Cumbria Third Sector NetworkRepresentative on Cumbria Public Health Alliance

Role Information

Terms of Reference for the Third Sector Network and Executive

Purpose / To advance the interests of Cumbria’s Third Sector
Aims /
  • To be the representative body for Cumbria’s Third Sector
  • To influence policy and planning
  • To promote dialogue within and beyond the Third Sector

Membership / Membership of Cumbria Third Sector Network is by membership of one (or more) of its Specialist Networks.
The networks that make up Cumbria Third Sector network must meet minimum standards.
Decisions regarding which specialist networks form part of the Third Sector network will be made by the Third Sector Executive.
Management / Each SpecialistNetwork will select a member(s) to serve on the Third Sector Executive.
A Third Sector Network Chair will be appointed following external advertisement, and will chair network meetings and the Third Sector Executive.
The Third Sector Executive will determine the topics of Third Sector Network meetings.
Resources / Costs of time and expenses of attending Third Sector Network events will not be met by the Network.
Support to the Network and Executive will be provided by Cumbria CVS.
Meeting cycle and quorum / The Third Sector Executive will meet a minimum of three times a year, at times appropriate to the selected topics plus a planning date.
There will be no quorum for the meetings.
Governance / The network will not be a legally incorporated body.
Review process / These Terms of Reference will be reviewed after 12 months and then every two years.

Purpose of the Cumbria Public Health Alliance

To develop and deliver a strategic framework to address the key “upstream” lifestyle and other public health and wellbeing issues and to focus on tackling wider social determinants of health. The Alliance is not designed to commit the resources of individual organisations but will identify the opportunities that exist from working in a different way and how organisations can take these forward.

The Alliance is designed to provide coordination to the 6 Locality Health and Wellbeing Forums which are central to delivering on the prevention agenda and ensuring that local priorities are influencing the agreed Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Membership on the Committee:

•Allerdale Borough Council

•Barrow Borough Council

•Carlisle City Council

•Copeland Borough Council

•Eden District Council

•South Lakeland District Council

•Director of Public Health, Cumbria County Council

•Cumbria County Council Cabinet Member for Public Health and Community Services (vice chair)

•NHS North Cumbria CCG

•Morecambe Bay Clinical Commissioning Group

•Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner

•Elected representatives from Cumbria Third Sector Executive

•Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC)

•Public Health England

The PHA should also consider the inclusion of specialist input for specific meetings or agreed periods (e.g. GPs, Housing and Environmental Professionals.

It is understood that District Council representatives will have a detailed understanding of the work of their respective local forum.

Each organisation will nominate a substitute to the PHA. Where the organisation is a District Council the substitute should be from the respective local forum.

Frequency of meetings

The Alliance will meet quarterly in advance of Cumbria Health and Wellbeing Board meetings.

Key responsibilities of Cumbria Public Health Alliance

•To provide a structure for strategic local planning and accountability of health and wellbeing related services across a range of sectors and providers.

•Using the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) and the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, to ensure local implementation takes place in line with locally identified priorities.

•To work with localities to formulate and ensure the delivery Local Health and Wellbeing priorities.

•To advise and provide challenge to the Board, principally on the wider determinants agenda ensuring that the Board has a balanced system wide approach between service provision and prevention.

•To support and encourage strong partnership working between local organisations in the six localities in Cumbria involved in health and wellbeing.

•To improve the transparency and accountability to local people of services, organisations and decision making connected to health and wellbeing.

Person Specification

Applies to all “strategic” representatives of Cumbria’s third sector/Third Sector Executive Members

Experience required
At least 2 years of experience working (paid or unpaid) in a senior & strategic position in the third sector.
At least 2 years of experience of partnership working.
Skills and attitudes required
Demonstrable experience of representation and lobbying, or willingness to undertake training.
Commitment to the successful operation and development of Cumbria Third Sector Network.
Commitment to operate in an open and accountable manner, and feedback effectively to specialist networks/wider third sector.
Commitment to attend relevant meetings.
Respect for views that differ from or conflict with personal viewpoint.
Ability to gather, understand and represent the views of organisations within a specialist network, and offer a perspective on behalf of that group.
Ability to balance the views of a specialist network against the needs of the wider third sector in Cumbria.
Ability to work with a wide range of organisations and individuals from community groups to strategic partnerships.
Ability to prioritise conflicting demands and requirements and to meet tight deadlines and timescales.
A commitment to personal development.
Knowledge required
An understanding of national, regional and local policies relevant to the representative role.
A good knowledge of the third sector in Cumbria, particularly around public health and community development.

Role Description

To represent the views of the Cumbria Third Sector Network and the Executive on the Public Health Alliance.
Key tasks
  • Attend meeting of the Cumbria Public Health Alliance.
  • Attend meetings of Cumbria Third Sector Executive.
  • Gather the views of third sector organisations from relevant specialist networks and represent those views at the Cumbria Public Health Alliance.
  • Feedback information and decisions to third sector organisations from the Cumbria Public Health Alliance through attendance at the Third Sector Executive meetings and written updates (for circulation around the specialist networks).
  • Promote Cumbria Third Sector Network and its specialist networks as the key mechanism for involving Cumbria’s third sector.
  • Undertake training as appropriate.

Other details

•Travel expenses for attendance at the meetings will be covered by Cumbria County Council.

The process

If you are interested, please complete the application form below and forward either by email to Friday 9 June 2017.

If we have more than one nomination, the Cumbria Third Sector Network members (through the specialist networks) will be asked to elect a representative.