Culworth Parish Council AGM and General Meeting 9th May 2017 at 7pm


You are requested to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 7.00pm in Culworth Village Hall. If you are unable to attend please inform the Clerk on 01295 760571or

Members of the public and Councillors are advised that under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, members of the public are permitted to photograph, film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being disrupted.

2nd May 2017Josephine Rowling

Clerk to Parish Council


  1. Present
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Members of public present
  4. Elections
  5. Election of Chairman
  6. Election of Vice Chairman
  7. Responsible Financial officer The Clerk as part of role
  8. Internal Controller- bimonthly check of accounts currently Cllr Leadbeater
  9. Internal Auditor currently Mr C. R. Winter( volunteer)
  10. Signatories to account currently Councillor Rolt Leadbeater and Mumford
  11. Planning applications and large documents- subcommittee Cllr Lamb and Koster
  12. Burial ground and Berry Hill Close subcommittee currently Cllr Mumford and the Clerk. Confirm charges.
  13. Finance subcommittee Chairman Vice Chairman and the Clerk. Meet annually in November Currently Cllr Rolt Mumford and the Clerk
  14. Cricket Field Subcommittee members Councillor Rolt, Mrs. S. Trott, Member of Cricket Club, Mr Ed Guinness as member of village and the Clerk.
  15. Village Hall representative currently Cllr Koster
  16. School liaison currently Cllr Guinness
  17. Tree warden voluntary post –Cllr Leadbeater- doesn’t need to be a Parish Councillor
  18. Footpaths and bridleways - voluntary post. Doesn’t need to be a Parish Councillor
  19. Newsletter Mrs Jennifer Howse
  20. Website Mrs Susan Sanderson
  21. Meetings for 2017- bi monthly on second Tuesday at 7pm
  22. Equality statement circulated to all householders in next newsletter and on website
  23. Financial regulations for review from NCALC
  24. Confirmation of adoption of Code of Conduct 12.2 and Code of Conduct
  25. Standing Orders see above

General Meeting following AGM on 9h May 2017

  1. Open meeting. Residents can raise any issue with prior request to Clerk
  2. Members of public present.
  3. To confirm minutes of 14th March and brief planning meeting on April13th meeting.
  4. Matters arising not separately covered.
  5. Cricket field. Cllr Rolt and Koster to report
  6. Highway maintenance Hedge by Fulford House now well trimmed back.Pothole in Banbury Lane by garage getting bigger. Highways indicated that road would be closed to carry out all 22 repairs. Date passed with no action.’No parking notice’ erected in layby opposite Butchers shop with effect to date. Cllr Koster on result of contact with Helen Howard NCC concerning residents thinking they have right to park outside their house.
  7. 20mph speed limit Cllr Koster Information from NCC Highways
  8. Transparency Code and its implications for this Parish Cllr Lamb
  9. Annual Parish Assembly April 25th Report Cllr Rolt
  10. Recreation Field/Football Field Cllr Mumford
  11. SNC Design Guide Consultation April 10th April to 8th May
  12. Updated maps of village with house names produced by SNC on noticeboard and for next newsletter.
  14. Report from Internal Auditor Cllr Leadbeater
  15. Approval of accounts
  16. External Audit due 5th June 2017. Form to be completed

a) 21 April SNC first half of precept £9200

  1. PAYMENTS not minuted

a) 22/4/2016 Tower Mint Co Coins for Children £206.50 + £41.30 = £247.80 (000875)DM/BL

b) 17/1/2017 Shaw and co Account book £59 ,Delivery £4.95,VAT £12.79 =£76.74(DM/BL)

c) Corrected minutes of cheques

27/6/2017 Complete weed control total £378 (000885)DM/BL

Texprep £110.19(000886)DM/BL

4/12/2016 Texprep £134.42(000923) BL/DM

d) 3/4/2017 Aylesbury Mains Ltd Light 22 replace with 24 libra,Light near Forge- replace u/s pole and replace with 24 libra £751+£150.20 VAT=£901.209DM/BL)

e) Texprep Newsletters £115.40,Photocopying £3.17,VAT 0.63p =£119.20(000944)DM/BL

f) NCALC Annual subscription £255.75(000945) BL/DM

g) G.Taylor Mow green March £70(000946) DM/BL

h) Mrs S. O Sullivan Website April £12.99+£2.60=£15.59(000947)DM/BL

i) EON Unmetered supply 01/01/2017-31/03/2017=£237.21(000948)DM/BL

j) JEMumford Mowing March Football field £50,Burial Ground £59 Total £109(000949)BL/DM

k) To pay Texprep Services Maps and Design Guide£39.98+VAT £7.99=£47.97

  1. Current account
  2. Deposit account
  2. SNC Applications
  3. S/2017/1041/FUL Conversion of barn and byre into two holiday cottages Barn and Byre East of Banbury Lane Park Farm Culworth OX17 2HW
  4. SNC decisions
  5. Correspondence emailed from SNC
  6. Any other business for July 11th meeting
  7. Meeting closed