Saturday Seminars

Roundup Encore Sessions

These series of Saturday Seminars are “Encore Presentations” of some of the speakers at the Cowtown Quality Roundup (Fort Worth conference) held last April.

  • The biggest complaint at the 2009 Cowtown Quality Roundup was that there were “too many choices”. Participants had to choose from several great topics, giving up others they really wanted to also attend.
  • Instead of waiting another year to get those presentations, we are going to start “Encore Presentations” on Saturday mornings.
  • We’ll do one this month, then pick up more in the fall and winter months.
  • Your favorite local speakers will return! These presentations will also permit members who cannot attend our monthly Professional Development (dinner) Meetings due to other obligations or commute challenges.
  • Each presentation will be worth .25 RU towards certification renewals.

Click below for details

Jan 16– Managing My Career – Staying Fresh & PresentableFREE –8:45 – 12:00 (3 hr)

– Leadership and People Development: Topics, Truths, and TipsStan Renteria

Feb 20– Malice in NumberlandFREE - 8:45 – 12:00 (3 hr)

– SPC for Right-Brained ThinkersLon Roberts

Mar 20– Quality Audits for Performance ImprovementFREE - 8:45 – 12:00 (3 hr)

– ASQ Body of Knowledge – How to Access ItPradip Mehta

Where:UTA Riverbend, 7300 Jack Newell Blvd. South, Fort Worth, TX76118

- near 820E and Randoll Mill RdMapQuest Map

Pre-Registration Requested: coffee provided – lunch on own (we’ve been calling it in)

Go to:

… at bottom left of page: Click: Saturday Seminars (if requests password, click cancel and continue)

Click: Respond to Survey

…complete survey (name, contact information, etc.)

Click: Save and Close you’re done!

Roundup “Encore” Presentations – Jan 16

When:Saturday, Jan 16 – 8:45 AM – 12:00 PM

Where:UTA Ft Worth Riverbend, Jack Newell Blvd near 820E and Randol Mill Rd

Cost:NOTHING – NO COST! A benefit of your membership in Section 1416.

coffee available @ 25c a cup / soda available too / break snacks provided / finish by lunch

Register:follow link to last page

Topic 1:Managing My Career…Staying Fresh and Presentable"

Regardless of what you do or ‘who’ you know, there are some positive steps that can be taken to more effectively manage our own careers.

We should…..

  • Organize our personal information so that it’s updated and ready for action.
  • Be ready to assemble a nicely-packaged response to unexpected opportunities…..those that ‘suddenly drop’ right in front of you.
  • Be able and willing to offer help to others without making it a huge effort on your part.

This session will cover a few basic applicable areas:

  • My Resume and Cover Letter - Here’s where the organizing begins. These documents are your personal sales reps. They go where you cannot. When people read them, can they tell ‘who I am’ and ‘where I’m going’? What should I make sure to include and what should I make sure to leave out?
  • Presenting Myself - Am I ready now for a phone or face-to-face interview? Have I asked myself some of the common interviewing questions? Do I have well-thought-out answers for them? What are some good tips that I may not have thought of?
  • My Network - Networking is for everyone. Should I be networking? With who? When? Where? How do I tailor networking to fit my personal situation? A short ‘Networking Workshop’ will be included.

Topic 2:Leadership and People Development: Topics, Truths, and Tips

It has been said that “Achieving success, however you define it, is ultimately about knowing and executing those behaviors that are tied to what’s most important to you and to the organization. Successful people understand the need for discipline and focus on those behaviors and practices that drive results, rather than focusing only on the results themselves”.

During this session, we will review numerous topics in leadership and personal development that have yielded time-tested results that reinforce some truths…. some ‘good’ and some ‘ugly’….about what it takes to get onto the success path. If you’d like a little ‘boost’ to refocus on personal development and achievement of success, then this session is for you! You will walk away loaded-up with lots of ‘bullets’…..great ideas and tips that will ‘stir up’ some of those principles that we all know, but may have faded into the background!

Speaker: Renteria, Stan

Stan is currently a Senior QA Manager at Medtronic Powered Surgical Solutions in Fort Worth, Texas, a division of Medtronic, Inc., a medical device manufacturer headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His career has been focused in manufacturing and quality, having previously worked for companies such as GM, Rockwell, and Motorola.

Over the past several years, Stan has actively cultivated his interest in leadership and self-improvement and takes the opportunity to sharpen and practice these 'soft skills' daily in his effort to add value to people around him. Stan is a member of Toastmasters International and is an active member of the ASQ Fort Worth Section’s Leadership Committee. He holds CSSGB and CQIA certifications.

Roundup “Encore” Presentations – Feb 20

When:Saturday, Feb 20– 8:45 AM – 12:00 PM

Where:UTA Ft Worth Riverbend, Jack Newell Blvd near 820E and Randol Mill Rd

Cost:NOTHING – NO COST! A benefit of your membership in Section 1416.

coffee available @ 25c a cup / soda available too / break snacks provided / finish by lunch


Register:follow link to last page

Topic 1: Malice in Numberland

This presentation offers compelling evidence that the use of "creative statistics" is on the rise. Laced with examples, some humorous, some outrageous, Lon's insights on how, why, and where this is happening will help you guard against being unwittingly manipulated by quantitative data. The insights will benefit users as well as purveyors of statistical data in the workplace.

Topic 2: SPC for Right-Brain Thinkers

This presentation describes what analytical-types can and must do to bridge the communications gap between themselves and the so-called "right-brain" thinkers who are front-line providers of professional services to customers. SPC is used, both literally and metaphorically, to demonstrate how this can be accomplished.

Speaker: Lon Roberts

Lon is a principal partner and senior consultant for the Texas-based consulting firm, Roberts & Roberts Associates Spanning a 35-year career, Lon has held positions with E-Systems/Raytheon, the Alliance for Higher Education, and Texas State Technical College. In the latter he was professor and chairman of the Electronics, Nuclear, and Laser Electro-Optics programs. Among other areas, Lon has expertise in measurement systems, project management, and process reengineering.

In his presentations, Lon uses a blend of humor, style, and substance to make the presentations both engaging and relevant to the participants. He is especially passionate about making technical topics and quantitative methods accessible to “end-users.” He also enjoys helping technical specialists bridge the communications gap between them and their non-technical peers.

In addition to a forthcoming book titled Leading Accelerated Projects, Lon has authored numerous articles and four books—his latest titled SPC for Right-Brain Thinkers: Process Control for Non-Statisticians as well as a Quality Press bestseller titled Process Reengineering: The Key to Achieving Breakthrough Success.

Roundup “Encore” Presentations – Mar 20

When:Saturday, Mar 20– 8:45 AM – 12:00 PM

Where:UTA Ft Worth Riverbend, Jack Newell Blvd near 820E and Randol Mill Rd

Cost:NOTHING – NO COST! A benefit of your membership in Section 1416.

coffee available @ 25c a cup / soda available too / break snacks provided / finish by lunch

Register:follow link to last page

Topic 1:Quality Audits for Performance Improvement

Without continuous improvement any organization today will not be able to survive, never mind prospering. One of the most effective tools in identifying opportunities is quality system audit. The quality audit is a management tool used to evaluate, confirm or verify activities related to quality. A properly conducted quality audit is positive and constructive process. It helps prevent problems in the organization being audited through the identification of activities liable to create future problems.

Problems generally arise through the inefficiency or inadequacy. The quality audit has negative connotations for some people. These feelings develop through the abuse of the audit process. This results from its useas a means of assigning blame or determining punitive actions. In this session you will learn how to use quality audit for improvement rather than compliance.

Topic 2:ASQ Body of Knowledge (BOK) – How to Access It

A "body of knowledge is the sum of generally accepted knowledge on a specific subject." In this session you will learn how to access ASQ's Quality body of knowledge, on ASQ's web site,which contains practical and academic content and data useful in defining, achieving, measuring, controlling and improving quality; quality historical facts and philosophies; useful tutorials, tools and technologiesgenerally accepted by quality professionals and practitioners

Speaker: Mehta, Pradip

Pradip, a Fellow of the American Society for Quality, is currently teaching and consulting and dividing his time between U.S.A. and India. He has 32 years of experience in managing quality of consumer products. He retired as the Director of Quality Assurance from the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), popularly known as Px and Bx stores.

Pradip was ISO 9000 Lead Auditor for 10 years and he is an ASQ certified quality auditor (CQA). He is on the Panel of Judges for the Texas Award for Performance Excellence and conducts CQA refresher classes for the Ft. Worth and Dallas Sections of ASQ.

Pradip has a Master's degree in Textile Engineering and an MBA and he is a Professional Engineer. Pradip has written two books “Managing Quality in the Apparel Industry” and “An Introduction to Quality Assurance for the Retailers.”

Pradip is active in ASQ as a member of the Publications Management Board, the Examining Committee and Freund-Marquette Medal Committee and a reviewer of papers for the annual conference.

Registration Action

Pre-Registration Requested:

Go to:

(if you get a password request, click CANCEL and continue)

… at bottom left of page: Click: Saturday Seminars

Click: Respond to Survey

…complete survey (name, contact information, etc.)

Click: Save and Close you’re done!See you there Saturday, bright & early!