April 2015

Sue Lawrence

Culworth CE Primary School

Headteachers Report

Spring Term 2015 to start of Summer Term 2015

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff and Governors for their hard work and support during the last term.


Culworth = Pupil Numbers

The number of pupils on roll in April is as follows-

Year 1—26
Year 2—14
Year 4—25
Year 5—16

TOTAL – 140

Boddington = Pupil Numbers

The number of pupils on roll in April is as follows-

Year 1--8
Year 2--12
Year 3--8
Year 4--5
Year 5--6
Year 6---8

TOTAL – 58

Reception Intake September 2014

We have been allocated 18 children at Culworth. Although this number keeps changing! We have been allocated 7 children at Boddington. We have written to the parents inviting them into school and wait to see if they all accept their offers. We may have some more after the May, June and July late applications are looked at.


Foundation Stage

Mrs Bootman and Mrs Wharton went on training and looked at the new assessment for Foundation Stage. We are being moderated at both schools by the LEA along with other schools in the Academy and Cluster.


Culworth’s value was Happiness and is now Honesty

Boddington’s value is Caring linked to Relationships and change


Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Darley are continuing to work with the Cluster as a science group of Coordinators.

Creative Curriculum

In the Spring Term the topic was ‘Out of Africa ‘and this Summer Term the Topic is ‘Sail Away’


Sandra Prewer and Ginny Bootman have researched schemes and resources for the New Curriculum and have decided ‘BUG Club’ is the best so we have purchased that for both schools with staff having training on this.


We have signed up for Mathsathletics for both schools again this year. All staff continued training together on the 4 rules with Fiona Goddard. We have also had training on the ‘New Abacus’ and ‘Big Maths’. Maths moderation within the academy looked at development marking and both schools were used as exemplars’. Maths coordinators have also been meeting to look at the Year 6/7 transition at Chenderit.


We have brought new laptops for both schools so that we have Lap tops out in each class as well as our bank of lap tops. All staff have had training on ‘Scratch’

Eppi training

Both Schools have had Eppi pen training to use for children with allergies

PE course

Sally, Diane, Hazel and Ginny have attended a 2 day course on Real PE. All staff have the opportunity to attend PE training at Chenderit.

French Training

Staff have attended updated French training at Bugbrooke Primary school.


We have a new Diocesan Consultant who visited us to look at our Bespoke Project.

We also looked at our actions from the RE Inspection.


Ø  Give regular opportunities for pupils to plan and lead more acts of collective worship (CW) in school and in church-RE coordinator working on this

Ø  Develop the use of technology to further enhance the impact of displays to engage the pupils’ spiritual, moral social and cultural (SMSC) development-bespoke project


Ø  Fully embed systems for continual review and development of the school’s distinctiveness and effectiveness as a church school, including worship: subject to proposed Bespoke Project

Ø  Governors to access training to increase their understanding and confidence in their role of monitoring and evaluating the school’s work as a church school: Addressed as part of cluster initiative by diocese

Ø  Pupils to be involved in the planning and take a more active role in the implementation of worship: Children helping plan and lead Celebration Assemblies each term.

Training Day

We used our April training day for training for Support Staff and Teachers on ‘Big Maths’.

School Improvement Consultant Visits

Mary Tulley our SIC (at both schools) visited each school and the Curriculum Committee joined us. I have sent out her reports to you all.

Peter Nicholls

Our Consultant has joined the Governors for a mid-term review on Performance management.

Frances Le Pla

Our trained OFSTED Inspector who also works for the Diocesan Board of Education joined us for our Termly Pupil Progress meetings and commented on how well all the staff knew their children and what they needed as their next steps.

Head teachers

All Academy Head teachers have been visiting the schools in the Academy to see them in action as well as look at Maths in each school so we can support each other and share good practice.


Foundation Stage Profiles

These are completed at the end of the year but assessment is ongoing and information is being gathered ready to complete the profiles by both schools using Tapestry.

Key Stage 1 Assessment

Boddington is to be moderated by the LEA this year (it was 4 Years since the last moderation). Boddington and Culworth Key Stage 1 have already met and moderated together.

Key Stage 2 Assessment

Boddington and Culworth are to be moderated by the LEA this Year (it was 4 Years since the last moderation). Both Schools are moderating their writing and have already done so in the Cluster.



Karen, Susan and I have met with Catherine Walker from the LEA who we are still buying back her services to check our finances each term. We have set the two Schools budgets which will be presented to you at the next Governors meeting. Karen attended Bursar training at Chacombe and the Bursars have met together several times to work through and to agree the handbook.


Rob Diamond from Peter Smiths Architects applied on our behalf to the Government for additional work to be done. Unfortunately neither school was successful (Only 6 schools in Northampton were). We are awaiting for feedback from the Government as to why we were not successful so we can see about reapplying!


Easter Services

Both schools had successful Easter Services which were held in their churches in April with all children having the opportunity to take part and parents and friends attending.


Simon Liebling came to talk to Reception about Jewish Festivals.

Celebration assemblies

In both schools all classes have held celebration assemblies for the parents to share the work they have been doing

Parents Evenings

Both schools held their parent’s evenings in March and these were well attended.

Red Nose Day

Both schools wore red to raise money for this.

Jan Hooper our Cluster Parent Support worker

Jan is no longer working for the Cluster as Chenderit have stopped our arrangement. We are investigating the possibility of appointing our own Primary Cluster Parent Support Worker

Northampton Music and Performing Arts Trust

Culworth has been fortunate to be given training for The Den and Mrs Darley on Samba Drumming for 10 weeks in school during the day.

Culworth received a Brass music morning from the Music School.

Walk for water

The Drey and Eyrie both took part in this at Culworth.

Drumming workshop

Both schools had an African drumming workshop and all classes took part

Lion king

Both Schools Year 4, 5 and 6 children attended the show the ‘Lion King’ in London. I would like to thank staff for helping make this such a success and to congratulate the children on their excellent behaviour during a long day.


Boddingtons Reception and Year 1 went to look closely at the African animals at Twycross Zoo.


Reception and Year 1 from Culworth along with Culworth and Boddington’s Year 2 and 3 all went to Whipsnade to look more closely at the African Animals.


Both Schools have begun swimming again for this term. Boddington to Daventry and Culworth to Brackley. Culworth were invited to take part in Woodford Halse cross country. All children in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to take part in extra PE sessions and competitions at Chenderit on alternate Thursdays.


Atomic tom has started his science clubs at Culworth again on a Wednesday.

Culworth clubs are as follows this term

Lunch time / After school
Monday / Orchestra
Tuesday / Gardening Club
Sports Club / Sports Club
Drama Club
Wednesday / Basketball / Rock School
Thursday / Choir / Sports Activities at Chenderit
Friday / Archery

Boddington clubs are as follows this term

Before School / Lunch time / After school
Wednesday / Archery
Thursday / Musical Drama / Choir / Sports Activities at Chenderit
Friday / Football / Basketball

I would like to thank all parents, friends and staff who kindly give their time to run and support these clubs.