
Literacy / We will begin the summer term with a unit on the narrative – Climb Not where we will be writing character descriptions and endings. Our non-fiction writing this term will be from our author of the term Bear Grylls. In our poetry unit we will focus on The Jabberwocky. Punctuation and grammar will be taught throughout all of the units. E.R.I.C time takes place each day and covers a range of reading related activities. Spellings will be tested every Friday – please see separate spelling sheet for details. Parental support with the learning of spellings and reading three times a week would, as always, is appreciated.
Numeracy / We will begin the summer term with a SAT revision, where we will revisit key aspects of numeracy. We will also use nets to visualise and build 3D shapes. Using real life problem solving we will cover money, measures and measuring, data handling and using and applying calculations. There will be a mental arithmetic test every week. This will normally take place on a Thursday morning. As always, parental support with tables practice would be appreciated.
Science / Our science unit this term will be based upon the investigation of animals. We shall be describing the process of classifying plants and animals, life cycles and ecosystems. After half term we will look at animal adaptations and local environments.
Topic / In topic this term we will be studying survival at different points throughout history. We will focus on Neolithic and stone age history. The children will be able to sculpt their own stone age monuments and archaeological site. After half term we will look at making outside shelters as well as how and why specific knots have been used. We will also have a day trip to the Outside Classroom in the Woods.
Religious Education / Our focus this term is Hopes and Visions. This unit provides opportunities to consider the significance and impact of key teachings of faith leaders. Together with the ways in which they have shaped believers response to ultimate questions. The children will have the opportunity to learn and discuss bible stories. We will also have the end of year trip to Lincoln cathedral.
Physical Education / This term Scunthorpe United coaches will be delivering Games sessions every Thursday afternoon, weather permitting this will be outdoors so please send outdoor PE kit. Before half term we will be doing bat and ball games on a Friday. After half term we will be doing tennis and athletics. PE kit should be kept in school at all times wherever possible. Jewellery should not be worn for PE so please ensure earrings are removed wherever possible, if your child is unable to remove their own earrings because they have just been pierced please send plasters or tape.
Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education / This term we will be focussing on our school values, thankfulness, friendship, family, compassion and trust. Children will begin their transition activities to KS3. The school buddies are headed by very capable children from Bay unit and meet on a regular basis with Mrs Bell.
French / French will be taught to the children by a specialist French teacher on a Thursday Morning.
Homework / Home Learning Journals will be shared every Friday afternoon but can be handed into the box in Bay Unit at any point throughout the week. Each child will also receive a reading journal - this is an opportunity to show what they have learned or enjoyed about a particular book. Reading journals can also be shared with the class on a Friday but again, can be placed in the homework box at any time. Parental support with reading and the learning of spelling rules and times tables would be appreciated.