Angelo Fanelli


Name: Angelo Fanelli

Address: Department of Management and Human Resources

HEC School of Management, Paris

78351 Jouy-en-Josas CEDEX


Nationality: Italian


Languages: Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (fluent), Spanish (good).


2003 – PhD (Management), Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida (USA). Dissertation: Securities analyst responses to CEO charismatic images: a symbolic perspective. Committee: Henry Tosi (Chair), Amir Erez, Rodney Lacey, James Algina.

2002 – Ph.D. (Dottorato in Direzione Aziendale), Universita’ di Bologna, Italy. Dissertation: Fanelli A., (2002) Carisma del CEO e risultato d'azienda: uno studio multilivello (CEO charisma and firm performance: a multilevel study).

1994 – Graduated summa cum laude (110/110 e lode) in Business Administration, Universita' Bocconi, Milan, Italy (specialization in Organization Studies). Thesis: "The evolution of organisational hybrids: the Prato Case", a study of the Italian textile district of Prato (Tuscany). Chair: Raoul C.D. Nacamulli.

Current affiliations

Assistant Professor, HEC School of Management, Paris

Lecturer, SDA Bocconi Business School, Milan (Italy), Istituto di Economia Aziendale Universita' Bocconi, Milan (ITALY)


Fanelli, A., Misangyi V. (2006), “Bringing Out Charisma: CEO Charisma and External Stakeholders”, Academy of Management Review, vol. 31, n. 4: 1049-1061

Fanelli, A., Grasselli N. (2006), “Defeating the Minotaur: the Construction of CEO Charisma on the US Stock Market”, Organization Studies, 27: 811-832

Tosi H., Misangyi V., Fanelli A., Waldman D., Yammarino F. (2004), "CEO Charisma, Compensation and Firm Performance", Leadership Quarterly.

Hargadon A. & e Fanelli A. (2002), "Action and possibilities: reconciling dual perspectives on knowledge in organizations", Organization Science special issue on knowledge, knowing and organizations, vol. 13, n. 3 (pp.290—302)

Research in progress

Fanelli A., Misangyi V., Tosi H., “In Charisma We Trust. The Effects of CEO Charismatic Visions on Securities Analysts”, 2nd revision, Organization Sciences

Erez A., Mitchell T.R., Jackson C., L. Fanelli A., Dancing to the tempo of their own rosy views: effects of time, context, and individual differences, on different evaluations, 2nd revision, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Fanelli, A., Hamori M., “Rough overturns: the effects of charismatic visions on disruptive CEO turnover”, working paper for submission, Academy of Management

Fanelli A., Misangyi V., Tosi H., “Into Thin Air: the Gifts (and Perils) of Charisma on the Stock Market”, working paper for submission, Harvard Business Review

Fanelli, A., “Immanence and transcendence: the “consumption” of charismatic leadership in the US”, working paper for submission, Organization Studies

Misangyi V., Fanelli A., “Stock Market Reactions to Projections of Charismatic Visions”, working paper for submission, Strategic Management Journal

Misangyi V., Fanelli A., “The Multi-dimensionality of Charisma”, working paper for submission, Academy of Management Review

Research Interests

1.  Executive Leadership and CEO charisma

2.  Language and discourse

3.  Social dynamics of the stock market

4.  Organizational knowledge, learning and innovation

5.  Multilevel theory and analysis (HLM), Thematic content analysis, Discourse Analysis

International conferences and presentations

Fanelli, A., “The best CEO on earth? The scientific research on CEO charisma”, Meet The World at DeBaak, January 12th, 2007, Noorwijk (NL)

Fanelli A., “Research on CEO charisma”, Dec. 21st, 2006, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Fanelli, A., “Immanence and transcendence: the “consumption” of charismatic leadership in the US”, 2005 Academy of Management Meeting, August 5-10, 2005 in Honolulu, Hawaii

Misangyi V., Fanelli A., “Stock Market Reactions to Projections of Charismatic Visions”, Strategic Management Society 25th Annual International Conference, October 23 - 26, 2005 Orlando, FL, USA

Fanelli A., Misangyi V., Tosi H., (2004), “Proven Winners? The Effects of CEO Charisma on Securities Analysts”, presented at the 2004 Academy of Management Conference, Aug. 9-14, New Orleans, winner of the 2004 OMT Best Paper Award

Tosi, H.R., Misangyi, V., Fanelli, A., Waldman, D.A. and Yammarino, F.J. (2002), “CEO charisma, Compensation and Firm Performance”, presented at the 2002 Academy of Management Conference, Aug. 9-14, Denver, CO (Session: The Meaning of Pay Differences)

Fanelli, A. (2002), “A symbolic perspective on executive succession”, presented for the XVIII EGOS Colloquium, sub-theme 9 (The political task of managers), Barcelona, July 4-6

Fanelli A. (2001), "The structuration of an Italian industrial district: a qualitative study", 17th EGOS colloquium, July 5th-7th, Lyon (France)

Fanelli A., Hargadon A. (1999), "Knowledge as a process: a field study of learning and innovation", 15th EGOS colloquium, July 3rd -- 6th, Warwick (UK)

Fanelli A. (1997), “Embeddedness or freedom? Integrating institutional and contingency theory”, 14th EGOS Colloquium, Budapest, July 3rd - 5th 1997

Fanelli A. (1996), “The institutional embeddedness of organizational innovation: comparing Italy and UK”, SASE (Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics) conference, Geneve (CH), July 12th - 14th

Fanelli A., Nacamulli R., Lessem R. (1995), "The institutional embeddedness of organisational innovation: a comparative study in the UK and Italy", 13th EGOS (European Group for Organization Studies) colloquium, Istanbul, July 13th - 15th

Fanelli A., Nacamulli R., Mottura P. (1994), "European-ness and innovation: an institutional approach", Roland Berger Foundation meeting, Munich.

References on business press

Wall Street Journal, 12 sept 2006, More MBA schools find lessons in play; theories are tested through art, cooking, sand-castle building, by Ron Alsop

Enjeux Les Echos, n. 223 01 avr 2006, L‘Entrée des Artistes, p. 76-80

Paroles n. 2, Visions of Leadership avec Angelo Fanelli,

Hec Newsletter 12, April 2006, Organizational behavior: teamwork and leadership combined

Paroles, HEC MBA takes podcast initiative forward and dancing with MBAs 19 dic 2006,

Professional affiliations and editorial responsibilities

2007 – International Teachers Program, IMD Lausanne

2006 – European Entrepreneurship Colloquium on Participant Centered Learning, Harvard Business School, July 2006

2006 – present: ad hoc reviewer, Organization Studies

2004 – present: ad hoc reviewer, Academy of Management Review

2003 – present: editor, Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence (

2002 – present: reviewer, Organization & Management Theory division of the Academy of Management

2000 - present: member of CARMA, Center for the Advancement in Research Methods and Analysis, Virginia Commonwealth University

1999 - present: reviewer, Business Policy and Strategy division of the Academy of Management

1998 - present: member of the International Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (IOBTS)

1998 - 2003: editor, Ticonzero - Emergenze Organizzative, Tecnologiche e Manageriali, a SDA Bocconi electronic Journal (

1995 - present: member of the European Group for Organisation Studies (EGOS)

Teaching experience (English)

Spring 2005-6, HEC School of Management: Organizational Behavior (MBA Core Course )

Fall 2005 – present, HEC School of Management: several executive education short sessions on leadership

Spring 2005, HEC School of Management: Five Steps Towards Leadership (MBA Elective)

Winter 2003-4, HEC School of Management: Organizational Behavior (MBA)

Spring 2003, University of Florida: MAN6721 (Business Policy) (graduate level class)

Fall 2002, University of Florida: MAN6721 (Business Policy) (graduate level class)

Fall 2001, University of Florida: MAN 4723 (Strategic Management) (undergraduate class)

Spring 2001, University of Florida: MAN 3240 (Organizational Behavior and Structures) (undergraduate class)

1997, SDA Bocconi: Between productivity and flexibility: an organizational perspective (executive training program for the Confederation of Danish Industries)

Academic administrative experience

HEC School of Management, Paris,

2004-present: Academic Coordinator, Visions of Leadership

University of Florida

Summer 2002 -- present: MAN3025 (Foundations of Management, large class taught over TV & the web), Class Administrator and Web Administrator.

Italian academic experience


Fanelli A. (ed., 2001), Le organizzazioni che apprendono, ESTE: Milan

Papers on organizational knowledge:

Fanelli A. (2001), "Dinamiche conoscitive ed innovazione: le basi individuali e sociali dell'innovazione nelle imprese", Sviluppo & Organizzazione (184), 45--68

Fanelli A., Hargadon A. (1999), "Mediatori della conoscenza", Sviluppo & Organizzazione (145), 77--92

Fanelli A. (1999), “Innovazione e knowledge management: rondini, formiche e ingorghi stradali”, Economia & Management, 2/1999

Fanelli A. (1999), “La tua organizzazione e' un videotelefono?”, Economia & Management, 4/1999

Fanelli A. (1999), “La conoscenza nelle organizzazioni: dal dualismo alla dualita'”, Economia & Management, 6/1999

Papers on organizational development, new professions, labour and organizational flexibility:

Fanelli A. (1999), “La qualita' totale e' morta? Alla ricerca di un capro espiatorio”, Economia & Management, 1/1999

Fanelli A. (1998), “Potere e selvaggi organizzativi”, Economia & Management, 3/1998

Fanelli A. (1999), “Psicostoria delle risorse umane”, Economia & Management, 1/1998

Fanelli A. (1997), “Il triangolo della flessibilita'“, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, july-august

Fanelli A. (1997), ”Professioni, organizzazioni, istituzioni: l'evoluzione del Credit Manager”, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, jan-feb

Fanelli A. (1996), “Pressati come acciughe”, Sviluppo & Organizzazione n. 155

Papers on organizations and Information and Communication Technologies:

Fanelli A. (1998), “Qualche riflessione sulla posta elettronica”, Economia & Management, n. 5/1998

Fanelli A. (1997), “Le fiabe di Internet”, Economia & Management n. 5/1997

Fanelli A. (1997), "Disordine organizzativo", Economia & Management n. 3/1997

Fanelli A. (1997), "Il mondo di Internet", Economia & Management n. 1/1997

Case studies on the textile industrial district of Prato in Tuscany:

Fanelli A. (1995), “Il caso Prato”, in: Grandori A., L’organizzazione delle attività economiche, Il Mulino

Fanelli A. (1993), "Il caso Prato (A)", in: Nacamulli R.C.D., Capacità Organizzative, ETAS

Fanelli A. (1993), "Il caso Prato (B)", in: Nacamulli R.C.D., Capacità Organizzative, ETAS

Teaching experience

1996 -- 1999, Franco Momigliano Institute for Business History and Culture (ICSIM), Terni (Italy): Organization theory (graduate course)

Winter 1997, Confcooperative (Confederation of Italian Social Coperatives), Florence: Organization theory (3 days executive training program)

Winter 1997, SDA Bocconi: Industrial relations, labor, organizational and wage flexibility (cycle of post graduate lessons)

Winter 1997, SDA Bocconi: Recruiting on the Internet (executive development lecture)

1995 -- 1997 Istituto di Economia Aziendale, Universita' Bocconi: Organizational Behavior (Esperimenti Organizzativi, undergraduate course)

Spring 1996 and spring 1997, SDA Bocconi: Labor, organizational and tchnological flexibility (3 days executive development course)

Spring 1996 and spring 1997, SDA Bocconi, Organization and Personnel (TQM, ISO and organizational change processes, executive development corse)

Winter 1996, SDA Bocconi: The organization and new technologies, internet and email (salesforce development program, Ricoh Italia)

Spring 1995, Istituto di Economia Aziendale, Universita' Bocconi: Organizational design (undergraduate class)

1990--1994 Passwork Perugia (training & consulting firm): Organization theory, TQM and ISO 9000 (300 hours undergraduate training program)

Academic administrative experience

Dec. 1997 – Dec. 2003: Ticonzero, Electronic Journal of organization, technology and management, SDA Bocconi-CRORA. Founder, editor and coordinator. The monthly e-journal, targeted to Italian executives, entrepreneurs and academics, is connected to a mailing list, devoted to the discussion of issues related to organization, technology and management. The project represents the first initiative of SDA Bocconi in the field of electronic publishing and is the most visited area of the SDA Bocconi Website (

1996 - Ricoh e-college, SDA Bocconi (project coordinator and webmaster, first training initiative within SDA involving the web marketed to a client company)

1996 - 1997 Flessibilità del lavoro ed efficienza, SDA Bocconi (executive course, coordinator)

1996 - 1997 Ricoh Agenti, SDA Bocconi (executive course, coordinator)

1996 - 1997 Riello Management and Riello Aziende con vista, SDA Bocconi (Executive course, coordinator)

1997 O&P Internet project, SDA Bocconi (Coordinator)

1996 Internet sub-commission, Università Bocconi (member)

1994 – 2003 Selezione Riviste Organizzazione e Personale, SDA Bocconi and CRORA Bocconi (editor). The project was originally characterised by a review of the main international journals on OT/OB/HRM/OD, periodically sent to a group of more than a hundred Italian managers and researchers. During 1996 a paper supplement was included, and a website followed in 1997


Research experience

Fall/winter 1997, fall/winter 1996, Observatory on labour flexibility in Lombardy, Università Bocconi. Member of the research team and coordinator/moderator of the focus groups. The project, sponsored by Assolombarda (the Confederation of Industrial Enterprises located in Lombardy), led to eight international case studies on labour and organizational flexibility.

Fall/winter 1997, Italian Organizational Scenarios, CRORA Bocconi. Member of the research team. The project, sponsored by Motorola Italia, Telecom Italia and RAI (Italian Public Television) studied the co-evolution of (information and communication) technology and organization in four subsets of Italian firms.

Summer- Fall 1997, ABB labor-management committees, CRORA Bocconi. Member of the research team. The action-research project supported company and union representatives of ABB Italia, in the development of a common framework for the redefinition of the job evaluation scheme.

1997, Human resources in a metropolitan area, Universita' Bocconi. Member of the research team. The research, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, studied the system of professions in the metropolitan area of Milan, and was based on the Delphi technique, focus groups and interviews.

1996, The evolution of the Credit Manager, Italian Association of Credit Managers (ACMI). Scientific coordinator. The project studied the evolution of the role of Credit Managers in Italian firms. Results were presented in Venice (October 4th), at the National Congress of the Association of Credit Managers, and published (Sviluppo & Organizzazione, Jan. - Feb. 1997).

1996, The evolution of Temporary Management, Italian Association of Temporary Managers (ATEMA). Scientific consultant. The project focused on the role of Temporary Managers in Italian firms.

1996, International Projects Operating Manual, SDA Bocconi. Author. The project was aimed to the organizational analysis of the International Project Unit of SDA Bocconi. The resulting report is used internally.

Fall/winter 1664, European Bank Observatory, CRORA Bocconi. Member of the research team.

Consulting Experience

1993 - 1994 Job analysis, PassWork Perugia (Junior consultant)

1992 - 1994 Quality circles, PassWork Perugia (Moderator)


Henry Tosi,

Mc Griff Professor of Management

Warrington College of Business Administration

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL 32601

352.392.6147 |

Andrew Hargadon

Graduate School of Business

University of California, Davis

Davis, CA 95616

530.752.2277 |

Amir Erez

Assistant Professor of Management

Warrington College of Business Administration

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL 32601

352.392.0163 |