Under which of the following conditions do you qualify for assistance
(please tick any that apply)
  • Current resident or former resident of Taunton Deane 
  • Current or past pupil of a state maintained school, academy or a
further educational college within Taunton Deane 
  • Attend another school but live within Taunton Deane 
Name of Applicant
Telephone :
Mobile :
Email :
Age (11 – 24 years)
Date of Birth
Schools Attended (from age 11 years onwards)
Present Education or Employment (where appropriate)
Have you received any previous funding from our foundation?
If yes, please give details
Current project or purpose for which financial assistance is being sought
Briefly describe the project further
What benefit do you hope to gain from this project and why is it important to you?
Why are you in need of financial assistance?
Total cost of projectMUST include full breakdown of costs, if books are needed full book list and price list is required - £250 maximum amount for books
Sum you are able to provide from your own resources
Amount of grant applied for
Have you applied for assistance from other organisations?
If yes, name the organisations and list amounts of funding received
If your application is successful, we will contact the recipient for bank details or details for whom the cheque should be made payable NB wherever possible payment is made by BACS transfer and not to individuals
Use this space to provide any additional information you feel is relevant in support of your application (please continue on another page if necessary)
Signature Date
Application form must be endorsed with Sponsor information
Name of Sponsor
You must contact your sponsor to provide a supporting letter or email to accompany your application, this will need to be forwarded with your application form or emailed direct to and upon receipt will be linked to your application.
Please ensure that you meet all relevant criteria for eligibility before submitting your application form. Scanned signatures are accepted.
Please email completed form with any supporting evidence to Or post to:
Bishop Fox’s Educational Foundation
c/o Community Council for Somerset
Victoria House
Victoria Street
Application forms are considered by the board a fortnight after the deadline date and you will be notified of the outcome shortly after the trustees have met.
Incomplete Application forms will be declined upon receipt.
Bishop Fox’s Educational Foundation is administered by
The Community Council for Somerset

The Community Council for Somerset is a Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered in England & Wales No. 3541219, and is a Registered Charity No. 1069260