Curriculum & Instruction/Elementary Ed Meeting/May 8, 20151
Present: Paul Gathercoal (Chair), Rodney McConnell, Anne Adams, Raymond Dixon, Andrea Chavez, Marcie Gallbreath, Julie Amador, Cassidy Hall, Diane Swenson,Shannon McGowan, Dave Campbell, Sally Machlis, Mary Orr, Royce Kimmons, Robert Ketchum, Melissa McConnell, Diane Swensen, Vanessa Anthony-Stevens, Dan Campbell, Margaret Vaughn, Brant Miller, Susan Kologi, Sally Greene, Sandy Shephard, David Yopp, Janine Darragh, Teresa Million
Sally moved and Anne Adams seconded to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
Royce Kimmons, Susan Kologi, Janice Weesner, Julie Magelky, Syndie Allen, Sandy Shephard, and Sally Greene
Thank you to all for your years of service!
EDCI 433 – has closed with two candidates; under review.
EDCI 322 – is still in advertising.
EDCI 327 -- is still in advertising.
Results are attached to the agenda.
The scores are lower than they’ve been but there are many variables that could cause this.
Special Education is now represented on the spreadsheet.
Cert + M.Ed.
Brant has had several conversations with students and University entities to make sure the process is seamless. Students are being advised to begin with 302 this summer, followed by the rest of the ed core throughout the summer.
Every student is unique.
A dozen or so have shown interest.
Focus Group Results
The results of all the focus groups are attached to the agenda.
Moscow Focus Group Feedback I
Sandy reported on her methodology and results.
Want more time in the schools.
Moscow Focus Group Feedback II
Margaret reported on her methodology and results.
They’re valuing the time in the school and frustrated with Dance.
CdA Focus Group
Diane Swensen conducted this focus group.
Her responses were different than in the past. They want to come to campus more frequently and they don’t want evening classes anymore. They’re having trouble aligning with NIC. Classroom management kept coming up.
Cassidy met with Janine’s students as well as her own.
Good classroom experiences. Students want all instructors to use BbLearn.
EDCI 463 and 453 are too repetitive.
EDCI 302
Ingrid was not available to report.
Secondary and Elementary Survey
The results are attached to the agenda
Overall the comments were fairly positive and very similar to the focus group comments.
Low numbers indicate a good score – this will be changed in the future.
Discussion ensued.
There’s a lot of data and it’s hard to make sense of how to use it well.
The scoring needs to be fixed – high scores = good.
Classroom management is consistently mentioned at all levels and all methods of data collection. We need to be doing more.
Two years ago we offered a classroom management course via EDCI 404. It was well received.
Once Taylor Raney is here, ed core is going to be examined. We may need to add something on classroom management.
EDCI 302 is being examined currently, especially from the perspective of diversity.
In CdA scheduling is an issue that students have expressed to faculty in CdA.
Technology is also an issue – integration, support, up-to-date, etc.
Chromebooks are being used in some classes. The success and enthusiasm was very evident.
Classroom management is difficult to teach outside the classroom, and it also needs to be evaluated and discussed immediately after their experience.
In summation – classroom management needs to be worked on early next academic year so that steps can be taken sooner rather than later. Technology – what we teach them on vs. what they see when they get in the classroom. And we need to look at scheduling options.
Narrow the gap between theory and practice.
Senior Survey
UI Summary, C&I Qualitative, and UI-COEd-C&I Comparison are attached to the agenda.
C&I is broken down into two tabs – positives and negatives.
The one that grabbed some attention was that there was at least one instance of inappropriate contact of a sexual manner. This could have come from instructors outside of C&I, but this is still disturbing.
The data is fairly general.
Summer Technology Workshops for Faculty
Cassidy reported.
The possible topics and dates are attached to the agenda.
The topics are appropriate. The courses will be offered both in May and in August.
DEE will be doing the professional development for BbLearn.
Standards for Clinical educators are attached to the agenda.
The IHE group did a lot of brainstorming on these standards.
UIdaho Mentor and Teacher Candidate Surveys for 2014-15
Sally reported.
The results are attached to the agenda.
Classroom management came up here as well.
It was suggested that teacher candidates be surveyed at the beginning and end of their experience.
Common core also came up as lacking.
-- Secondary and Ed Core were released –
Extended Elementary Meeting
PEP 350
Grace Goc Karp and Philip Scruggs joined.
Students have expressed concerns that there is an imbalance in how much time students are putting in for PEP 350 vs. other block courses and relevant to the number of credits.
On Wednesday, they go all day without any breaks.
Methods courses are 3 credit x 3 courses + 1 credit of practicum (10 cr.) + PEP + EDCI 410.
Could the practicum be restructured so that they get to see all four areas within the practicum?
Use of charter schools was also discussed. They are often happy to come to campus.
The Elementary Program has been the same for many years. It may be time to take on a new configuration. This is a topic for a large conversation that is overdue.
Doing this with the revamping of ed core seems advisable.
Thematic units have been utilized in the past. This can be more work intensive on the faculty.
One block instead of two was mentioned.
These PEP and DAN courses aren’t appropriate with EDCI 201, because they are methods courses. MOSS could provide some good opportunities for PE practicum hours.