Culloden-Balloch Baptist Church


Name of Organisation......

Contact Person......




Telephone No :......

Email Address:......

Dates required:......

Times Required :......

(Please include time for set up and clear up afterwards)

No of people likely to attend :Adults……………… Children under 16 years………………

Catering requirements – Please state options and timesrequired:



Please indicate the room(s) of the church premises you require:

Main Auditorium / Meeting Room / Classroom(1 or 2) / Pastoral Room / Café-Foyer / Kitchen / Crèche

Layout Requested………………………………………………………………………………......

Purpose of Let......

CHILD PROTECTION : As a Condition of Let, if the nature of your group membership activity is working directly with young people under the age of 16, you are required to provide on demand a copy (or evidence of) a Child Protection Policy statement for your Organisation. Lets will not be granted if evidence of a policy is not presented on demand.

Public Liability Insurance: I confirm that the organisation I represent has adequate Public Liability Insurance to cover injury and property damage to third parties as a result of negligence for those who will be using CBC premises as specified above.

I confirm that I have read and agree with Culloden-Balloch Baptist Church Terms and Conditions of Hire

Signature of Applicant :......

Print Name......

Date of Application :......

When completed, please return this form to:

Culloden-Balloch Baptist Church Office, Wellside Road, Balloch, INVERNESS IV2 7GS

Telephone: 01463 794005

Registered Scottish Charity Number SC027503

Culloden-Balloch Baptist Church (Culloden Baptist Church)

Agreement - Terms and Conditions of Hire

  1. This contract is between Culloden-Balloch Baptist Church, herein referred to as CBBC, Wellside Road, Balloch and the client as per the booking form.
  2. The person making the booking for and on behalf of the client warrants to CBBC that he / she has the authority so to do – failing this he / she will be personally liable under this contract.
  3. All applications for the hire of CBBC premises be made on the appropriate form. The Hirer shall sign the form and must be aged 18 or over. The facilities must not be used for purposes other than stated on the application form.
  4. The contract is effective once an email has been issued by CBBC to the Client in response to the finalised booking enquiry.
  5. Full payment of the account will be required within 28 days of the let taking place. (Unless otherwise agreed in writing with CBBC).
  6. In the event of cancellation by the Hirer of a confirmed booking, a cancellation charge will be made at the discretion of CBBC.
  7. All hires are to be authorised by CBBC and will be subject to the charges approved by the Trustees. Hire charges will be in accordance with the pricing policy operating at the time of the Let.
  8. Time must be allocated within the Let period to allow for preparation and cleaning up. All groups are asked to co-operate by vacating the premises in time, so that all users get the full time for which they have paid.
  9. Only the rooms allocated within a let are to be used.
  10. If the event exceeds the time period stated on the contract CBBC reserves the right to increase the room hire charge accordingly.
  11. The client hereby undertakes to indemnify CBBC for any damage to the premises or contents whether or not owned by CBBC caused by the event or any person attending the event.
  12. CBBC accepts no liability for loss or damage to property owned by, or in the custody of, the client and/or guests while that property is on the premises at CBBC and the client is advised to arrange adequate insurance cover.
  13. The Hirer shall be held responsible for all damage to the premises during the Let and will be liable for all costs incurred to repair such damage by CBBC approved tradesmen only.
  14. Without limiting any other aspect of these conditions the hirer will indemnify CBBC from and against all actions and claims, including loss of properties belonging to the hirer or users. CBBC strongly recommends that for the protection of the client hiring its facilities, the client takes out suitable insurance such as Public Liability Insurance, to cover injury and property damage to third parties for which organisers could be held responsible as a result of their negligence.
  15. CBBC is not responsible for valuables or equipment left on the premises.
  16. CBBC will not be liable for failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this Agreement to the extent such compliance is prevented, hindered or delayed by any cause beyond its control.
  17. The benefit of this Agreement is personal to the client and may not be assigned.
  18. A key holder will be appointed by CCBC for opening and locking up purposes.
  19. CBBC reserves the right to refuse applications from organisations and individuals at the sole discretion of the Trustees (without explanation).
  20. Use of the audio-visual equipment and the kitchen will be dependent on approved persons being available to oversee their use. Use of the audio-visual equipment is a separate chargeable item. The equipment and approved persons required must be confirmed at the time of booking.
  21. The Hirer shall leave the premises, including toilets, in a clean and tidy condition. Carpet sweeper, brushes and mop and bucket are provided if required. They can be found in the cupboard marked ‘Staff Only’ in corridor. Special cleaning charges may be levied where required.
  22. Hirers are responsible for maintaining good order and behaviour when using CBBC premises and may be required to provide stewards. Due regard must be paid to other users and local residents.
  23. No food or drink is allowed within the auditorium, unless by prior arrangement. Seating in the auditorium is to be replaced as per the designated seating plan.
  24. Persons or Organisations who have been granted a Let are responsible for all persons present. Persons must also be fully aware of FIRE REGULATIONS within the church premises and familiarise themselves with fire doors and routes of escape.
  25. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated, and may result in eviction from the premises.
  26. CBBC has a zero tolerance policy with respect to alcohol, smoking and drugs. No smoking is allowed in any part of the building, including the external grounds. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be admitted to the premises.
  27. No animals except guide dogs are permitted on the premises.
  28. It will be the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure that all equipment or property brought into the premises is in safe and sound condition and complies with all relevant safety conditions. CBBC reserves the right to exclude any equipment or property deemed unsuitable. Any electrical equipment brought onto CBBC premises must have a current PAT Tested sticker attached to it. No equipment that is not covered by a current PAT Certificate can be used in the premises.
  29. Bookings by schools shall be under the supervision of the Head Teacher or delegated member of staff throughout the duration of the Let.
  30. The Hirer shall commit no infringement of the copyright act. Hirers will relieve CBBC from all claims and actions. The Hirers must accept the sole responsibility for their productions and performances and the unauthorised use of copyright production is prohibited. Commercial hirers are responsible for completion of music licence forms for any function at which music is performed, either by records, bands, signing etc. and the deliverance of the rights fees and VAT may be added to the hire charge.
  31. Food Safety

The Kitchen facilities may only be used where they are supervised by someone with an appropriate food hygiene certificate. Children under 16 are not permitted in the kitchen without adult supervision.

a. Hirers are required to ensure compliance with the Food Safety Act 1990, the Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and any subsequent related regulations.

b. Hirers are expected to familiarise themselves with the facilities available and to ensure that they are adequate for the purpose intended.

c. Hirers must:

i. Have a documented food safety management system.

ii. Have trained staff on duty i.e. they have undergone a food safety course equivalent to the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) Elementary Certificate in Food Hygiene, courses for which are run by HC.

iii. Ensure that food has been prepared in such a way that it will not result in any civil action being raised.

  1. CBBC promotes the well being of children (those under 18) and vulnerable adults (“both herein referred to as “the vulnerable”) in our area and as such requires that where adults have substantial access to the vulnerable there must be a Protection of the Vulnerable Group Scheme (“PVG”) / policy in place for the group. All Lets with the vulnerable must have such a Scheme / policy in place, and must have the minimum number of adults in charge,who have passed criminal record checks, as laid out in the CBBC PVG Scheme and Guidelines.
  2. By accepting these Terms and Conditions the client confirms that they have such a policy in place. Details of the Scheme/policy must be made available on request in order to verify the position.
  3. Any breach of the conditions of the Let may result in the termination of it at the discretion of CBBC, and prejudice the granting of any future applications. CBBC reserves the right to terminate or refuse admission at any time.
  4. All disputes shall be settled by the Trustees of CBBC, whose decision shall be final.

Permission to Photograph or film

For the safety and privacy of users, you must register your wish to use a camera, video camera or mobile phone with camera/videoing facilities within these premises with a staff member.

Permission from all participants in the group must be sought. If children are in the group (U18’s), written permission to be photographed/recorded must be sought from parents and proof may require to be shown to CBBC staff.

Using camera/camcorder equipment is at the group’s/individuals own risk and is not the responsibility of the CBBC Trustees.

May 2017