Regular School Board Meeting Minutes

February 1, 2012, at 4:00 p.m.



Kim McElheran called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present --- Kim McElheran, Ruby Walker, Will Beedle, Gretchen Halbach, Steve McCullough, Brett Simpson, Terrie Morrison, Amelia Volluz, Cherie Exner, Adam Yoshioka and Debbie Wilbur. Brad Miller came at 4:11.



Add: Business; Healthy Youth Survey

Extra Curricular Contracts


Public Comments and Positive Happenings:

Drama is going well, the play “Clue” will be starting soon. Boys and Girls basketball is over for the season. We have 9 students in contract studies.

Steve highlighted a few ideas on the School Board responsibilities and liabilities review. The WSDDA website has a set of guidelines for members.

Brad Miller took over the meeting at 4:15


Ruby Walker moved to approve the minutes of January 4, 2012. Gretchen Halbach seconded the motion, motion passed.


CONSENT AGENDA Gretchen Halbach moved to approve items on the consent agenda. Will Beedle seconded the motion, motion passed.

Items on the consent agenda:

Resignation: Kamin Volluz, head girls volleyball coach

Accounts Payable:

Warrants: 101486 - 101551 General Fund: $ 53,153.82

ASB: $ 4,611.31

Payroll: AP payroll warrants: 101556-101580 $168,387.50

Payroll warrants: 101552-101555 $ 886.87

Planning and Discussion

Legislative Report: Gretchen Halbach gave the Legislative report.

New Discussion Items:

School Board Protocol: Review protocol once a year, make any adjustments or changes. Kim McElheran moved to accept School Board Protocol as is. Ruby Walker seconded the motion, motion passed.

Old Discussion Items:

School Board Communication with Constituents: Steve is still working on better ways for the school board to communicate with constituents.

Urgent Repair grant: Still working on all of the requirements for the bid process.



School Board Liaison: Amelia; Talking with other students to get them involved with ASB. Amelia and Janae are looking for new board liaisons for next year.

Brett Simpson: Math bench mark assessments, testing in November, February and at the end of the school year. ESD was here to help access and utilize the data from the testing. Drama’s play “Clue” coming up February 3, 4 & 11 at 7:00 and the 12 at 5:00. Math is cool 6th grade, 7 students to Spokane for the competition. Panorama Music Festival March 16, Steward Mobley will be there. On February 22 student’s grades 6-12 will be going to Spokane to visit colleges. We will be taking 3 buses.

Special Education Report: Debbie Wilbur talked to the board about Special Ed. She has 30 students with 3 in process and what is needed for a referral for a student to be in Special Education.


Steve McCullough: School board training February 29th, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Omak. Food Services had a CRE Review from OSPI, all performance standards were met. Randy Dorn put out a new Quality Counts report on education. Washington state ranked 38th in the nation, based on an overall score from six categories. Inadequate funding accounts for most of the grade. DiAnne Lundgren, school nurse, collected data on K-5th graders on their weights, 82% of the students graphed out at a healthy weight.

Staff received 3 calendar proposals for the next school year. Steve will be bringing feedback from the staff to the board at the next meeting. We are still having boiler issues; the system is not running correctly. DIVCO and Quantum are working to find a solution for the problem.

Financial Report

Cash reserve: $482,017.32 (December)

FTE: 200.95 (January)


Senior Class Field Trip: The senior class would like to go to Depoe Bay, Oregon. Gretchen Halbach moved to approve the trip. Kim McElheran seconded the motion, motion passed.

Extra Curricular Contracts: Spring sports contracts;

Charlie Groth – Head softball coach

Vivian Byrd – Assistant softball coach

Dave DeVoe – Head baseball coach

Duane Simpson – Track coach

Kerri Miller – Assistant track coach

Gretchen Halbach moved to approve all spring sports contracts. Ruby Walker seconded the motion, motion passed.

Healthy Youth Survey: Tabled for more review


Review: 5011- Sexual Harassment

2nd reading policy: 3417 – Catheterization

Gretchen Halbach moved to approve the above policy. Will Beedle seconded the motion, motion passed.


15 minutes at 5:30 p.m. for closed session to review the Superintendent’s contract.

Back from closed session at 5:45 p.m.


Superintendent’s contract: Kim McElheran moved to renew Superintendent Steve McCullough’s contract for 2012/2015. Ruby Walker seconded the motion, motion passed.


Adjourn at 5:50 p.m.


Board Chairman Date


Board Secretary Date