Cumbernauld AAC Grievance Procedure

  • IfCumbernauld AAC receives a complaint or grievance concerning a member (athlete, coach or member of the committee) it must be set out in writing and sent, or a copy of it, to the Chairperson of Cumbernauld AAC.
  • Where a junior member (Under 18 years) has a grievance or concern, they should raise it with one of Cumbernauld AAC’s Welfare Officers to take forward to Cumbernauld AAC’s Committee.
  • Cumbernauld AAC’s Committee will appoint an impartial member (“IM”) from its Management Committee and two other members of the committee or coaches forum that have no connection with the grievance.
  • The (“IM”) will invite the memberto attend a meeting to discuss the grievance. The membermay be assisted at such a meeting either by a colleague, a fellow member or a parent.
  • The meeting must not take place unless the memberhas had a reasonable opportunity to consider his response to the complaint/grievance.
  • The membermust take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting. If the member does not attend the meeting then the IM may consider the grievance in his absence, adjourn the hearing or take such other action as he deems necessary.
  • After the meeting, the IM will inform the member of his decision concerning the complaint/grievance and his decision is final.
  • Appeals against the decision must be made to the Chairperson of Cumbernauld AAC who will appoint a member of the Management Committee who has had no previous involvement in the decision, to hear the appeal.

Cumbernauld AAC DRAFT Junior Inappropriate Behaviour Procedure (13/10/16)

If a member of the junior section acts in an inappropriate manner as per the athletes code of conducts the following procedure will be instigated: -

  • Athletes will be spoken to by the coach or lead coach from his or her group.
  • Should the inappropriate behaviour continue / re-occur athletes will then be spoken to by the lead coach and head coach; parents will be informed at this time, Welfare Officers will be notified.

Continued inappropriate behaviour, Welfare Officers informed: -

  • Athlete given a GREEN LETTER - Green letter informs the parent/ carer of the athlete’s poor/ inappropriate behaviour.
  • Then an AMBER LETTER - Amber informs the parent/ carer that the athlete must take a 4 week ‘time out’ period.
  • Athletes given a final RED LETTER- Red informs the parent/ carer that the young person can no longer attend the club due to continued behaviour problems.
  1. All letters will be issued by the Welfare Officers after discussion between the Welfare Officers and the coaches’ forum.
  2. No one coach can issue a letter to an athlete.
  3. The Welfare Officers will keep a log of all inappropriate behaviour resulting in parents being informed or letters being issued.
  • Appeals against this decision must be made by means of the Cumbernau;d AAC Grievance Procedure.
