Choose whom you are comfortable with, as they’ll be reading your piece, many of which are highly personal.
FIRST, number the paragraphs of the paper you’re reading from 1-to-however many there are. That way you can give specific feedback about the paragraphs (“I think you should move paragraph 7 upfront…” or “In paragraph 3 you mention this, but I wanted more…”).
SECONDLY, sure you’re going to read for spelling, grammar and all that stuff. Edit away. We all want all the help we can get in regards to traditional editing.
THIRDLY, note if the writer says something like, “Research suggests” or “Research says” without giving an actual citation. You can’t use “Research says” in a formal research paper. You must cite specifically research that backs up what you’re saying. So if you see that, circle it and say “Citation!”
YOUR GOAL: Have 3 people read your piece (let’s call this Draft #1) and fill out the accompanying Peer Review Guide. Use this feedback to bump your paper up a notch when you make your next draft (let’s call this Draft #2). AFTER you write Draft #2, email it to at least TWO colleagues and have them fill out the Peer Review Guide one more time. These colleagues can be IN STAR or OUT of STAR. Your choice. Then you can write your final draft (let’s call it Draft #3). That will be the piece you hand in to me as your final paper.
Please make sure that you check off each one of these items and hand this Checklist in with your packet of writing. Include the following pieces in your final package that you hand in to Jeff:
_____My initial 3 paragraphs (whether I used one of those as my
focus or not).
_____My Draft #1
_____3 STAR Peer Review Forms that are about my Draft #1
_____My Draft #2
_____2 Peer Review Forms that are about my Draft #2 (these
can be from anyone, but choose wisely someone who
will give you critical feedback that will move your paper
_____My Draft #3, which is my final draft.
As you read this wonderful story, please consider and give feedback in the following ways. Check off each item as you accomplish it.
_____Write at least THREE dig-deeper questions on the paper. Dig-deeper questions
are where you wish the writerwould give you more. More story. More
information. More suggestions for how to answer the need that thepaper is
about in the first place.
_____Find TWO places where you want more specific detail. Is there a piece of the
narrative that was so compelling to you and you wished you could read more
about thestory?
_____Write down at least FIVE loving affirmations in themargins of the paper. There
has got to be things thatreally moved you emotionally. Let the write know
where they are hitting the mark! We all want somelove!
_____Does it feel it feel like a sentence or a paragraph is inthe wrong place and that it
needs to be moved to makethe paper flow better? If so, let them know. If
not, thenmove on folks!
_____As you read, do you have ONE suggestion for the directionof the paper? Tell
_____Are there any resources/citations/websites you can suggest or provide? We
need theory to go with our narratives! Hey, you have your phone right there
withInternet access, so pull it out and give us book titles,authors, and
specific websites!
_____Is the conclusion enough for you or does it need more thought? When you read
this piece, what is the ending/conclusion you hoped to see? Give specific
Hey! Gosh, thanks for giving me such great feedback! My horrible professor is actually asking that you sign this paper (he is a mess!) so that I have proof that different sets of eyes have helped me increase the rigor of my already gorgeous and powerful narrative. Please print your name and sign below. It’ll get him off my back.