème Congrès de l' Association de Recherche et de Soutien de Soins en Psychiatrie Générale, 23 mars au 25 mars 2016, Paris, poster presentation, sayfa:48

7.3.29.Akalın A.,Özkan B.(2016). A Holistic Approach to Sexual Problems of Womenwith Gynecological Cancer. 14 ème Congrès de l' Association de Recherche et de Soutien de Soins en Psychiatrie Générale, 23 mars au 25 mars 2016, Paris, poster presentation, sayfa:48-49.

7.3.30.Özkan B., Mercan S, Deliduman C., Ak H. (2016). "Studies Involving Motivational Interviewing in Psychiatric Nursing: A Review Study", Poster Presentation, November 6-9, 2016, IV. International and VIII: National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa

7.3.31.Özkan B., Sarı T., Eskiyurt R., Atkan F. The Position of the Mentor in the Professionalization of Nursing: Compilation, Poster presentation, IV.IlInternational and VIII. National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa, 2016.

7.3.32.Özkan B., Eskiyurt R. Counseling with the Web-Based and Videoconferencing Methods for the Individuals and Their Families with Schizophrenia Patients, Poster Presentation, IV.Ulternian and VIII. National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa, 2016.

7.3.33.Eskiyurt R, Özkan B., Deliduman C., Abbak R. M. (2016). "Investigation of the Perceptual Awareness of Nursing Students Reading", Poster Presentation, November 6-9, 2016, IV. International and VIII: National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa

7.3.34.Turan N., Özkan B. (2016). To Forget Yourself in Nursing Occupation And Being Being of Others. Verbal Declaration, November 6-9, 2016, IV. International and VIII: National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa

7.3.35.Ayan BB., Özkan B. (2016). Evaluaton Of The Communıcation And Empathy Skılls Of Nurses Who Work In Hematology Clınıcs. Poster Presentation, November 6-9, 2016, IV. International and VIII: National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa

7.3.36.Kaya H., Özkan B. (2016). Investigation of Mental Conditions of Care Personnel at Care and Rehabilitation Center. Poster Presentation, November 6-9, 2016, IV. International and VIII: National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa

7.3.37.Eren HK. Özkan B. (2016). Community Mental Health Service Barrier. Poster Presentation, November 6-9, 2016, IV. International and VIII: National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa

7.3.38.Ayhan F., Özkan B. (2016). The Effects of Parental Attitudes on the Violence Behaviors of the Adolescents. Poster Presentation, November 6-9, 2016, IV. International and VIII: National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, Manisa

7.3.39.Turan N., Özkan B., Aksoy T. (2016). Are The Sımulatıon Applıcatıon Rısıng Nursıng Oren Oblıgatıon? Poster Presentation, November 6-9, 2016, IV. International and VIII: National Psychiatric Nursing Congress, Manisa.

7.3.40.Özkan B., Eskiyurt R. Evaluatıon Of Effectıveness Of Web Based Psychosocıal Interventıon For Cancer Patıents. l'ARSPG certifie que la proposition de poster ci-dessous a été acceptée par le comité scientifique du 15 ème congrès. Paris, 2017.Posterpresentation

7.3.41.Eskiyurt R., Özkan B. The Investıgatıon Of Nursıng Students’automatıc Thoughts About Oncology Patıents. l'ARSPG certifie que la proposition de poster ci-dessous a été acceptée par le comité scientifique du 15 èmecongrès. Paris, 2017.Posterpresentation

7.3.42.Sıksık G., Özkan B. Determınıng The Relatıonshıp Between Autısm Perceptıons And Famıly Characterıstıcs And Respects Of Autıstıc Chıld Parents. l'ARSPG certifie que la proposition de poster ci-dessous a été acceptée par le comité scientifique du 15 ème congrès. Paris,2017.Posterpresentation

7.3.43.Eskiyurt R. Özkan B. Evaluation of relations between suicide probability and reasons for living in psychiatric inpatient. 4th HORATIO European Festival of Psychiatric Nursing. Malta, 2017.Posterpresentation

7.4.Written international books or sections in books

7.5.Articles published in nationally-respected journals

7.5.1.Budak N, Özkan B. Erciyes University, Atatürk health high school students a research on demographic characteristics. Erciyes University Journal Of Health Sciences 10 (2):47-54, 2001(Research)

7.5.2.ÖzkanB, Seviğ Ü. Nurses ' levels of assertiveness. Erciyes medical journal (Erciyes Medical Journal) 2007; 29 (1): 040-046.

7.5.3.Bayat M, Özkan B, Çoban S. Nursing students ' views of interpersonal relations in nursing lesson. Nursing Forum Vol 12-s 911, 2009.

7.5.4.Tel H, Doğan S, Özkan B, Sibel Çoban. Aligning the patient's treatment of the chronic mental patient relatives problematic opinions. Psychiatric nursing Magazine, 2010.

7.5.5.Özkan B, Çoban S, Kaya Z, Seviğ Ü. 14 years and older individuals in the determination of the levels of anxiety and general health. Erciyes University Journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences,March 2013.(In Press).

7.5.6.Özkan, B., Arguvanli, The Effect of Basic Level Psychiatric Nursing Education on Knowledge Level of Nurses Given to Nurses Working in Psychiatry Clinic Yıldırım Beyazıt University Journal of Nursing. Vol 1, Issue 1, 2013.

7.5.7.Arguvanlı S, Çoban, Ozkan B, Kadriye Medik, Bayise Saraç, Quality of Life of Individuals and Caregivers with Bipolar Disorder, Psychiatric Nursing Journal 2013; 4 (2): 61-66

7.5.8.Özkan B, Arguvanli, Kaya Z, Seviğ U (2013). Determination of Anxiety and General Health Levels of 14 and Older Individuals. Erciyes University Journal of Health Sciences, 1 (1): 1-9.

7.5.9.Özkan B, Arguvanlı S (2013). The Influence of Basic Level Psychiatric Nursing Training on Nurses' Knowledge Levels Given to Nurses Working in Psychiatry Clinic. Yıldırım Beyazıt University Health Sciences Faculty Nursing E-Journal, Volume 1, Number 1: 1-7.

7.5.10. Arguvan Çoban S, Ozkan B, Medik K, Saraç B (2013). Life Quality of Individuals and Caregivers with Bipolar Disorder. Psychiatric Nursing Journal, 4 (2): 61-66. (Turkish Psychiatry Index, Turkish Citation Index, Index Copernicus, Gale / Cengage Learning and TUBITAK ULAKBİM)

7.5.11.Özkan B, Arguvan Çoban S, Saraç B, Medik K (2014). Opinions of Patients with Chronic Mental Disorders on Stigmatization. Yıldırım Beyazıt University Health Sciences Faculty Nursing E-Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2: 1-6.

7.5.12.Birgül Özkan, Burcu Akpınar Soylemez, Figen Şen Besti Outstanding, Nurgun Platin. Historical History of Illuminated Onam. Yıldırım Beyazıt Nursing E-Journal 2016) Vol: 4, No: 1 41-50.

7.5.13.Sema İçel, Birgül Özkan, Arzu Aydoğan The Role of the Nurse in Community Mental Health Centers Ankara Med J, 2016; 16 (2): 208-14 DOI: 10.17098 / amj.62478

7.5.14.Özkan, B., & Eskiyurt, R. (2016). Effectiveness of Telepsychiatry Interventions for Families of Patients with Schizophrenia. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 8 (3), 228-243.

7.5.15.Eskiyurt, Reyhan. Birgül Özkan Candan Deliduman Rabia Maina Abbak ."The Investigation of Nursing Students' Perceptual Awareness of Reading Metacognition". Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 4.2 (2016): 50-60.

7.5.16.Nesibe Gunay Molu, Birgül Özkan, Ayşe Ozcan. Mental Retardation and Schizophrenia Home Care; Case Report. GÜSBD2016; 5 (4): 126-133.

7.5.17.Fatma Ayhan, Birgül Özkan. Impact of Domestic Violence on Adolescents Journal of Human Sciences, 13 (3), 3753-3767. Doi: 10.14687 / jhs.v13i3.3923

  1. Notified in National Conference of Scientific Meetings
  2. Özkan B, Seviğ Ü. Assertiveness Levels of Nurses. 40th National Psychiatry Congress Book S: 276-277, Kuşadası, Aydın 2004, S: 276-277. (Poster)
  3. Özkan B, Coban S, Sevgi U, Aydin T, Z. Kaya. Determination of the mental status of the 14 and older people living in the town of Kayseri İli Turan. I. National Health Promotion Symposium Book S: 159, Ankara University, 2004, Q: 159. (Verbal Presentation)
  4. Kaya Z, Özkan B, Çoban S, Seviğ Ü, Aydın T. 0-2 Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviors of Mothers of Children about Mother and Child Health Symposium I. National Health Promotion Symposium Ankara University, 2004, Q: 188. (Poster)
  5. Çoban S, Özkan B, Seviğ U, Aydin T, Kaya Z. Determination of Depression Levels of 14 Years and Older People Living in Kayseri County of Turan. 40th National Psychiatry Congress Book, 2004, Q: 320. (Poster)
  6. Özkan Ördek B, Kaya Z, Çoban S, Seviğ U. Investigation of the Anxiety Level of the People 23-25 June 2006 Bursa. Social Psychiatry Congress Book. (Full-text printing)
  7. Ozkan Ördek B, Erdem E, Doğan S. Comparison of loneliness levels of the elderly living in urban and rural areas 23-25 ​​June 2006 Bursa. Social Psychiatry Congress Book (Full Text Print)
  8. Tel H, Er Ö, Özkan M, Çoban S, Doğan S, Özkan Ördek B, Eroğlu S. "Investigation of the Effect of Training of Oncology Patients on the Ability of Stressors", 3rd National Medical Oncology Congress Abstract Book, 26, Antalya, 2006.
  9. Tel H, Er Ö, Özkan M, S. Çoban, S. Doğan, Özkan Ördek B, Eroğlu S. "Despair and Depression in Cancer Patients", 3rd National Medical Oncology Congress Abstract Book, 27, Antalya, 2006.
  10. Özkan B, Seviğ Ü. An Analysis of the Effect of Psycho-Educational Approach on Women's Depression Levels - 42th National Mental Health Congress, 01-05 November 2006 S: 446, Istanbul. (Poster)
  11. Erdem E, Özkan Ördek B. Depression and Loneliness Levels of the Elderly 01-05 November 2006, P: 474, 42. National Mental Health Congress Istanbul. (Poster)
  12. Özkan Ördek B, Erdem E. An Investigation of Depression and Despair Levels of Yeşlılar. 01-05 November 2006, Q: 257, 42th National Mental Health Congress Istanbul. (Verbal)
  13. TelH, Doğan S, Özkan Ördek B, Çoban S. Job satisfaction and burnout levels of physicians and nurses working with oncology patients, 18th National Cancer Congress 18-23 April 2007, Antalya (verbal presentation)
  14. Özkan B, Tel H. Psychosocial Rehabilitation. National Psychiatric Nursing Days, 28-30 April 2008 Bakırköy Hospital for Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases, 2008, Istanbul (poster)
  15. Tel H, Doğan S, Ozkan B, Çoban S. Patients' Opinions about Treatment Adaptation of Patients with Chronic Mental Illness, National Psychiatric Nursing Days, 28-30 April 2008 Bakırköy Psychiatry Hospital, Istanbul (verbal communication)
  16. Bal F, Göktaşa, Aslan Ş, Özkan Ördek B. Anxiety Levels of University Students, 6th National Nursing Students Convention Book, 26-29 June 2007, Q: 291, Istanbul. (Poster)
  17. Özkan B. Model Usage in Nursing Education, VI. National Nursing Education Congress Book (International Participation), 22-25 October 2008, Q: 54, Nevşehir Cappadocia.
  18. Özkan B, Saraç B, Çoban S, Medik K. Stigmatic Opinions of Patients with Chronic Mental Disorders, 4-6 June 2009, 3rd National Psychiatric Nursing Congress.
  19. Medik K, Özkan B, Çoban S, Sungur G, Saraç B.Sleep Quality and Affecting Factors in Patients with Chronic Mental Disorders 4-6 June 2009 3rd National Psychiatric Nursing Congress,
  20. Çoban S, Medik K, Ozkan B, Saraç B, Günaydın Y. Life qualities of bipolar patients and their relatives, June 4-6, 2009 3rd National Psychiatric Nursing Congress
  21. Özkan B, Çoban S. Information and Psychiatric Nursing, 12th National Nursing (International Participation), 20-24 October 2009, Sivas.
  22. Çoban S, Özkan B. Özkıyım and Nursing 12. National Nursing (International Participation), 20-24 October 2009, Sivas.
  23. Erdem E, Özkan B, Cicek B. Assessment of the Mental and Nutritional Situations of the Students of Erciyes University. IV. National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, 24-26 June 2010, S: 102, Samsun.
  24. Coban S, Ozkan B. Prevention of Aggression and Violence in Psychiatric Clinics Prevention of Nurses' Education in Patient and Employee Safety. IV. National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, 24-26 June 2010, Q: 158, Samsun.
  25. Özkan B, Çoban S. Psychiatric Patient Safety. IV. National Congress of Psychiatric Nursing, 24-26 June 2010, Q: 160, Samsun.
  26. Other publications
  27. Technical Implementation Skills Learning Guide, Erciyes University Atatürk Health High School Publications No: 1, Geçit Ofset Matbaa, Kayseri, 2003.
  28. Erciyes University ASYO Nursing 3rd Year Integrated Curriculum in Nursing Curriculum Book Kayseri, 2008. (Editor).
  29. Erciyes University School of Health Sciences Nursing 3rd year Integrated Curriculum in Nursing Curriculum Book Kayseri, 2011. (Editor).
  1. National & International Projects

Project name / Project Position / Supporting Organization / Current status of the project
Assertiveness Levels of Nurses. / Researcher / Erciyes University Scientific Research Projects Unit Project Number: SBY-03-21, 2004. / Completed
Development of anger coping skills in cancer patients. / Researcher / Erciyes University Scientific Research Projects Unit Project Number: TSA-08-587, 2008. / Completed
The Effect of Psychoeducation and Telepsychiatric Follow - up on Patient Functioning and Drug Compliance and Family Load, Depression and Emotion Expression in Patients with Schizophrenia and Caregiver. / Researcher / Erciyes University Scientific Research Projects Unit Project Number: TSD-10-3233, 2011. / Completed
Development of Web Based Psychosocial Assessment, Counseling and Follow-up Model for Patients with Breast Cancer / Executive / TUBİTAK 3001
Project No: 213S122 / Completed
Gambia University Capacity Building for Medical and Health Sciences / Researcher / IDB / Continues
MUSA / Consultant / European Union Mobility / Continues
Investigation of the Relationship Between the Likelihood of Suicide and the Causes of Continuing the Life of the Patients in the Psychiatric Clinic / Executive / Yildirim University BAP Postgraduate Support
Project No: 3128 / Continues
Investigation of the relationship between the level of knowledge about diseases of schizophrenia patients followed by the community mental health center and drug compliance and general self-efficacy levels / Executive / Yildirim University BAP Postgraduate Support
Project No: 3123 / Continues
Yıldırım Beyazıt University Nursing Practice Health Assessment Infrastructure Project / Researcher / Yıldırım University BAP Infrastructure Support
Project No: 3006 / Completed
Sleep quality of music therapy in children with cancer, depression in depression and depression in caregivers, effect on family burden / Executive / Yildirim University BAP Postgraduate Support
Project No: 1224 / Completed

11.Conferences, Symposiums, Seminars, Conferences and similar activities which he participated as Speake