Current Workflow Processes

Pre Visit

Appointment Reminders.
System generated reminders
Are forms sent to the patient to complete prior to the appointment?
Do not do reminders
What do you do to prepare for the next day’s appointments?
How are same-day appointments handled?
How are walk-in patients handled?
When the chart is pulled do you check for outstanding labs, missing consults, etc.?
What do you do if something is missing?
Patient Visit
How are no-shows processed?
When are the files put away?
Is a call made to the patient?
Is it documented in the file?
What is your check-in process once the patient arrives?
Valid id and insurance cards are manually updated
Valid id and insurance card is scanned
Valid id and insurance card is manually entered
Papers the patient must sign
Do you add forms to the chart before putting handing over to a clinical staff member?
What forms do new patients complete?
How are they entered into the medical record?
Medical history
What do you do with papers the patient brings in/forms the patient signs?
How do you let the physician know the patient is ready to be seen?

Patient Visit: MA

Visits begin with
Review medications
Other (e.g., foot exam, UA, strep screen, procedure set up)
Where is this information documents?
How does the MA notify the MD the patient is prepped and next to be seen?
Chart in door
When patient is ready to be seen, is there any other communication between the MA and the MD? If so, what is communicated?
Sticky note on the chart
Visit: MD Exam
What is the process when a patient has to leave the room for lab, x-ray, etc. and then return to their room?
What does the MD document during the office visit?
What type of information is documented after the office visit?