Software Requirements Specifications / Date
CS 008 Introduction to World Wide Web Design Summer 2012
Connor Williams
Assignment Two
The World in Pictures
Version <1.0>
Time LogDate / Time Spent (in hours) / Description / Author
5/28/12 / 2.5 / First Version of Software Requirements / Robert Erickson
10/11/12 / 3.5 / Site Startup.Story board.Came up with my site concept. Created assign2 folder. Mirrored the process of the startup video. Changed titles and descriptions accordingly. / Connor Williams
10/12/12 / 3.0 / Photos page. Thumbnails and windows with java. Flexible grid adjustments. Table adjustments / Connor Williams
10/15/12 / 3.0 / Created transparent image. Created animated gif image. Put them into a table in on the pics page. Wrote Photos Content / Connor Williams
10/16/12 / 6.0 / Created image map. Finished Content. Extended attempt at javascript image... Css styling. Font styling. Final formatting. / Connor Williams
Table Of Contents
Software Requirements Specifications
Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
Overall Description
Story Board
Specific requirements
Software Requirements Specifications
The purpose of this document is to describe the requirement specification for the web site “The World in Pictures”.
The intended audience for this document is the prospective developers of this site.
The web site to be created is a site designed to show pictures and information about my outdoor adventures.
Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
HTML – Hypertext markup language
CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
W3 Validation – refers to both Html and CSS validation tool provided by the the html validator is located at:
with the CSS validator located at:
The rest of this document contains an overall description of the The World in Pictures web site.
Overall Description
It is your responsibility to come up with the content (both photos, pictures and text) for this site. The site will have a minimum of eleven graphics as outlined in the specifications.
The web site to be created is a site designed to show pictures and information about my outdoor adventures.
Story Board
Specific requirements
- Location – all files will be located in cs008/assign2 on your uvm account. This will make them viewable on the web at this URL:
failure to have your site located at the above URL by the due dates will result in a zero on the assignment. Be sure to pay attention to the lowercase letters. - Html Validation – All pages will pass W3C Html validation for html 5.
- CSS Validation – All pages will pass W3C 3.0 CSS validation.
- Meta Information – All pages will contain a proper title tag, Meta tags (author, character set and description.
- Head Section – put the doctype and head section information in a file named top.php so you can include it all the pages.
- Header – All pages will contain a header with the logo about your site. File name should be header.php
- Navigation – All pages will contain navigation to all other pages on the site using an ordered list. File name should be menu.php
- Content – Each page will have a minimum of 150 words not counting titles, lists or links. Use the article, aside or section html elements. All files will use .php extension (main.php, photos.php, pics.php).
- Browser compatibility - This site will be checked on Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer.
- Screen Resolutions – This site should function on several different screen resolutions. IPhone, IPad, Laptop, Desktop (1024).
- Footer – All pages will contain a footer with the content determined by you. Filename will be footer.php
- Your site will be broken up into separate functional files, ie header, nav, footer. You will use .php extension and include these files in each page.
- Create a photos.phpwhich will be a table with photos
- Include at least nine thumbnail pictures (no larger than 150 pixels x 150 pixels).
- Clicking on a thumbnail will triggera JavaScript function to open a new window with the full size picture in it.
- Be sure the window is the same size as your picture plus a border all around (ie about 30 pixels larger than the full size image).
- Each full size image will be no larger than 700 pixels wide.
- You may use any photos as long as you have permission.
- Create a pics.php which will contain the following types of images that you have created yourself.
- animated gif image
- transparent image
- Use JavaScript to have different image based on the time of day (min threepossible images, like morning noon and night)
- Create an image map (this image you don’t have to create) with at least three links.
- CSS – all pages will have a linked style sheet. I will be looking for a flexible layout like my sample (it can look different it just needs to be flexible). Be sure to use classes and ID’s as needed.