Curriculum Planning and Assessment

Curriculum Planning and Assessment


Standard I

Curriculum Planning and Assessment

Element / Description / Evidence
1.A.3 / Rigorous Standard-Based Unit Design
  • Designs units of instruction with measurable outcomes and challenging tasks requiring higher-order thinking skills that enable students to learn the knowledge and skills defined in state standards/local curricula.

1.A.4 / Well Structured Lessons
  • Develops well-structured lessons with challenging, measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping.

1.B.1 / Variety of Assessment Methods
  • Designs and administers a variety of informal and formal methods and assessments, including common interim assessments, to measure each student’s learning, growth, and progress toward achieving state/local standards

1.B.2 / Adjustments to Practice
  • Organizes and analyzes results from a variety of assessments to determine progress toward intended outcomes and uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement appropriatedifferentiated interventions and enhancements for students.

1.C.3 / Sharing Conclusions with Students
  • Based on assessment results, provides descriptive feedback and engages students and families in constructive conversation that focuses on how students can improve their performance.

Highlighted indicators are part of the 6 Essential Elements required by CAP

Meets Standard___Exceeds Standard___




Signatures and dates:

Supervising Practitioner (Mentor)______

Program Supervisor (IC)______



Standard II

Teaching All Students

Element / Reflection / Evidence
2.A.3 / Meeting Diverse Needs
  • Uses appropriate practices, including tiered instruction and scaffolds, to accommodate differences in learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of readiness, including those of students with disabilities and English learners.

2.B.1 / Safe Learning Environment
  • Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and most behaviors that interfere with learning are prevented.

2.C.2 / Maintains Respectful Environment
  • Anticipates and responds appropriately to conflicts or misunderstandings arising from differences in backgrounds, languages,and identities.

2.D.1 / Clear Expectations
  • Clearly communicates and consistently enforces specific standards or student work, effort, and behavior so that most students are able to describe them and take ownership of meeting them. Is able to model this element.

2.D.2 / High Expectations
  • Effectively models and reinforces ways that students can master challenging material through effective effort, rather than having to depend on innate ability.

Highlighted indicators are part of the 6 Essential Element required by CAP

Meets Standard___Exceeds Standard___




Signatures and dates:

Supervising Practitioner (Mentor)______

Program Supervisor (IC)______

Teacher ______


Standard III

Family and Community Engagement

Element / Reflection / Evidence
3.A.1 / Parent/Family Engagement
  • Uses a variety of strategies to support every family to participate actively and appropriately in the classroom and school community

3.B.1 / Learning Expectations
  • Consistently provides parents with clear, user-friendly expectations for student learning and behavior.

3.C.1 / Two-Way Communication
  • Regularly uses two-way communication with families about student performance and learning and responds promptly and carefully to communications from families.

Highlighted indicators are part of the 6 Essential Elements required by CAP

Meets Standard___Exceeds Standard___




Signatures and dates:

Supervising Practitioner (Mentor)______

Program Supervisor (IC)______



Standard IV

Professional Culture

Element / Reflection / Evidence
4.A.1 / Reflective Practice
  • Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning.

4.B.1 / Professional Learning and Growth
  • Consistently seeks out and applies, when appropriate, ideas for improving practice from supervisors, colleagues, professional development activities, and other resources to gain expertise and/or assume different instruction and leadership responsibilities

4.C.1 / Professional Collaboration
  • Consistently and effectively collaborates with colleagues in such work as developing standards-based units, examining student work, analyzing student performance, and planning appropriate intervention.

Highlighted indicators are part of the 6 Essential Elements required by CAP

Meets Standard___Exceeds Standard___




Signatures and dates:

Supervising Practitioner (Mentor)______

Program Supervisor (IC)______
