MAY 10, 2016

The Cummings Township Board of Supervisors held a monthly meeting onMay 10, 2016, at7:00 p.m. at the Cummings Township Municipal Building, with John Gasperine, Thomas Thompsonand James Mitcheltree present.

Also in attendance: Zoning Officer William Wolfe, Brant Hartung, Dennis Norman, P.E., of Norman Engineered Designs and Bob Sheets

Public Participation:

Brant Hartung

Resident Brant Hartung said that after speaking with Zoning Officer Wolfe he has decided to remove the camper from his property and will continue to work on cleaning up his property.

Zoning Officer Wolfe clarified that he did not request that Mr. Hartung remove the camper from his property and had only inquired as to what the plans were for the camper.

Mr. Hartung also indicated that the March minutes were incorrect in that the Variance was required for the two chicken coops on his property but was not required for the storage shed, also noting the size of the shed was incorrect as it is 10 x 18 ft. rather than 10 x 10 ft.

It was the consensus of the Board that Mr. Hartung’s corrections to the March minutes be noted in the May meeting minutes as the March Minutes have already been approved.

Bob Sheets – Waterville Fire Company

Bob Sheets requested the Supervisors follow up with Comcast on obtaining internet service at the fire hall.

Bob Sheets also reported that the Fire Company would like to install a lighted (LED) sign in front of the fire hall building to announce fire company functions and for community messages. According to Mr. Sheets, the Zoning Ordinance prohibits lighted signs in a rural setting and the Fire Company plans to apply for a Variance for the sign.

The Fire Company is not requesting financial support toward the purchase of the sign but requested the Supervisors provide a letter in support of the sign to present to the County Zoning Hearing Board at the time of the hearing.

A discussion was held with no action being taken by the Board.

Fire Company Grant Award

Supervisor Thompson said he received an email from the State Legislator’s Office regarding grants that have been awarded and noted that the Waterville Fire Company received grant funds from the State for the water rescue equipment and questioned whether the Cammal Fire Company had submitted a grant application as they were not listed as a grant recipient.

Bob Sheets stated that due to problems within the Cammal Fire Company, the Fire Company did not submit a grant application.

Dennis Norman, P.E. of Norman Engineered Designs – Bridge Culvert Replacement

Dennis Norman, P.E. requested information from the Board of Supervisors in order to complete the grant application for the bridge culvert replacement on Dam Run Road for submission to the Lycoming County Soil & Conservation District, stating the grant application is due on May 27, 2016.

Mr. Norman said the Supervisors must list an ESM certified person for the project who will also be the contact personand be required to be on site during the project.

The Board of Supervisors appointedESM Certified Township Employee Rick Bierlyas the contact person for the project.

Mr. Norman also requested the Board of Supervisors determine a project start date and proposed completion date, noting since there is a native wild trout stream involvedwork cannot be performed from October 1st through December 31st.

At Mr. Norman’s suggestion, the Supervisors agreed to useApril 1stas the project start date and project completion date of September 30th.

Supervisor Thompson made a motion authorizing Roadmaster Jim Mitcheltree to apply for the grant through the Soil & Conservation Districtand sign all documentation on behalf of the Township that may be required for the project; seconded by Supervisor Gasperine, MCU.

Dennis Norman, P.E. explained that a 12 ft. wide opening is required and an open bottom corrugated aluminum culvert will be used for this project.

He will be hiring an engineering firm to assist with preparing the engineering specs and estimated the total cost of the project at between $80,000 and $90,000. The grant allows 10% for engineering fees which may not be sufficient as the project will be contracted out which requires the completion of a bid packet and there will be a lot of administrative work and on-site inspections will also be required.

Board’s Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Chairman Gasperineasked for questions or comments on the minutes from theApril 12, 2016 meeting, there being none, Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

Treasurer’s Report:

Supervisor Thompson made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the period of April 12, 2016 through May 10, 2016, as presented; seconded by Supervisor Mitcheltree, MCU.

Zoning Officer’s Report:

Zoning Officer Wolfe reported five zoning permits were issued since the date of the last meeting:

1. Walter Braddock – 6 mos. seasonal camper placement at Ramsey Drive

2. Cathy Nestor – 6 mos. seasonal camper placement at 1076 Rt. 414

3. Ronald Guenot - 6 mos. seasonal Camper placement at Old Ramsey Barn Road

4. Earl Beam – 6 mos. seasonal Camper placement at 311 Ramsey Drive

5. Charles Rodgers – 6 mos. seasonal camper placement at 352 Genesee Drive

Zoning Officer Wolfe presented an invoice from Sewage Enforcement Officer Jami Nolan for the final inspection for repairs of the sewage tank made at McConnell’s Store.

Zoning Officer Wolfe also reported that a Zoning Hearing has been scheduled for May 11, 2016 at the County Zoning Office for the Special Exception Application made by Doug Packer to allow chickens in the Rural Center Zoning District and a Variance regarding setback requirements.

Roadmaster’s Report

Roadmaster Jim Mitcheltree reported that the Township employees have finished cleaning out the ditches on Dam Run Road.

Roadmaster Mitcheltree also reported Municipal Services Representative Barry Garverick looked at the areas where the Township is losingthe edge of Dam Run Road and suggested that the Township dig it back three to four feet, fill it in with stone, and tamp it to stop the bank erosion.

Roadmaster Mitcheltree said the section of Dam Run Road that employees have completed looks good and there are two additional areas of the road where this needs done, one is the area above Pappy’s Curve and the other is up toward the top of Dam Run Road.

According to Roadmaster Mitcheltree, when employees complete this work on Dam Run Road, they will begin the Dirt & Gravel Road Projects.

Supervisor Mitcheltree also reported that Township Employee Rick Bierly suggested the Township look into purchasing a new stone rake because the tires on the Township’s stone rake are “shot” and it is difficult to lift it and put it back down and the teeth need replaced.

While at the PSATS conference Supervisor Mitcheltree looked at a stone rake that was on sale for $5,200 and the cost for a two foot extension was $583; but he is not sure the Township needs to purchase a new stone rake, stating the cost to replace the teeth on the stone rake would be $14.00 each and he does not believe the stone rake is used very often.

Old Business:

Cummings Township Playground

The contractor has installed the framework for the poured concrete curbing at the Cummings Township Playground and the installation of the three pieces of apparatus are almost complete.

The poured surface cannot be installed in wet weather so completion of the project is contingent on the weather.

Bureau of Forestry Property

Supervisor Mitcheltree reported that the contract has been awarded for the demolition of the house on the Bureau of Forestry property and they have agreed not to demolish the garage building on the property.

New Business:

Resolution 05-10-2016

The Supervisors reviewed Resolution 05-10-2016 reaffirming that the Township desires to continue as a member of the Lycoming County Zoning Partnership. The Resolution is required due to the FEMA floodplain mapping update and DCED has mandated that all partner municipalities must pass a resolution by June 2nd or risk sanctions, including suspension from the National Flood Insurance Program.

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 05-10-2016 reaffirming that the Township desires to continue as a member of the Lycoming County Partnership; seconded by Supervisor Thompson; MCU.

Resolution 05-10-2016-1

The Township has been approached by Oakridge Lumber, LLC to bond a portion of Dam Run Road and the $100 road usage permit fee has been received by the Township. The portion of the road to be bonded has been measured by the Roadmaster and the Township Solicitor is in the process of preparing the Resolution authorizing the execution of the Road Use Agreement.

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to adopt Resolution 05-10-2016-1 to approve and authorize the execution of a Road Use Agreement for a portion of Dam Run Road between Cummings Township and Oakridge Lumber, LLC and further authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute the documents required on behalf of Cummings Township; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.


SupervisorMitcheltree made a motion to approve the invoices as presented; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

There being no further business, Supervisor Mitcheltreemade a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Supervisor Gasperine, MCU.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Darlene S. Macklem,
