Culver City High School 2017-18
Japanese 1 Ms. Akiko Sato e-mail address:
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a beginning level Japanese class where students will be introduced to Japanese customs and culture and develop basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, there will be many opportunities to explore Japanese customs and culture through food, videos, projects, music, art and sports. Though more will be covered over the course of the year, the following essential standards/skills are what every student must master in order to be considered minimally proficient in this course.
Students will be able to:
1. Read and write hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji (Chinese characters)
2. Describe things in the classroom using polite non-past form of copula(です), affirmative/negative form and make a question.
3. Tell the time, day, days of the week and days of the month.
4. Introduce themselves and greet each other with a small weather talk. Describe their own family members as well as other people’s family members with their names, ages, grades, nationality, jobs and phone number with past tense of copula (でした).
5. Describe everyday activities using verb 〜ますform (polite non-past: affirmative/negative form), past events using verb 〜ました (polite past: affirmative/negative form) and dictionary form of 18 basic verbs.
6. Express their hobbies, preferences, skills using adjectives (すき/きらい、じょうず/へた)with adverbs of degrees (とても、すこし、まあまあ、あまり、ぜんぜん).
7. Invite someone to do an activity together (〜ませんか)and accept the invitation as well as decline it. (えいがをみませんか。いいですね。そうしましょう。/ざんねんですが、えいがはちょっと、、、。)
8. Make suggestions to do something using 〜ましょう. (いっしょにおひるごはんを食べましょう。)
Adventures in Japanese 1 (Hiromi Peterson & Naomi Hirano-Omizo)
MATERIALS NEEDED EVERY DAY: 1) textbook, 2) workbook (copy), 3) pencils and an eraser, 4) colored pen, and 5) a three-hole binder and loose leaf notebook
*If you cannot bring your materials for a legitimate reason, please talk to the teacher.
TARDY POLICY: All students are expected to be punctual and prepared for each class daily. A student is tardy if he/she is not in his/her correct seat and prepared to begin class at the ringing of the tardy bell.
ABSENCES: If you miss a class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to do the followings: 1) find out about the materials covered and any announcements made in class; 2) find out the homework by contacting your classmates and/or checking Sato Sensei’s website; and 3) talk to the teacher if you need to make up any quiz or test during the lunchtime or afterschool.
GRADING POLICY: The grade breakdown and the grading scales are as follows. Check your parent’s portal site regularly to catch up with your grade.
Class Participation 10% A = 92 - 100% C = 72 – 77.9%
Projects 10% A - = 90 - 91.9% C- = 70 – 71.9%
Quizzes 30% B+ = 88 – 89.9% D+ = 68 – 69.9%
Tests 30% B = 82 – 87.9% D = 62 – 67.9%
Final Exam 20% B - = 80 – 81.9% D- = 60 – 61.9%
Total 100% C+ = 78 – 79.9% F = below 60%
HOMEWORK: Students are expected to spend approximately 20 minutes a day studying at home. Homework will be usually assigned Monday through Friday, except projects that require long periods of time. All homework is due at the beginning of the period on the next day. However, homework is checked only once on Friday. On Friday, we will decide the day that we check homework for the week. If you did the homework on that day, you are considered to have done all the week’s homework. Although homework is not included in the grade per se, it is recorded as “Work Habits” on the report card.
CLASS WORK: Once class work is assigned and time is given to complete it, it will be collected without an advance notice. When you are absent, you can submit it on the next day of your return. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up the work. Like homework assignments, class work assignments are recorded as “Work Habits” on the report card.
LATE WORK/MAKE-UP WORK: In order to get the full credit, you have to submit your work on time. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. When there is an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to check Ms. Sato’s web site for work and see the teacher upon return to school to receive any missing assignments. The student will have the same amount of days as those missed to make up the assignments. Full credit will only be given in the case of an excused absence. Unexcused late work will be accepted on the following terms: one day late=half credit, two or more days late=very little to no credit.
CLASS PARTICIPATION: Class participation is very important. Every class, students are expected to participate orally in class. Students earn 5 points every week if they participate in class. However, if students distract a class by breaking a rule, they will be subtracted points. (See CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS.)
PROJECTS: Either group or individual projects are presented in class each semester. The rubric for the assessment will be informed for each project.
QUIZ/TEST/FINAL EXAM: Students are expected to take Quizzes every week (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji, etc.), a Test at the end of each Section or Chapter, and Final Exam at the end of each semester. Each quiz, test, exam day will be posted on the board in the classroom as well as my website.
MAKE-UP POLICY: It is YOUR responsibility to contact the teacher and take a missing Quiz/Test. Make-up Quiz or Test should be taken during the week of your return. When a student doesn’t take a missing test on the make-up day, he/she will receive an automatic 0 on the test missed. Note: When students miss a quiz/test due to truancy, they will automatically receive 0 on the quiz/test.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Culver City High School believes that personal integrity is basic to all achievements. Cheating, plagiarism, or any other sort of dishonest behavior will NOT be condoned. Plagiarism includes copying homework or any other work that is not one’s own, and showing other’s work when assignments are checked. It also includes but not limited to using your own work completed in the past. During the test, all materials must be closed and stored out of sight. Anyone discovered cheating or helped cheating others will receive an automatic 0 point and will be subject to disciplinary action.
CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS: I would like to create a safe, positive environment for all students in our class. In order to maintain good learning environment, I would expect you to behave as follows:
1. Be respectful to yourself, your teacher and classmates. Any and all forms of disrespect (including foul language) will not be tolerated.
2. Be respectful to all the classroom equipment and materials.
3. No eating, chewing gum or drinking except water during class.
4. Electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight.
5. Take off sunglasses and hats before you enter the classroom.
6. Be at your seat before the bell rings and remain in your seat unless directed to move by the teacher.
7. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before you speak.
8. You may go to the restroom only in emergencies. There are only three times per semester. Refrain from using the restroom during the first and last 10 minutes of class.
9. Only Japanese class’s materials should be on the desk during class.
These are the consequences for violating class rules. One check mark means minus one point from the participation points.
1st offense: check mark and verbal warning
2nd offense: check mark and student/teacher conference
3rd offense: check mark and detention
4th offense: check mark and detention and contact parents
5th offense: check mark and Saturday school
If the violation is severe, such as shouting in the classroom, using profanity or demonstration of a threat to others physically or psychologically, the teacher reserves the right to skip the normal sequence and immediately remove the student from class. The student will receive Saturday school.
PARENTS’ PORTAL SITE: Parents are strongly encouraged to check their children’s grades regularly through the parents’ portal site ( The teacher may not contact parents if their children’s grade drop. Please contact the teacher if you would like to get advice on how to improve your child’s academic development.
TEACHER AVAILABILITY: I am available at Room 3 during lunch every day and by appointment after school. If you have any questions or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Classroom: Room 3
Phone number: (310) 842-4200 ext. 6003
------Cut & Return------
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT for Ms. Sato’s Japanese 1 class:
I have reviewed the course syllabus and I clearly understand and will abide by it.
Student Name: (Print) ______Period: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
If there is anything that you would like the teacher know about your child, please write down here.
Thank you very much!